The apple tree I sit on
Reminded me of the day
The day you said, "I Love You."
You told me everyday
I see the sun shine below me
While the moon glistens by the sea
I smile as a thought of you appears
And suddenly I feel tears
You treated me like your princess
I thought I was your queen
Until the day you left me
I was like a lost stream
I suddenly recall the corny jokes that you shared
And the sweet messages that showed me you cared
I smile as the memories all come rushing back
Then a pain in my heart suddenly comes and attacks
I tell myself, I'm going to let go
But this process will be slow
All I do for the past 8 months was hurt, smile and cry all at the same time
And now, looking ahead I know this journey would be a difficut climb
But now I know and I shall tell you,
That I'm going to move on
With or without you
My life will go on
This cover was made by my friend! Lots of love to you, Belle!
I Love You Good bye
Poetry"I'm letting go. You let go a long time ago, and I realize that it is time for me to do the same.."