The invite

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  • Dedicated to natalie

I boldly took Harry's hand guiding him to where Leo and Cathrine were sitting, having a seemingly interesting conversation and he followed me, not complaining.

"So, are we going to sit here all night or are we going to dance?" I asked them.

" Dancing it is," Leo said heading to the dance floor with Cathrine following him.

" Now, you're talking," I said and looking towards Harry who stood awkwardly by my side, I continued.

" Harry, come on dance with me."

He didn't answer. He just followed me to the dance floor almost shy or embarrassed.

I didn't pay much attention. Cathrine was there with my best friend Leo and we would have fun. Nothing else mattered. I sneaked out of the house for God's sake. If my mom killed me at least I would die a happy woman. The thoughts flowing in my mind made me smile and I kept dancing with my friends, Harry following our lead.

He didn't even seem to notice the girls who slowly surrounded him, craving for his attention. He stayed close to us occasionally smiling with Leo who was making faces at me and showing us some crazy stupid moves to make us laugh.  The DJ was great and we were having fun. We danced like our lives depended on it.

"I'm thirsty," Cathrine said after a while. "Can we sit down for a bit?" she pleaded with us.

"OK babe," Leo answered.

I leaned to his ear:

"Babe, that fast. Come on!"

"What?" He looked at me in fake dismay.

I laughed hard and I noticed for the first time that Harry smiled, too. He wasn't so uptight like when he first walked in.

"Be a gentleman and go get the girl a coke," I told him knowing that he would follow orders.

" Yes, Sir," he replied. "It's a good thing that I love your mom's cooking, otherwise. "

Everybody laughed and Leo headed to the bar.

"Cathrine, you wanna go to the ladies' room?" I asked her, signalling that we needed to talk.

"Sure," she replied.

As soon as we got there with the sound fading behind the closed walls she told me that Leo was great and wonderful blah blah blah, nothing I hadn't heard before and that he offered to take her for a ride on his bike the next day.

"That's terrific!" I said in pure excitement.

"Well, his friend is not bad looking either," she added looking at me in a mischievous way giggling.

"No, he is not," I replied, "but he is not exactly the talking type either," I said not giving too much away.

"Maybe he is just shy," she said almost finding excuses for him.

"Shy? The Sphinx has fewer enigmas. Anyway, did you see all those girls eyeing him? That was weird."

"But he didn't pay any attention to them," she completed my sentence.

"There is something about him. He is holding back," I said but dropped the subject immediately. "Forget about him, let's talk about you and Leo. Please be careful with him. He is my friend and all, but he is not to be trusted. Go slow on this. Promise?"

"I promise."

Going back to our seats, Leo was already there with Cathrine's drink and she sat next to him as he immediately placed his arm on her shoulder.

Harry was holding a drink, whiskey from what it appeared, on the rocks, looking through his phone.

"Waiting for a call in here? With all this noise? Not a good idea," I said jokingly trying to start a conversation so that Leo and Cathrine could talk more but also because I felt that Harry was not having a good time and I felt bad for him.

"No, I was just checking my texts," he said almost embarrassed.

"Oh, you didn't have to tell me. I was just making conversation so that these two could talk, you know," I smiled at him.

"Oh, I see," he replied.

Then out of nowhere he went:

"Leo is taking Cathrine for a ride on his bike tomorrow afternoon and we are meeting at 5:00. We want to check the new parts we installed. Care to come with me?"

Did that just happen? Did he just ask me to go on a ride on his bike? I looked at Leo; so he was his wingman and I was his friend. It meant nothing. Besides he looked as if he regretted asking me, his expression was that uncomfortable.

"Should I bring a helmet?" I asked with half a smile.

"I will provide that", he said with a smirk playfully.

Was he actually having fun? I had no idea.

I looked at the time. It was time to go.

"Cinderella it's time to go," I said.
" I have a room to sneak back to."

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