The Rescue

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*woman's voice*
The Sun sets and the Moons rise calls on to the creatures of the night to come out and play ,all though this is my story it does not start with me.It starts with the one who saved me and changed my life .....for the ever lasting life that I had lived I finally found something to change it.

Guy: "Yo Colby the night stalker found something last night"
Colby:"What is it Sam,which set of night stalkers "
Sam:"the New Orleans stalker, Marcel is biding some kind of 'secret weapon' that had even the originals concerned "
Colby:"hmm...that sounds like it could be useful to the clan ,what info do they have on it "
Sam:"actually is a ...who.."
Sam:"they caught wind that the said weapon is a person or ....something else, the weapon is being held in a warehouse not far from the main house were Marcel stays, no one knows it's there but certain ...others there isn't many guards"
Colby:"hmm....we go in two days call Corey, Jake, Mike, and....Zues get them here and prepared we've been here in the New Orleans to track this call them from L.A and get them here, I'm going to the mall for a .....snack "
Sam:"oh jeez, okay I'll call them be careful brother "
Colby:"always, whatever "
*Sam palms his forehead as Colby zooms out the door gone faster than he could blink*
Sam:"god dang it..."

[AT THE MALL](Colby's POV)
I was walking around I usually wouldn t care id ripe out anyone's throat that I saw fit I was feeling picky. I saw a beautiful blonde with green eyes and pale skin ...her .., I ran over grabbed her and went into the bathrooms ,I looked into her eyes "don't scream and when I'm finished you won't remember a thing", I sank my fangs into her neck and felt the sweet blood hit my tongue ....but with a hint of bitterness ....shes an alcoholic....before I got out of my thoughts I knew I took to much ...i retracted my fangs watching her stumble while I likes my lips and walked out. But I wasn't finish I sat down waiting looking around when I saw...the most gorgeous person id ever seen, a girl with dirty blonde hair and sliver crystal cut eyes and pale white skin ,with two big guys walking on each side of her ,her hands bound behind her back ...she looked weak ...barely strong enough to walk ..she glanced over at me her eyes so ....sad yet...pissed ..she smirked as if she knew I was practically drooling u til one of the guys shoved her. I stood up about to go over there when my phone rung,  it was Sam. In the time it took me to look up they were gone ,I went around looking but they were nowhere to be seen , I headed back to the house.

Sam:"Why didn't you answer dude I thought something happened bro"
Colby:"Nothing happened , fine ..just got a little distracted"
Sam:"fine dude"

Colby's POV
I stayed up thinking about that girl, and the next day until the mission day was here.

Corey:"hello brothers"
Colby:"hello guys sorry to drag you out here on such short notice but we have a top mission, we think we just found what we were looking for ....Sam"*Colby gestured towards Sam*
Sam:"Marcel has a new 'weapon' that he is going to attempt to use against other vampires...werewolfs ...hybrids anything that threatens him at all"
Mike:"so we are going to steal it"
Sam:"pretty much"
Zues:"let's get to it then shall we"
Colby:"fine then but this is all about stealth we go by foot"
*they all nodded and headed out*

Colby:*whispering*"we've got one on the roof ...thats all I see outside Jake would you mind"
Jake:"of course not"Jake ran up th e building and then was holding the guys heart in his hand.
Colby:"Okay go."They took off across all going in the building, it was a long hall leading to a door with the two guys in front the door.
Colby:"wait....what the fuck?"
Sam:"what is it brother "
Colby:"I've seen those guys before couldn't be....Mike ..Zues take them out" The boys automatically were there fighting but it was a little bit of a challenge so Jake and Corey went to help until Mike had ones heart in his hand ,the other about to get a stake in his.
the boys stopped and backed away Colby put his foot on his throat.
Colby:"the girl you had at the mall a couple of days ago who was she ,...WHERE is she?"
Guy:"what's it matter, she's dead anyway "Colby narrowed his eyes and stomped his foot breaking his skull.
Colby kicked the door in and as the dust settled,his eyes went wide as the words fell from Sam's mouth.
Sam:"Its a....its a girl?"

It's her ....its that girl god ...what did they do to her ...huh...

She had tubes coming from her arms and even chest...
Mike:"Holy fuck they have her hooked up to vervain and wolfsvain....does that make her a..."
Corey:"a hybrid but look" *point at a third solution*
Colby popped it open giving a wif and then wrinkling him nose
Colby:"*cough*fucking morphine what the hell"
Sam:"they wouldn t have her here all drugged up on all of this unless this was some serious shit "
Colby:"well we shouldn't just sit here waiting to get caught" *he reached to disconnect the tubes, getting stopped by Sam*
Sam:"maybe we should keep her hooked up ,I'm sure there was a good reason they have here like th is"
Colby:"then I'll risk it ,if she kills me .....then kill her on sight ..agreed"
Colby picked her up bridal style and disappeared the others not far behind.

Colby laid her in his bed covering her with his blanket, lightly caressing her cheek with his hand.
Colby:"Sam..."Sam then appeared in his doorway
Sam:"yeah....what do you need brother"
Colby:"get Scarlett up here to check her out"Sam disappeared as he reappeared with a red head with blue eyes ,she was a doctor before ...she died and became a vampire.
Scarlett:"well her body has been through enough itself but then with the vervain and wolfsvain and morphine she'll be out for 4....or more....days , " she leaned down once again sinking her fangs into her wrist and jumping back.
Scarlett:"yeah....a week at most Two...and Colby..."
Scarlette:"she..isnt only a hybrid "
Colby:"what do you mean"
Scarlette:"look Colbs I don't know ,that's something you will have to ask her when she wakes up, but you can taste it on her blood ...she is .....something ...else"
Sam:"maybe we can get Devyn to look at her back in L.A she's a witch"
Colby:"yeah...lets do that ,tell the others we are leaving tonight we go back to L.A tonight .... thank you Scarlette "
Scarlette:"no problem ,see you around"

Colby's POV
She laid there so beautiful yet worn out ...sleeping yet so tired....her pale skin glistening in the moon light peaking through the curtain, her hair laying perfectly over her chest when I noticed something ,I peeled her shirt back a little reveling a scar on her chest a symbol ....what did it mean ...another on her wrist and one more on her anther arm on her forearm....who were you and where did you come from.....

who were you and where did you come from

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