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A/N:The event that happened with the aliens and all that in this story, I dont think I really made it clear, but it's referred to as 'The Drop' and the 'Solstice.' They dont really..Mention it as such, but that's the referral to the title. JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW! Because da more you know, da more smart stuff fill your brain hole! :D

"Heads Up!"

            Hilo glanced up in time to catch an apple, promptly hurled at her head. She rolled her eyes at her brother, as she stood, leaving her crossbow against the rotting tree trunk she had rested against. Gorge smirked, and went back to packing up camp. She glanced around the ash covered clearing, in what was once Times Square in the bustling state of New York, now reduced to rubble and ruins, with cloudy forlorn eyes. She was only six when the tubes dropped from the heavens. She only remembers the chaos of her family's scramble to escape the imploding lights, as she was held safely in her mother's arms, watching the events unfold. Earth's water reserves vanished, bottled water the only exception still residing. The trees were cut and taken; trees left barely survived and most withered away. Then the creatures came. The horrible, grotesque beings, at staggering heights, mercilessly slaughtered anything that breathed and moved.               She was 8, when they took her mother from her, the Deformities (Commonly called). She can only remember her scratchy throat, and hoarse tiny voice, as she screamed out for her mother. Gorge had scooped her up in his arms, and bolted from the horrific scene with their father. Snapping, then, awoke her from her trance.                                                                               "Hilo, we need to move," Gorge quietly said, his deep monotone voice a bit scratchy. Hilo slowly let her eyes drift up to her brother's roughed up, cut covered face. Such a skirmish lover, this one, picking fights where ever he goes. She, however, bared more scars then her brother, who stands at 6'4 to her 5'9. Her arms and legs are riddled in cuts and bruises, a large stitched scar that crosses over her stomach, chest, and ends at her collarbone middle. They both remember how she got this scar, there really isn't any forgetting.                                                                  She was 13, Gorge 15, their father leading them into a 2 Deformitie outlet post, for a simple supply raid. 'In and Out,' he had said.   The situation quickly turned for the worse, Gorge with his pistol ready, face caked in dirt and sticky hot blood. The chief Deformities had her, and her father, by their throats, speaking in hoarse gurgles to one another. Memories of their father's tale of "Nirvana," a cultural hub thriving with life, untouched by the plague of war. Gorge knew he had only one bullet, one choice, who to save? The next events played by slowly in Hilo's memory: A loud crack of the gun with a puff of smoke, blackish-purple blood splattered over her face and front, as a sharp pain filled her stomach area. As the huge creature plummeted to the ground, blood dribbled down her chin, blackness edging her vision. Her knees buckled. She crashed into the black, at her brother screaming her name, and the harsh gurgled scream of their father.                                                                                                                                                                       "Hilo, you okay, shrimp?" Gorge's voice broke her trance again, as he thrusted her old duffel into her arms, packing with her things. She stumbled a bit, gaining balance.                                    "Err, Yeah, I'm fine," She said, hoisting her bag over shoulder, and spitefully adding, "Tower."                                                                                                                                                         Gorge smiled, ruffled her mangled, shoulder length rat-nest of auburn hair, and headed into the woods. She went to the rotting log, clipped her crossbow to its clip on her belt loop, and hurried after, soon matching his pace and stride. She hated this part: The awkward silence when they traveled. So, she attempted to end it:                                                                                                            "Do you think we'll ever find Nirvana?"                                                                                                Gorge forcefully grabbed her shoulder, spun her around to face him, his nose to hers, and yelled, "Don't ever mention the Nirvana Concept again! Stop believing that old man's lies!"               She flinched, teary-eyed, genuinely surprised at her brother's outburst of rage, and looked down. Gorge sighed, and hugged her.                                                                                         "Sorry for yelling, you alright?" he whispered. She sniffled in response, he pulled away, and continued walking. What made him hate father so much? She wondered. She walked behind him, thinking, and quietly sighed.  She's so tired of this same routine: Stay in the shadows, set up a temporary camp for who knows how long, and continue wandering aimlessly. She sometimes wonders why Gorge even pushes them forward. If he isn't looking for father's Nirvana, then what IS he looking for? She shook her head, and blinked, as her brother grabbed her shoulder, to prevent her from walking into a giant, triangular, metal contraption.                                                   "Nnn? What is that thing?" She asked quietly, as Gorge pried off a panel, as if it was a door.                                                                                                                                                                "Let's find out," Gorge piped with bright blue eyes.                                                                          "No, are you crazy? We don't know what's inside of there, and if there's any danger or not!"                                                                                                                                                               He stared at her blankly for a moment. Silence, till he spoke.                                                       "Your right, sis," He broke into a wide, mischievous grin, "but I don't care."                          As she began to retort, he ran into the opening, and deep with the craft. She groaned, and lingered behind, biting a knuckled worriedly.                                                                                          "Gorge," She whined, "If you don't come out right now, I'm moving on without you!"               She waited for a reply, but was given none. She spun on her heel, turning to leave as she was serious, but was interrupted with her brother's deep yell and scream.                                            "Gorge!" she exclaimed, running into the metal structure, her footsteps echoing metallically.  She screamed his name, again and again, to no avail. Panic growing, she rounded a corner into another dark and deep hallway. Oh, how she hated this: These creepy abandoned Mi-Crofts, once Deformitie supply carriers. She crossed her arms, and sucked up her pride, starting to cautiously make her way down into the dark. You could've heard a pin drop, it was so silent. Her stomach drooped, as two roughly strong arms wrapped around her waist, and swooped her from the ground against its warm, breathing chest.  She screamed, and scrambled for the sheathed hunter Bowie she carried through a belt loop, when a sweet smooth laugh filled her ears.                                                                                                                                                                   "Did I scare yah, shrimp?" The cocky voice cooed softly into her ear. She felt anger well up inside her.                                                                                                                                                           "Gorge! You ijit!" She cried angrily, swinging her legs to try and hit Gorge. He laughed, and let her drop. She landed on her feet, skidded back a bit, and whirled to glare at her smirking older brother.                                                                                                                                                        "I got you inside, didn't I?" He said, crossing his arms.                                                                         "Yeah yeah, laugh it up now, but don't you get it? This thing is an old Deformitie ship!"              "And? Its abandoned, scaredy cat. C'mon, let's explore further!" Gorge suggested, taking her by the arm, and starting to walk away, dragging her.                                                                                   "No! It could still be functional!" She cried, yanking her arm back a bit too forcefully. She stumbled back, catching herself on a button riddled panel behind her. He sweaty calloused palms pressing a few. Before she could start cursing at her brother, a high pitched alarm rang shrilly throughout the Mi-Croft cabin. As the siblings covered their ears against the cry of outrage, lights began to accompany the shriek, blinding them. They stumbled over one another, bathed in the strobing lights, and shot out the hand-made door. The alarm ripped the air hoarsely, traveling for miles. They shot over the musty fallen tree, snatching up their duffels, and bailed.                           "Great. Just great! We probably have 'bout 10 minutes, 'till we got a whole Out-casing on our tails!" Gorge yelled, throwing himself over another fallen trunk, rolling and popping back up to his feet, bursting back into his sprint.                                                                                                     "This is your fault, Gorge! You just had to explore the God forsaken Mi-Croft, didn't you?" she wailed, as they both jumped a small creek, hitting the ground into faster sprints. They ran for another hour or so, till they both collapsed in a snowy ash covered clearing, lungs greedily taking in air. Gorge began to laugh, covering his eyes with a hand. She weakly smiled.                                        "Well, that happened," he spat hastily, and glanced over at her. "Wanna set up here?"                   She quietly nodded, stood, and began to unpack her old duffel. Gorge hastily set up their sleeping mats, and a fire pit ring of small stones for them to cook with. The two sat by the fire, that entire night. Chatting, reminiscing, and joking with one another. The first in a long time this has happened. After a while, Gorge's smiled wafted away and his eyes grew sad. He grabbed Hilo, as she was about to stuff a half roasted leg of squirrel meat in her mouth, and hugged her tightly, making her drop the old bent fork.                                                                                                                "G...Gorge?" she stuttered out, surprised, and a bit sad at her loss of food.                                    "Remember when I taught you how to fire a gun? It was your, what, 15th birthday? In that old raunchy cabin, after dad died. You were such a screw up, but such an excellent shot. Hit the target every time," he softly praised, running a hand through her hair.                                                       "Err, yeah, why?"                                                                                                                                "Keep it to heart, okay? I fear something might happen...Soon. And I won't be around to remind you, or reteach you."                                                                                                                           Her heart nearly stopped at her brother's words. Tears peaked from her eyes, and her voice caught in her throat, for no words came. Gorge pulled back, kissed her forehead, and stood. He walked to his mat, laid, and curled up to sleep. She didn't move for a long moment, before pulling her knees to her chest, burying her face in her arms. She slowly drifted into a deep sleep, later disturbed by gunfire, which snapped her head up to look around with wide, bewildered eyes. Her brother's prediction had come true. She looked in the direction of her brother's yell, and the bloodcurdling roar of a grotesque, malformed 7ft Deformitie male omega. It lurched for Gorge, just as she stumbled to her feet and rubbed her eyes. His gun skidded in front of her feet, as the creature's massive hand whacked against Gorge's skull with a sickening thud. Gorge crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as she took her aim with the Glock tightly shaking in her hands.   Before she could squeeze the trigger, a large force went down over her head. She felt numb, darkness clouded her vision, and her knees gave way to the ground. The last thing she would remember seeing it two, malformed alphas dragging Gorge away. The darkness, then, overtook her.                                                                                                                                                     3 Hours Later...                                                                                                                                    Her boots crunched against the ash and snow beneath her feet. She flicked ash from her cheek, and felt warm sticky blood on her face. 'Probably all over my head and in my hair, too,' she thought harshly, 'it's dried. You have bigger things to worry about then yourself right now.' She glanced up at the monochrome sky, sighed, and stopped to listen to her surroundings. Her body tensed, to the sound of squeaky deep growls and barks, and the sound of massive feet crunching snow. She dove behind a rock formed over-hang/alcove, hidden by the shadows. The two alpha's appear from the bend of the trees, communicating with odd, squeaky chirps and gurgles. What she saw next made her cry out, cover her mouth, and close her eyes. The Deformities were dragging her brother; Gorge was badly broken, in a sense. His nose was definitely broken, blood and ash smeared all over his showing skin and mangled clothes. Blood continued to freshly run down his face. She pressed her back to the cool stone, and listened as the crunching snow passed the alcove. She opened her eyes, scooted near the opening, and peered out. What she saw surprised and broke her: Gorge was staring directly at her, into her eyes. Tears streamed from his sad baby blue eyes, down his sodden cheeks, but he was still smiling at her like he always had.                                                                                                                 "Stay safe, take care. I love you, Hilo," he mouthed, as he was dragged through the fenced opening to the tiny 3-Deformitie raid outlet. He was then dragged to his feet, and forced to stumble/limp to an elliptical shaped capsule-like cage. He was hoisted up and thrown into it. She pressed her back to the cool stone again, squeezing her eyes tightly to prevent tears, and sighed.      "Don't worry, big brother," she whispered, "Come nightfall, we'll be miles away from here."                                                                                                                                                                        Once the monochrome sky morphed black, she slipped out from the alcove, and crept to the gated fence. She dug her switchblade into the circuit board control box, as quietly as possible, sparks brushing past her face, illuminating her determined eyes. The gates silently slide apart, and she ran past the towering sleeping units, around the glowering green fire protruding from its stone circle, and up to the cage. She knocked a soft sequence on the door, and received one in return. Their own secret message. She dug the end of her crossbow's handle into the door crease, prying the door open with a softly loud metal clang, letting go of it as she was swept off her feet in Gorge's tight embrace. Her crossbow fell back to its dangling place at her hip, and hugged him back, hiding her face in his neck. He set her down, she pulled away to see his smiling broken face, but his eyes quickly turned cold.                                                                                                                       "We need to go. Now," he hissed, pressing his hand to the small of her back as he spun her around, and began pushing her along as they began to exit. Once through the metal gate, the same shrill out crying alarm ripped the air to shreds. Gorge swooped Hilo off her feet, hoisting her up to his shoulders, and busted into a full sprint. A Deformitie female, taller than Gorge by probably a foot, screeched, bursting from its sleeping tower unit, and shot its way after, spear at its side. Hilo felt bile rise up in her throat, as she scrambled for the pistol hanging loosely from her belt loop. She aimed, shaking, at the gaining grotesque and rotting female. She shut her eyes, and squeezed the trigger, and a loud solid pop was heard. Blackish purple liquid splattered the air and snow, as the female crumpled to the ground, head contents splattered. The two Deformitie males are now up and about to this commotion, have noticed their fallen mate, and charged after with angry shrieking gurgles. She squeezed the trigger again, a bit more confident with her eyes open, but was only given a click in return. She felt her stomach knot and drop.                      "Gorge, bad news," she whimpered. "We're out of ammo."                                                   "Hold on!" he shouted, gripping her legs a bit tighter, speeding up his pace. As the woodland began to rise around them, two mangled huge arms shot out from a large shrub. Rotting hands covered their mouths to prevent their screams of surprise and fear, as the two males ran past, still screeching blood thirsty cries. Gorge's eyes were shut, trying to pry the gargantuan hand off his face. Hilo, however, stays silent, calm even, and doesn't struggle. For reason unknown, she trusted this creature, she felt safe around him. She hesitantly opened her eyes, looking up at the withered, rotting face looking back down at her with a smile. Her stomach sank, and her heart fluttered, as the elder creature opened his mouth and spoke creakily.                       "Calm, young ones. I'm not here to harm you, quite the opposite," the beast softly mused. She felt herself smile at its calm caring tone, but Gorge's eyes were clouded with hate. He swung his switchblade, and dug it into its hand. It roared, falling back a bit, holding its punctured hand. Gorge stood over his sister, his own pistol aimed level with the English-speaking Deformitie elder's eyes. As she stood up beside her brother, dusting herself off, she glanced at the elder. Its old, wise eyes were looking into hers, with a plead of hope. Her stomach dropped again, and as Gorge pulled the trigger, her hand shot out, smacking his hand upwards. The bullet hit a bird, which plummeted and landed behind the siblings.                                                                                             "Hilo?" Gorge stuttered, looking into his sister's loving, kind green eyes.                                              "We can't kill him Gorge," she softly whispered. "We need him."                                                            "You can't be serious, Hilo! He's one of them, he'll kill us!"                                                             "Just trust me for once, okay? I have a good feeling about him, and you know that's pretty rare."                                                                                                                                                                  He stared at her for a long, silent moment, before giving in. She smiled as he lowered his gun, staring at his feet.                                                                                                                               "Well, now that that's over," the Deformitie elder spoke up. "May we talk civilly now?"                      "Of course, sir," she said, elbowing Gorge in the gut before he could retort. "What's your name, hmm?"                                                                                                                                                         The creature rose to its feet, staggering ov3er her and Gorge, 7'4 at the very least. He looked down, into her eyes, and she stared back into his deep pools of faded grey for eyes.                       "I am Odvi. Escaped elder of Alklite, a prison in a far, the father colonies," he announced, quite proudly.                                                                                                                                                         "Alright then," she said spacing her words. "I'm Hilo, and this is Gorge."                                                "Oh, I'm very well aware who you two are. Been following for a while."                                        "Well, what do you want, or need, from us?"                                                                                    "More like, what I can give."                                                                                                             "Oh?" She tilted her head, Gorge scoffed. In a simple word, their hearts stop, breath was taken like a punch to the stomach and their eyes widened: "Nirvana."                                                   "You lying beast!" Gorge cried, lunging for Odvi's chest with his nails, only to be held back by his sister. "Don't spread that old man's lies!"                                                                                         "I speak the truth, young hothead," Odvi snapped at Gorge, shifting his soft dead gaze to Hilo. "Surely, you believe me, young flower?"                                                                                        She gulped, pulling her brother back, and nodding. Gorge groaned, picked up his gun and blade, and walked away from them. She hesitated, and ran after him, Odvi lumbering after like a bear on all fours.                                                                                                                                            "Nirvana, please...It's a hoax!" Gorge spat at her spitefully. "It's a fairytale!"                                "You know that's not true!" she quietly pouted. "You loved father's stories!"                                 "Exactly, they're stories. They were lies to keep us hopeful children."                                            "And what's so horrible about being hopeful?"                                                                              "Because false hope makes you gain false expectations for the situation! It makes you believe you won't get hurt and/or die, that loved ones won't be lost, and that everything will be fine! Well, news flash Hilo! It isn't!"                                                                                                            She stopped, appalled by her brother's words. Her eyes filled with tears, her voice caught in her throat. She felt her knees buckle, and she fell to the dirt, tears soddening the ground. Gorge continued to walk away, grumbling.                                                                                                  "You can't...can't mean that!" she cried. She choked on tears, "Please, Gorge, you can't believe that, you just can't!"                                                                                                                          Odvi's clawed hand rested on her shoulder, and he nuzzled her neck and ear.                               "Let's set up camp here, for now, young flower," He offered, holding her bag. She sniffled, smiling, and nodded. Odvi got to work, setting up her sleeping mat, and the stones of the cooking pit. She sat against a standing, but dying, tree, closed her eyes, and sighed.                                          "So, Odvi, tell me. How do you know of Nirvana?" she asked, curious and excited, just trying to make a conversation.                                                                                                                       "I've been there, even helped its creation," he beamed a bit.                                                  "Whoa, really? Does that mean you can take us?"                                                                            "I wish, and believe, I could, young flower."                                                                                      "Well, what's stopping you?"                                                                                                             Your brother, for one," Odvi spat, dragging his claws over a rock. She winced hearing the scorn in Odvi's voice, and knowing he was right, her brother being a disbeliever in all. She'd just have to convince him, whether tonight or tomorrow morning. She sat by the fire, and waited for Gorge's return, which seemingly, never came, as she had fallen asleep at the fire's ring of stones. Odvi picked her up gently, and tucked her into her sleeping mat. He curled up, a bit near-by and watched her sleep, to the dusk's end and dawn's rise.                                                                             When she awoke, the fire snuffed, Odvi asleep by her, her brother had returned. Curled up on his mat, Gorge seemed visible upset. She rolled her eyes, smiling, just happy her sourpuss brother was back, safe and unharmed. As she packed up her things, two arms came to wrap around her shoulders, in a tight hug.                                                                                                                        "I'm sorry, Hilo," Gorge softly whispered in her ear. "I'll try and...help us find Nirvana."               Her eyes widened, and she looked up at his half smile/half grimace. He squeezed her hand, let go, and walked back to pack up his things. She caught a quick glimpse of faded eyes watching them, mainly her, with a rotting smile. Odvi quickly looked away, making it to seem he'd only been scouting. 'Did he put Gorge to that? Making him agree?' she wondered. She smiled anyway, hoisting her bag up, and ran to Odvi's side. He took their bags, and set off into the vast rolling wastelands. After weeks of camping, stories, and quick evasions, Odvi stops them at an old, withered sign.                                                                                                                              "Ah, um, 'Your Not Leaving New York," Gorge read aloud, "And Entering Maine."                        "Didn't we grow up out here?" she chirped excitedly, hands together as if she might start clapping.                                                                                                                                                            "Yeah, I guess. Our neighborhood's exit and enter gates are off one of these exit ram        "Split up?"                                                                                                                                           "What if one of the two teams are attacked?"                                                                               "Valid point. But what then?"                                                                                                             "Well, why don't we ask the walking trash pit over here?" Gorge spat.                                         Odvi softly growled, but stopped his retort, eyes wide and ears perked. He grabbed them, covering their mouths and eyes, and pulled them back behind a strangled, broken car. A conversation of gurgles and choked screeches came from a little ways ahead. She gently moved Odvi's hand from her face, peering over the car door, through the broken dirt glass. Two large Deformitie out-landers were patrolling through the abandoned highway, as they chatted in their distorted language, holding their giant glowering war-hammers. Gorge slowly went for his gun, but glanced ahead of the out-landers and stopped.                                                                                              "Oh. My. God," he breathed, gripping Hilo's hand tightly. "It's a hive. A freaking hive!"                  Her stomach dropped like a pin, eyes wide. Her throat went dry, and she hid her face in Odvi's arm. The out-landers eventually left back to the massive dome filling the road ahead. Odvi looked at the siblings with wide hopeful eyes.                                                                                                 "We camp here, for now, and raid the hive tonight," Odvi quietly announced.                                    "Your insane, you giant lizard!" Gorge hissed. "That'll get us killed! Or worse!"                             "I wouldn't let that happen, I-"                                                                                                           Gorge interrupts, "I knew we couldn't trust you! Your crazy!"                                                          "Young hot head, I'm perfectly sane. I know exactly what I'm doing, and saying."                          "That's a hive. You know what that is?" He didn't let Odvi answer. "It's a breeding station for your disgusting kind!"                                                                                                                                 "Both of you, enough!" Hilo cried, a frantic squeak of her voice. "We might be found! Let's go set up camp in the woods up this hill, and discuss this. Civilly."                                                                   She gave them both a look, which shut them both up. She hopped the street's guard rail, and stumbled up the rocky hillside. Gorge and Odvi share a glare of hate towards one another, and shot after her. After that elapsed, she buried her face in her knees, as the two bickered in front of her. She wanted to punch them both in the throat!                                                                         "Enough!" She yelled, a bit muffled from her knees. "I'm so tired of your stupid argument!"                                                                                                                                                     She raised her head, with a dark stare towards them, which they both halted their voices to. Gorge even choking on air. HE muttered spitefully, and left to familiarize himself with the terrain.                                                                                                                                                      "I'm terribly sorry, young flower. I was acting childish," Odvi said, with his monotone demeanor. He bowed with respect, which perplexed her. She blinked and stayed silent. Odvi sat like a dog, a towering Dane, and stared in the direction of the road. She, for the first time, studied his features, taking in his entire demeanor. She blushed a bit, and looked down at her feet. He suddenly nudged her, with his large head, smiling.                                                                                          "Don't worry, young flower," He softly cooed. "Everything will be fine. Nirvana, and Heaven, both lie beyond that hive."                                                                                                                 These words greatly disturbed her. 'Beyond that hive is Nirvana...or death?' she thought, shaking. She looked at Odvi for a good while, then buried her head in her knees. Gorge had later returned, they had all ate what he had caught, and chatted. Once night fell, Gorge was asleep and Odvi stood guard. She was kept awake, suspended in restless wake from worry and doubt. Tossing and turning, she rested on her side, drooping eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, and drifted into a restless sleep.                                                                                                                                 She awoke to the bickering whispers of the two over the raid. She quietly groaned, to disrupt the two, and sat up, smacking her lips and running a hand through her matted mane of hair. Odvi's warm nose nudged her neck, his warm breath sending pleasant chills across her collar bone.                                                                                                                                                                  "Good morning, flower. Must we move on?" Odvi softly whispered, making her blush. Before she could answer, Gorge cut in.                                                                                                            "Hilo, its suicide! Think about dad's raid, and how south that went!" Gorge pleaded.               "Nonsense, hot rock. Its perfectly safe."                                                                                            "It's a breeding hive! It. Is. Not. Safe."                                                                                               "Let us ask flower," He spat, looking down at Hilo. They both stared at her, making her uneasy. She said absolutely nothing, staring at her raggy Converses. She contemplated each choice, and slowly lifted her head, with cloudy eyes.                                                                                    "We're going with Odvi. We raid the hive at sunset. That's final," she said quietly, with a determined, but blank expression. Gorge stared at her in silence, and shock.                                          "You want to die? Do you feel repented or something?" He yelled. "What did I do, Hilo?"                  "Nothing Gorge! It isn't suicide, I promise! I trust Odvi to get us in and out. Alive," She shrieked. "Just go hunting, we need energy for tonight."                                                                                  Gorge stared at her, with sad eyes, and nodded. He hugged her tightly, and walked away. Odvi had sat in silence, that entire time, and nudged her gently.                                                                  "You did the right thing, my flower. I promise."                                                                                