Custody Battle

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Melissa's POV:
I woke up to screaming and yelling and walked out of my room and quietly made my way to the kitchen. Mom and dad were arguing, I didn't know what about. They didn't even see me sneak through the living room. Being short and small pays off sometimes. I thought to myself with a slight smirk. I grabbed the cereal box and made my way to my sister's room. I walked in and she was crying.

"SISSY!" I blurted, mom and dad couldn't hear me over their own yelling. I hugged my sister. "What's wrong?!" I looked at her with worries eyes.

"M-mom and dad are getting d-divorced." She chokes through tears. We couldn't get out today, grandma and grandpa were in the mountains on vacation. A divorce?! I thought feeling a lump grow in my throat and I tried to be the strong one and not cry, it failed. I broke down in tears.

My sister and I hugged each other and my brother walked in. He came over and sat on the bed, he wrapped his arms around us. "Shhhh, shhh." He tried fo calm us down.

+—time skip to a month later—+

Dad started drinking more, he got drunk at least twice a week. I could tell he was hurt. I stayed away from him when he was drunk, he had never hurt us before, even when he was drunk, I just didn't like the scent of alcohol. Today was the court date, so he came home sober. Thank God, maybe he will get custody. I silently thought. Us three kids got dressed.

I wore a gray muscle shirt with black jeans and black tennis shoes. My style had changed over the last few months. I used to wear bright colors, but I changed. My sister was wearing a purple tank top with a black skirt and flats. My brother wore a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. We heard mom yell for us to come get to the car. Dad drove his car, while we were stuck with mom.

"Y'all better be good." She muttered angrily. I sighed and muttered a barely audible "yes ma'am." My elbow rested on the car door and I stared out the window on the ride. The car was silent for the entire ride.

We finally got to the courthouse and I was told to sit in the peanut gallery thing. I looked up at the judge and felt intimidated. Cold air wafted over me and I didn't have a good feeling about this. My dad, mom, brother, and sister all had to swear to telling the truth. Doesn't matter if it's on the Bible, mom will still lie.

I listened to each of them give their piece, mom played victim. She was given custody over us. My dad got in the car after giving us kids a hug and a kiss on the forehead. A sad look was in his eyes, I could have swore I saw him tear up, but I wasn't sure. Before I knew it, he was driving away. "Dad..." my brother whispered. We went home, and that was when mine and my siblings' lives became a living hell.

(Hey guys! Here's chapter two! Hope y'all enjoyed!)

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