Back to work, with big news

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It's 6:40 in the morning and the beautiful sunrise has come to cover the city in all it's warmth and glory... Is what I would say if we were in Hawaii, unfortunately we are not. We are in England where it couldn't be more cloudy if it was the end of the world, and actually it's 5:30 in the morning so don't be shocked at the weather.

BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP, BEEP- "Ugh no, just a couple more minutes.." The lazy girl tapped her hand around the lamp table(or whatever it's called) to find her phone and looked at the time. "OH NO, IT'S 5:45, I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!

I can't afford to be late, AGAIN!!

 She jumped out of bed and had a shower, put on some tight boot-cut ripped jeans that did NOT define her thiccness, a white top underneath a loose oversized wolly sweater and put on some red lipstick on her VERY thicc lips (almost like Jimin's but smaller) and mascara, ran down stairs stuffed her feet into black heel boots and yeeted herself out the house.

"Eun-ha, YOU'RE LATE! A girl ran over to Eun-ha that was walking into a fast-food/cake restaurant, (in my mind there is such thing, don't judge) she grabbed her arm and dragged her into the back of the restaurant. "Here, wear this. You are just too lucky Mr. Jang is late as well, you know what he said about being late!" The girl threw Eun-ha a name pin and bottom apron, which she caught both of without paying attention. "Yes yes, I know Yumi. I am trying hard to be punctual, you know." Eun-ha fake pouted, looking at Yumi whilst putting her bottom apron "Well, you're not trying hard enough. You have to get up earlier, Eun-ha." Yumi ordered helping Eun-ha put on her name pin. "You are literally asking me to commit suicide, you already know my body is physically incapable of doing any such thing." Eun-ha said walking into the front part of the restaurant. "Well, would you commit suicide for me??" Yumi puppy-eyed her.

Ugh, no not the eyes, NOT THE EYES YUMI!!

"NOT THE EYES YUMI! You know I can't say no to the eyes!" Eun-ha tried to look away but couldn't and accepted defeat. "That's exactly why I use them!" She said proud when a tall man walked into the building wearing a dark grey suit. "Alright everyone, I apologize for being late, and will make that won't happen again." The man apologize and Yumi looked at Eun-ha with "The look". Five minutes in and everyone got ready to re-open the restaurant, when the man in the suite announced something important. "Right is everybody to re-open?" He asked looking around. "Yeah, Boss." They replied back. "OK good, but before we do so I need tell you all something important.." He said with a stern look. "Um, is something the matter, Boss?" Eun-ha asked looking worried and looked back at Yumi. "*Ahem*, I am looking at you, Yumi and Ari when I say this, OK?" He kept the suspense and tension of not knowing in the air when finally he said it. "Do not freak-out when I say this OK?" He said again and the three girls nodded and listened. "We are going to serve BTS today and--" But before he could finish his sentence, the three girls did the exact opposite of what they told not to do, Fangirl. "OMG!!YOU ARE NOT BEING SERIOUS, THERE'S NO WAY!!!"Ari screeched. "WHAT?!?! NO, THIS IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE, THEY CUTENESS AND HOTNESS ARE TO DIE FOR, AND I'LL JUST DIE ON THE SPOT OF JUST LOOKING AT THEM!!!"Yumi squealed. "HOW DID THEY HEAR ABOUT US, WHY ARE THEY COMING HERE OF ALL PLACES, WHAT TIME WILL THEY BE HERE, DO YOU THINK THEY'LL LIKE THE FOOD, WHAT IF THEY ARE FLIRTATIOUS I CAN'T HANDLE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!??.." As Eun-ha exploded with questions, she soon fell off topic until one of the male workers poked her and put her back into common sense. "GIRLS! Calm down, I really need this to work, and in order of that to happen, I need you all to keep your profession. There views on "Comfort Delight's" could be a massive impact, ladies." The Boss begged. "Ah, yea, sorry 'bout that. I promise I i'll do my best to contain myself, Boss." Ari saluted. "Yes, me too Boss!" Yumi joined in. "Eun-ha, do think you could do the same?" Boss asked a tad worried. "Sir, you can count on me, with all my might, I will make us happy and express 'Comfort Delights'! She gave her Oath of rhyme, which raised the spirits of the rest of the workers and pleased the Boss. "In the words of Jungkook, "LET'S GET IT!!!"" Yumi quoted.


You guys, I'm comin' at cha with another one!!! (J)-hope y'all like it! Please do comment on your memey thoughts to this chapter and see you next time!!!💜💖💜💖💜🥰

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