The Start

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    Author's Note:
Firstly, thanks so much for deciding to read my story. I just want to put out a disclaimer: I have no idea if something like this has already been made. I came up with this idea May 8, 2020. Some of what you will read is from my own personal experience. Writing is not a career of mine, so please excuse any errors. Also, please excuse me if I do not update timely. This is just a fun side project during quarantine.

The Start

They say every day is a new day, but why can't I get what happened last week out of my mind? Break-ups are always hard, but this ache in my heart feels unreal.

     I sigh and lift my body off my bed. I would much rather stay in bed and binge eat, but college doesn't agree with that plan. Today's the first day of my second year in college. I spent the last 3 years with my now ex-boyfriend, Aiden, and even though I know I do not need a man to be happy, I feel like a stranger in my own world. How does one suddenly forget 3 years worth of habits and routines?

       After Aiden and I broke up, I vowed to myself that I would not let the situation change how I do in school. And I won't. My future is far too important for me to slack off and cry over a broken heart.

        I registered for 6 classes this semester: Anatomy & Physiology 1, World Literature, Federal Government, Biology, College Algebra, and Business Statistics. Thankfully, I don't have them all on the same days. Anatomy & Physiology 1, Business Statistics, and College Algebra are on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays. The others are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Taking up this much workload will surely force me to focus on my academics rather than a relationship.

         After completing my morning workout and eating breakfast, I head out the doors of my apartment and into my car. I live about 10 minutes away from my university, so I tend to meditate while driving. I tried my best to de-stress before my first class. Not only did I have post-breakup feels, but I also had the start of college classes to worry about.

I pulled into a parking spot next to the Science & Technology building since my first class is there. Looking at the time, I realize I had less than 5 minutes before class started. I rushed out my car and speed walked to the building. Before I could even get close to opening the doors, I was stopped in my tracks by a guy. He had brown wavy hair, hazel green eyes, and a body that shows he probably works out.

"Hey! My name's Sam. I'm a part of the university's e-sports team. We're looking for new members. Anyone is welcome. Here's a flyer."

I look down at the flyer in front of me. Video games? I look back up at the guy and scoff, "We are at college to study for actual careers. Not to play video games." I bite my tongue, realizing how mean I possibly sounded. Before I could apologize, he replies, "Professional gaming is a career. You might like it if you actually tried it." Despite my obvious disinterest in gaming, he still smiles at me. Damn. That smile though.

I shake those thoughts out my mind. I do not need to worry about some cute guy. I politely smile at him and, without saying anything, I walk away. I only have 1 minute to make it to my class, and I am not going to spend it arguing about how gaming isn't really a sustainable career. I do feel bad for snapping at him; the last thing I want to do is make someone feel less than because of what they enjoy doing. I take a deep breath. I probably won't see him again to apologize.

I walk into my Anatomy class and happy sigh when I see that not everyone has arrived yet. I don't like any type of awkward situation which is why I was in a rush to make it to class on time. My friends have tried to get me to loosen up, but I can't afford to do that. You don't become a doctor by slacking off and skipping class.

50 minutes of discussing the syllabus pass, and I make my way out the classroom to head to my next class. Thankfully, my M/W/F classes are in the same building so I can take my time walking. As I'm walking down the hallway, I see the guy from this morning! I can't remember his name, though. Deciding to own up to my actions, I walk towards him and tap his shoulder. He turns to face me, and I realize just how tall and handsome he really is. He has got to be at least 5'11.

I smile at him, hoping he remembers me or this will be so awkward. I see his eyes light up and he says, "Hey, you're the anti-gamer girl!". My cheeks turn red in embarrassment. I stutter, "U-uh, I wouldn't say 'anti'. Uh, I just wanted to apologize if I offended you earlier. It wasn't my intention. I was running late, and I hate being late. The last thing I want to do is dismiss what obviously makes you happy. I-"

He cuts off my rambling by laughing. "It's okay honestly. You didn't offend me, but if you think you did then maybe you should make it up to me." He smirks and I hold my palm to my face to cover my blush.

Is he flirting?... No, he's probably just messing with me. I ignore his remark and say, "Again, I'm sorry. I have to go to class now." I start to walk towards my classroom door, but I notice he's following me. Great, is he one of those creepy stalkers? I roll my eyes and turn to face him, blocking him from entering the class. "Can I help you?" I say to him with my eyes slightly squinted.

"Actually, yes. You can move out my way, so I can attend my class."

Oh. My. Gosh. Remember how much I hate awkward situations? This is one of them.

I turn around and enter the class. How stupid am I? Of course he isn't a stalker. As if my life is a Lifetime movie. I find myself a seat in the second row; not too close to the teacher, but also not too far in the back where heads can block me. I notice that the gamer guy has taken a seat on my right. Wow, I really need to learn his name. I'm about to ask when he says, "I don't normally sit so close, but I'll make an exception for you." He smiles so goofy that it automatically makes me smile in return.

"My name is Atalie. I'm sorry for this morning and 5 minutes ago. I'm not normally that mean. " My smile turns into a frown as I realize his first impression of me wasn't very good. I think he noticed my mood change because he says, "I'm Sam. Short for Samuel. Again, it's okay. We can start over with a cup of coffee after class." Though it seemed like a demand, he actually said it in a suggestive, hopeful tone.

Instead of leaving him hanging, I answer," I have a class right after this. Sorry." I assumed he would give up, but he brought up another offer. "I'll be available whenever you are."

... Girls and guys can be friends, right? I can cut off relationships, but it doesn't mean I have to cut off friendships. Even if that friend is a tall piece of sexiness.

Oh my gosh, what am I saying? I should not be thinking like this. It feels so wrong after I just got out of a 3 year relationship.

I hear Sam clear his throat, and I realize that I have been silently staring at him for a minute. "S-sure. Why not? I'll be available anytime after 12." I give him a shy smile, whereas he gives me a huge one.

        For the first time all week, I actually felt happiness glow in my heart. I think we'll be good friends.

That's all for chapter one. If you're reading this, thank you so much for choosing this book & reading the first chapter. I'll do my best to update weekly. Stay safe, healthy, and happy. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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