13. Caged (Revised)

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I dread the thought of leaving my cabin the next morning, but the growling of my stomach tells me that I must. The kitten rubs itself against my legs before I cautiously open my cabin door. Looking from the left to the right it seems deserted. I slowly make my way up the stairs until I reach the top deck. As I make my way towards the front of the ship, I see Captain Marco in the corner of my eye leaning against the railing. Without hesitation, he starts to follow me.

"Good morning," he speaks much more calmly then he had the night before.

I don't reply right away. "Hello."

He blows smoke from his cigar out into the salty air before moving closer to me. "Come on, love, give me that kind of treatment," he pleads sarcastically before letting out a light chuckle.

"And why shouldn't I? After the way you treated me---"

"Because," he pauses to throw his cigar overboard, "I can give you something that you desperately desire."

"And what would that be?" By this point, I'm completely disinterested and hardly listening. "I doubt there is anything---"

"Your freedom, perhaps?" My eyes widen as I look up at him, a sly smirk tugging at his lips as I watch his eyes almost turn black with satisfaction. "So there is something after all."

"I... I don't understand... How could you possibly---"

"I will grant you freedom if... you marry me."

I step away from Captain Marco, flabbergasted by what he's saying. "What?" I seethe. 

"All you have to do is say---"

Crossing my arms in defiance, I stand tall. "You're a snake, Marco, and I'll never marry you." On that note, I start to walk away from him.

Turning my back to him was the worst mistake for me to make, because as I glance back over towards him, I only see his hand as it extends to grab hold of my neck. He holds me there as I can feel my lungs begging for air inside my body. Desperately, I attempt to punch, kick, or scratch him so he'll let me go, but I am left without luck. I am hardly able to intake any oxygen for my lungs as they start to collapse. His grasp only continues to tighten around my throat.

"Put her down, Marco!" The Captains voice booms threateningly. "Or do I have to come down there and do it myself?"

At least point, I hadn't even noticed that my feet have left the surface of the ship. I squirm in his grasp but find that moving only makes it harder for me to take in the little air that I can.

"Give me one good reason that I should," Captain Marco states to Captain Wolfe with a devilish grin. "She's been nothing but trouble!" 

"Because I said so," Captain Wolfe now makes his way over towards us, the sound of his boots against the wooden boards sounds like roaring thunder. "Now, do it."

To my surprise, Captain Marco loosens his grip slightly, gaining me a little more air. I struggle once again now, trying to completely be rid of Marcos grasp.

"That isn't a very convincing answer," Captain Marco laughs heartily. "Have you fallen in love with her, Wolfe?"

My feet return to the surface of the ship, but Marco's is now tightly around my neck. My back is pressed against his chest, as my breathing become shallow and scarce. I stare at Captain Wolfe, my eyes warning and begging for him to choose his words and actions carefully.

"You're choice," Captain Marcos tone spills intimidation. "I'd hate to do this... innocent blood spilled is truly a waste."

For a minute I have completely clueless to what's going on, until I hear the click of a loaded pistol and feel it pressed against my head. The blood drains from my face as I realize my life is on the line.
My body rapidly begins to shake in fear, probably bringing pride to Captain Marco. Will this be the end for me?

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