6. Playing Around

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Chapter six: Playing Around

Lia literally run, run as fast as she could, not minding the stinging pain in her feet, nor the gushes she gets from running through bushes and dried woods

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Lia literally run, run as fast as she could, not minding the stinging pain in her feet, nor the gushes she gets from running through bushes and dried woods.
She only stopped to breath when she made sure that she's finally far from the forest, with the few herbs she got from the witch's garden.

The witch let her go, in exchange of her loyalty.
Lia had to compromise herself to the man, swearing to him that she won't tell anyone about his cabin, and that she is always ready to do anything he'd ask of her.

That was a risky move. A really dangerous one. She just sold her soul to him.

But it's for her brother. For her Gukkie. Everything is worth her brother's smile.

She set the herbs on their pantry, and run to check on the boy. He was peacefully sleeping. Not in pain, not breathing heavily nor was he sweating.
Her brother is perfectly fine. The most peacefully sleep he might have ever had.

Lia walked inside his room, and sat beside his bed, hand gently brushing some of his hair out of the young boy's face.

"You're safe now." She whispered.

For the boy, she'll do everything.

Jeongguk was full of energy when he woke up the next day. The boy finally managing to leave his room without Lia's help. He can now run as fast as he used to, laughing when the cold water on the river touched his skin. He was so happy. So carefree.

It was indeed worth it. Lia thought, as a smile emerged in her lips. She watched the boy play in the shallow part of the river, while she do their laundry not far from where he was.

There was still no news from their parents, and dark thoughts start to creep their way in, in her mind at night. What if they really do abandon them? Or what if something happened to them? She don't know what to think anymore. But one thing is for sure, she's the only one they can rely on now.

       Days gone by like wind, and before Lia knew, it's already been a week since the witch found out about her. Jeongguk never fell ill again, but sooner or later the herbs will run out again and she'll need to go back to the witch's garden.

Lia don't know if that's a right thing to do. She just want to be as far away as possible from the forest.
Because she felt scared.

And that fear worsen when she woke up late at night, and Gukkie was missing.

She threw the blanket from her and run out of their home, she even knock on everyone's house to ask them about her brother. But none have an idea where the kid was.

Lia was almost crying when she came across on the river near the forest, where they get water from. Laughters could be heard from there, and Lia had to swallow hard before making her way through the bushes.

There he was, her brother, playing along the shallow water.

Lia sighed in relief. He's safe.
She walk to him and the boy's face light up upon seeing her sister. "Let's play!" The boy beam, tryin to get her into the water, but Lis only shook her head. She motioned him to leave the spot and the boy did.

"What were you thinking? You left without even telling me. What if something bad happens? It's dangerous to go there at night!" She lectured while helping the bot into another pair of clothes. She also dried his hair.

The boy only lower his gaze, lips slightly pouted. "We just play."

Lia's forehead crease. "We?" She asked. Her brother was alone when she found him. So, who was he with?

The boy's eyes look up to her, a sweet smile plastered in his face. "Yes, me and the Faes!"  He answered.

Lia felt the same fear again. No! Her mind screams.
Is this the aftermath of those herbs?

And then she saw it, a small mark forming on the back of her brother's neck. It was still faded, almost silver and glittery.

Her heart pound loudly inside her chest. Where did her brother get that!?

"Are you alright, Sister?" Gukkie asked her when he noticed the sudden changes in her. Lia forced out a smile, before helping the boy to get back to their bed and  sleep.

She needs to talk to the witch!

      Lia have no idea whether she should jump over the walls again, or knock on the wooden gate. The witch already know about her anyway, though it wasn't the best way to know someone.
But does he even want to see her again? The witch did not even say anything after she literally promised her loyalty to him. He just said she'll do everything he'll ask.

"How long were you planning to stand outside?" A voice suddenly said, making Lia flinched. She was fast to turn to the man, and she lowered her gaze.

It was the witch.
He was wearing a dark velvet robe, and holding a basket full of fruits. He must've gone out to get those food.

"Why are you here?" Asked the man.

"My brother..." Lia bit her lips, having no idea what she was actually going to say.

"What about him? Did the herbs run out again?" The witch's forehead creased.

"Yes, and.." She swallowed, "And the Faes are..,are.." How do I say this?  "I woke up awhile ago and found him near the river. He said he was playing with the Faes." Lia trailed, not looking up to meet the man's gaze.

"The Faes must've been noticing it too." The man said, walking pass her to open the wooden gate. And then he stood there, looking at Lia. "Are you coming or you prefer to be outside?" The man asked before walking away.
Lia followed him inside the house.

"What do you mean about the Faes? They are noticing what?" She asked, watching the man's back as he set his basket on the table, and walk towards a shelf full of books and small vials.
He took one old looking book from the shelf and goes back to the table, not glancing on Lia's way.

"What about the Fae? I need to know." She tried again, voice a little louder than the last.

The man stopped moving around, and finally turned to face her. A smug smile in the corner of his lips. "Did you really think that the herbs I grow are safe for mortals like you?" He muttered, there's an evident annoyance in his eyes.

Lia was dumbfounded. She already thought of that, countless of times! But,, "B-But..you promised you'll leave my brother out of this?" She said.

The man shake his head. "I grow my herbs for the sole purpose of using them for magic. For potion." He said, flipping through the pages of his book. "But making a mortal drink them..?" He sighed. "I need to see your brother." And was his urgent replied.

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