"Can you be a little less attractive this morning, it's giving me whiplash"

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Before you read this, I'm not a solo stan, read the whole chapter before you make any assumptions, K?

"Hey Aeri! Get up, you lazy bitch."

Are the first words that greeted me that morning. I rolled over and made a noncommittal groaning sound.

"Yes, yes. I know you don't want to go, but it's our first day back. Get up Riri. I've already made breakfast."

I finally speak my first words of the day.

"Of course you have." She growled at me in a not-at-all intimidating voice.

"Do you want pancakes or not?" I give her a half grin.

"I see you've inherited some of my sass. It suits you. Yes, I want pancakes. I'm not an idiot."

"I didn't realise liking or not liking pancakes had anything to do with intelligence. Anyway, get up. You have half an hour to eat and dress. Get going." She strutted out the room, already fully dressed. I smiled at her outfit. I'm guessing - or maybe hoping - that it was a memento to the nickname I gave her years ago. Sunflower yellow sweater tucked into a black checked mini skirt, black choker and black filas. Honey bee earrings decorated her ears, and I knew - though I could not see it - that her hot air balloon necklace was tucked underneath her sweater, for I had a matching carousel around my neck.

Eventually, I groaned and forced myself out of bed. I grabbed my glasses from my bedside table and wandered into the bathroom. I stared into the mirror. Pale skin, hickory brown eyes, and messy chocolate brown hair stared back at me. I smiled at myself, just to see what I looked like, and immediately stopped smiling.

"Ugh," I grumbled and waddled into the kitchen. Choonhi looked up when I walked in, and frowned.

"You should be dressed by now."

"I want food." She grumbled at my words but I swear I saw her pouty lips form a smile.

A plate was already waiting on the table as I sat down. I shoveled the food into my mouth and Choonhi looked at me warily.

"Slow down Riri, you're gonna get indigestion." I didn't. Soon I was finished, and I rammed my plate into the dishwasher before rushing into the bathroom again.

20 minutes later I was dressed, at least. I hadn't really tried, in fact I had wanted to wear sweatpants, but Choonhi hadn't let me. Instead, I had picked out black skinny jeans, an oversized, long-sleeved pastel pink t-shirt. Gold rings hugged my fingers, and my ears were decorated with one star stud on the left, and one chain with a moon pendant on the right. For my hair, as per usual, I had not had the energy to do anything with it. Opting just to brush it and throw on a black cap, you could definitely tell I hadn't tried.

"You have 3 minutes before I leave you behind." I rolled my eyes and rammed my feet into my pink doc martens. I rushed out the door, locking it behind me. I raced after Choonhi. When she saw me chasing her, she broke into a run as well.

"Yah, Hi-hi!" I chased after her, but she didn't stop running. I pushed myself harder as I saw the university come into view. Choonhi yelped and tried to speed up, but I caught up and grabbed her waist just as we stepped onto the campus grounds. I came to a halt, my arm still around Choonhi, and breathing heavily. She giggled through her halting breaths.

"We just ran all the way to campus. On our first day of school." I stared at her and a snort escaped me. She snorted too and then we both burst into a fit of giggles. There weren't that many people there in the early morning, but the few that were there were staring at us blatantly. Still, we did not stop laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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