Kissing Booth

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short n sweet. if you have any suggestions for stories of thing you want to see, send em my way. <3 luv u.

David locked the car door and leaned in, his lips parted slightly. You could feel his breath on your face and after a year of dating you still got butterflies with him being this close. His lips grazed yours, begging for you to lean forward and return the kiss you pulled away quickly and started laughing. David opened his eyes shocked and gave you a surprised look.

"Uh what?" he asked, still in his leaned forward position, inches from your face. You laughed.

"Jonah and Nat said we have to be at your house by three and it's three o-eight" you teased him, pointing at the time on the tesla screen. He looked offended.

"It's not my fault my meeting ran late! I had a lot of distractions." he said giving up and putting his car in drive. He looked over though and gave you a wink. You had been sending David a series of naughty messages while he was in his meeting. You loved to tease him and he might have loved it even more.

"Well I'll keep all my promises from the messages when you get home" you teased again. He took his eyes off the road to give you an intrigued look.

"You mean all the sucking, riding.." he began and you let out a yelp at his words and at the touch of his hand which he moved quickly to your thigh.

"Yes all of it" you said quickly feeling embarrassed that he was repeating your words but also sounding aroused. He smirked and the devious look in his eyes only grew stronger.

"Even the one where you said you wanted me to bend you over the counter" you cut him off and clasped your hand over his mouth and giggled. He looked back at the road seeming focused and tightened his grip on your leg moving it upwards. your breathing steepened at his slightest movement now.

"Looks like we're doing 30 over the speed limit all the way home" he joked stepping on the gas. You squealed at his touch and the feel of the car jutting forwards. In no time you were hopping out of the car at Davids.

"Thank god we made it here in one piece ugh!' you exclaimed, walking up beside David. He pulled you into him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you made your way towards the door.

"You thought that was intense, I'll really make you scream" he whispered in your ear before pulling you even closer and attempting to kiss you. You shuddered at his tone and before nearly asking him to take you right there on the driveway. You pulled away and collected yourself long enough to tease him again.

"Hey not in front of the guests you horny fuck" you gestured towards the door and smiled mischievously at him. He smacked you hard on the ass and when you looked back he bit his lip.

"You're just gonna tease me all day long huh" he said raising his eyebrow.

"And all night" You winked and stuck your tongue out at him as you both reached the door. You collected yourselves and David pulled out his camera and began recording as Jonah greeted you at the entryway. Your view through the glass was blocked so you knew there was trouble inside.

"Welcome lady and not so gentleman" Jonah greeted uncomfortably adjusting his bright gold tights. You put your hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh.

"While you were gone I spent the entire day setting this all up" he continued, gesturing inside.

"Nick we all know Natalie arranged it and you hired some guys to set it up" you corrected him.

"Finally someone agreed!" you heard Natalie yell from inside, getting a laugh from David.

"Shut up y/n," Jonah whispered,

"Anyway like I was saying, I worked tirelessly to set this all up so enjoy" he finished, elaborately motioning for you to go inside. You followed his directions and gasped. You stepped in the front door and over Davids loud laughing and exclaiming you heard carnival music and loud game machine noises and people all over the place all at once. There were people dressed as clowns and people on stilts, you even saw a bearded lady, and your mime friend and a short ring leader. A clown came up and shot confetti in your faces as you walked further into the house. You gripped Davids arm and saw there were carnival games and booths set up and steamers and hay everywhere. All your friends were standing around playing games and eating popcorn from the machine in the kitchen and cotton candy made by a mime. You both laughed hysterically at the circus in his living room.

"Oh my god! This is crazy you guys" David exclaimed. Another clown passed you some popcorn which you happily accepted. Jonah laughed, seeming pleased with your reactions.

"And that's not even the best part," he said loudly. He motioned for you to follow him and you walked to the corner of the living room where you saw a small, janky wooden table and sign, painted bright pink.

"a kissing booth for the lovebirds" Jonah finished laughing and sounding pleased. You and David blushed at each other and giggled as he panned his camera at the booth. Of course just then Zane and Todd popped up from behind the booth. They were both shirtless wearing cupid outfits.

"Kisses are free for you of course" Todd said smoothly, raising your hand to his lips and kissing it before winking at David. You batted your eyelashes dramatically at David. He tensed up and mouthed that he was gonna kill Todd and Zane cut in.

"And David I'll pay YOU to kiss me" he winked and ran around to David and tried to kiss him. David squealed and ran trying to free himself from Zanes embrace. With that your boyfriend disappeared into the crowd of carnies to film. You complimented Todd on his outfit and spent the afternoon filming bits for David and the rest of the Vlog Squad and playing games with Carly and Heath. One of your highlights was beating Jason at the strong man contest. At six pm the workers came and began to pack everything up.  As the carnival left your friends naturally began to filter out too. By the time you locked the door at eight the only things left in the house were bunches of hay and the kissing booth that Heath was going to come get in big red tomorrow to use for a bit. You walked over to your boyfriend who was reviewing his footage by the booth. When he saw you approaching he closed his camera and gave you a devious look. You placed your hands on the table in front of you and David leaned on the booth dramatically gazing at you.

"What" you asked, crossing your arms and trying and failing to stifle a smile. He pointed up at the sign silently.

"Oh are you impersonating the mime now?" you asked jokingly. He rolled his eyes and made a kissing face and then a large exaggerated frown.

"Fine" you said, an excited grin now came over him. You leaned over and gave him a soft peck before pulling away.

"That's it? I waited all day" he yelled jokingly, seeming shocked. You laughed, you really loved teasing him, you found it really sexy when he pretended to be angry and found it super cute that he was so bad at it because of how much he loved you.

"Well now you look like a clown then huh" you teased. He shook his head.

"But I guess I did say I'd keep my promises" you said trailing off and shooting him a devious look. He reached for you and you dodged him laughing loudly. His eyes grew intense and he looked you up and down like he was craving you.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" he exclaimed, you laughed and he ran around the kissing booth and chased you all the way into the bedroom.

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