AN & Sneak peek.🥰😎

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My Feisty Human Mate made a lot more progress than I thought it would. It was my very first story and my writing skills kinda improved since then... Kinda... I think... You'll see what I mean... Hopefully... Maybe... Fingers crossed🤞😊... Grammar might still suck a little... Let's not get our hopes up too much... However, I would like to announce... There WILL be a My Feisty Human Mate! Book 2! 😊😃😃😊

After I complete the Alpha Onyx series.😎❤👏


Please read Book1 first.

All I know is rage and rage and more rage. I didn't know who I am or my own name. All I wanted was blood. The bright morning sky darkens with lightning and thunder booming above. The wind howls and beats against the trees violently. As a dark menacing storm swept across the land. I didn't even notice my pack descending on the rogues. All I saw was red and consumed by darkest and feral rage I killed every last one, destroying everything in my path. I WILL BURN THIS WHOLE FUCKING WORLD TO THE GROUND!!!

~Zane Micheals P.O.V

 I'm broken beyond repair. No one can fix me. Irrevocably damaged with an insatiable fire consuming all the oxygen in my body leaving me hollow, dead, and frigid. A frozen icebox in the place where my heart should be, chilling my insides. Veins frozen over with a merciless cruel pain gnawing at me, every waking minute of my pathetic existence. All I see is darkness everywhere snuffing out the light, soon there were no more colours in my crumbling dreary world.

All that's left is those hellish memories haunting me, taunting me, torturing me, replaying over and over in my head, like a broken fucking record. My appetite dwindled to nothing as sleep eludes me like a plague. Drowning in my own sorrow, grief, and heartache. 

I'm shattered into a million pieces with no means of ever being put back together. I lost it all. My heart. My soul. My joy. My love. My happiness. My Everything. Even My best friend. Yet I'm still alive. Life's cruel like that. Take the people you love and yet, keeps you alive, to suffer. To punish. To slowly wither away into nothing. I wish every day it was me who died that day. Ashamed, disappointed, and disgusted by my own self. I may be breathing but I'm far from alive.

"Z-Zane," Izie traipse towards my cell.

Yes, cell. Instead of putting me down like the feral savage animal I am. They chose to keep my ass locked away in this place. I can't blame them. Half of the time I don't have a clue what I'm doing; or where I am or even my name. My wolf and I haven't spoken since that day. Not like there is anything to talk about.

"I-I brought you d-dinner," Her heart hammers against her chest with a glimpse of fear in her eyes. Every few days she'd visit. I haven't a clue what day it is or how long I've been here. Day, weeks, months.

Sitting in the dark corner, back against the brick wall, knees bend. I watched her trembling hand shoves the tray of food under the bars of my cell.


In a flash, I kick the tray out the cell. She squeals and jumps away in fear. Jake appeared out of nowhere, securely enveloping her in his arms, and shot a warning growl my way. 

"Get the fuck out," I grumble. 

"Watch it Zane," Jake gritted.

"It's ok babe-"

"No, it's not. He can't keep treating you like this. I had enough of this shit." he raised his voice a little louder," Take a good look at her Zane because this is the last time, you'll see her. If you remember this. Let's go."


"Listen to your mate Isabella. Leave." I growl. 

She has her whole life ahead of her. And I certainly, don't need her self-pity. I had enough of my own. I began walking to my cot when the sound of whispers caught my attention.

"We should tell him." 

"It's for the best," Jake whispers softly to her.

"But if he knew the truth. He-."

"He's feral, princess. And there is no changing that. We tried for years. No one can help him. He's not even a man anymore. Most of the time he's in his wolf form. He doesn't know who he is. Or even how long he's been locked away." Years? It doesn't feel like years. "I'm shocked he remembered your name this time."

"It's been seven years Jake. Maybe it's time he learns the truth. It can help him." She said hopefully. "That bastard doesn't deserve to be happy while my cousin rots." Seven years? It feels like a few weeks.

Jake sighs," The treaty is signed, and peace has been made for almost four years now. Why the sudden change of heart? We all decided it was best he didn't know."

" His mate had twins. The bastard is a father. " she spats disgustedly.


"No. He should know. He should know that Aden is alive, with a family and is a King."

A murderous growl ripped from my throat shaking the entire room. All I saw was red with a burning murderous rage exploding in me.

 To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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