The Prom

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     Sera sat in her chair next to her best friend Harper during her lunch period and suspiciously watched the boy coming closer to them. "Here we go again," she mumbled.

Harper looked up and smiled. "Be nice, he's cute."

They watched as he walked up to the table across from the two of them. "Hello, my name is Jack."

"Hi Jack," Harper said. "I'm Harper and this is Sera," indicating the girl next to her.

"I uh, wondered if you'd like to maybe go get some ice cream or something after school?" he asked.

"I have to go straight home today, sorry," Harper replied.

Jack blinked. "Oh. I, um, actually meant Sera."

"She's taking me home today, so no," Sera said bluntly.

"Oh, okay. Maybe some other time then."

"Maybe," Harper said as he walked away.

"Not likely," Sera said to her.

"Why not?"

"Oh, come on. You know as well as I do there's something up. A bet or challenge to get me out. See what he can do to me."

"Come on Sera, not everyone is like that. I know a few boys have been cruel, but they are immature. Just forget about it."


Days passed without sign of Jack, and Sera forgot about him. Out of the blue, he showed up at lunch again one day. Before either girl could say anything, he said, "So I thought about it and figured maybe you don't like ice cream. So maybe you like frozen yogurt instead? It's less fattening anyway."

"What?" Sera said mad. "Now you're saying I'm fat?"

"N-no," Jack sputtered as Harper rolled her eyes. "I... I just meant, maybe... never mind. I'll try again," he said walking away.

"How about you don't?" called Sera.

"I'm not giving up," Jack replied loud enough for them to hear as he walked away.

"Can you believe him?" Sera asked Harper, who was trying not to laugh.

"I know. He had the audacity to actually tell you you're fat."

"Yeah, right. Wait, what? You mean you think I'm fat?" Sera asked horrified.

Harper put her arm around her friend. "Relax. You're not fat and he wasn't implying that. Some girls have to work at our supermodel figures and starve themselves. I think he was just trying to say we're conscious of the food we eat. Err, I mean you eat."

"God, you like him, you ask him out and get him to stop bugging me."

"No such luck. He hardly looks at me. I think he's attracted to your strong arms. Lady like and body builder all in one."

Harper laughed and Sera said, "Oh my God. You're so mean to me."

"Am not. Who loves you?"

"I'm beginning to wonder. Now can we move on to something else?"

"Sure. Guess who asked me out?" Harper said, changing the subject.


Another week went by with no sign of Jack. Sera and Harper were talking at lunch when Jack pulled up a chair next to Sera and sat down.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to discuss food. As you know, the prom is a little over a month away, and I want to get the jump on everyone. Will you go to the prom with me Sera Collins?" he asked.

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