Night came in a rush of their footsteps, darting behind car to car, pressing themselves to the massive gate. 'Just don't make the slightest of noise, and we'll be fine,' played through her mind. The number one rule. Odvi pried the gates apart, Hilo and Gorge slipped inside, his pistol raised just as her crossbow is. They crossed a giant beehive like wall, piled inside nursing females and their disgusting spawn. Gorge gagged, she hushed him, as the crossed the cooking areas to giant containers like those you'd see at a sea port. Odvi was there, waiting, for he moves faster when wanted, and he pried the first container open. Each container was opened and raided. Contained after container. Till, the last one was pried open, the sibling's eyes lit up like kids at Christmas day. Weapons. The walls lined with thousands and thousands of high tech weaponry. Gorge and Hilo exchanged glances, and began to play with every weapon they could get a hold of.                                                                                                                                                                        "Careful now! If you aren't careful, one of those might go o-"Odvi's warning is interrupted, as Gorge drops a gun, the butt of it smashing into the ground and it firing out of the container with a loud whirling shriek. The cries of the spawn began to rip the air, followed by the nursing mothers. The thousand Deformitie male's screeches rang in a high, octave splitting cry. Odvi grabbed them both, and bolted, crossing the kitchen area as a throng of the Deformitie soldiers began to group up. Bullets shrieked past their faces, her ears had popped, she couldn't hear. What she did hear, was Odvi scream, and fall to the dirt, sending the siblings tumbling.                                 "Go! Now! Run as far as you can, around the hive walls!" Odvi barked his order, struggling to stand to face the coming Deformitie soldiers. Hilo shook her head, as Gorge grabbed her arm, she stayed where she stood.                                                                                                                           "No, we can't just leave you! We need you, I need you! Odvi, Please!" she cried and pleaded. Odvi turned to her, with the remaining time they had, and held her crying face in his hands.                                                                                                                                                               "Stay safe, and thrive. I love you, my young flower," Odvi whispered sweetly, smiling sadly, and pressed his mouth to hers in a soft kiss. Her eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks, he let go. He turned and roared, launching his large frame into the mass of oncoming out-landers. Gorge's voice was distant, static, to her, as she watched Odvi be swarmed in the mass of carnivorous, malformed soldiers. She screamed his name, and began to run to the mass, but Gorge picked her up, and ran from the gated facility, rounding the corner, and darting down the hive wall line. Her eyes burned, and she buried her face in her brother's shoulder as they ran, crying. She'd lost him, the one who made her feel safe and right inside. What will she do now, without him?                                                                                                                                                   2 Months Later...                                                                                                                                 "How much farther?" she had whined, her old Converse's soles withered away.                          "Jesus, do you want me to carry you?" He mocked, but she took it seriously, and he groaned. He hoisted her onto his shoulders, and she smiled. It'd been 2 months since Odvi had died, saving her and her brother, and she still continued to smile. For Odvi. She'd been a bit more cautious, quiet, but nonetheless, much happier for her brother, and taking his advice more to heart and often. They'd kept walking along the highway, taking a familiar exit ramp towards an oddly comforting neighborhood chain. After an hour, he dropped her to her feet. She whined, and sighed, closing her eyes as she walked, lost in thought. She opened her eyes, as she ran into a large gate of bars, made of cold metal. Gorge briefly laughed, but stopped when a tall man approached the gate with a large torrent gun at his side. Gorge straightened, she just rubbed her nose like an idiot.                                                                                                                                               "Can I help you two?" The man asked, his voice scruffy.                                                                  "Uh, yes, we're looking for a residence to reside in. May I ask what this place is?" Gorge inquired, eyebrow raised.                                                                                                                               "Nirvana, sir. Care to come inside?" The man replied calmly.                                               

Gorge and Hilo's eyes widened. Her stomach wrenched, and her ears rang. She could barely hear Gorge yelling at the man. 'Nirvana...Daddy was right! And Odvi too!" she smiled brightly, hope sparking in her eyes. 'Is this what Odvi meant? By Nirvana and Heaven behind the gates of the hive? He took the heaven gate, and we took the Nirvana one?' She put a hand over Gorge's mouth, and looked up at the man with teary, happy eyes.                                                        

"We'll take a small house, please. To stay."

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