Chapter 3 The Arrival

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Somehow red man Came back to earth But tree man Died Blue man is Still unknown where he is ??... Red man Was walking in the forrest To find new helpers But Nobody was in the forrest ( In few hours) Soldier's from Secret Laboratory Catched Red man ( 1 day later) Red man is in chamber And Scientfist's planning to cure the red skin thing ( in few minutes) They still trying to cure it                                                                 (Scientfist's pov)..... Guys We need to cure him or else He kill us And yes Soldier's go find blue man He somewhere in the forrest ( End of pov) ... After Scientfist's Finally made Potion they gave it to Red man But.... Something wrong Red man was Mutating more and more One of his arm was normal But left arm was an giant Spike His left Leg was Giant spike Too But right leg was okay His mouth came back and he grew Big thooth's His eye's came back but They are fully white His Bald again And Now he can turn Into small And giant He can speak Now ...After this mutation he turned giant and killed all Scientfist's and Soldier's  He Destroyed the Secret Laboratory And Alot of HELICOPTER's Was flying around him.                                    (Red man's pov) Muhaaahahah You are Jerks Im immortal I will rule the world >:).    ( End of pov ) Alot of HELICOPTER's was shooting at him but Bullets Does nothing to red man ... ( Later) He destroyed all HELICOPTER's And Turned himself Normal size Then he Entered New forrest Where he kills Detective's  ( In a few days) One night Scout's was in the forrest and one scout Needed to go in there That scout had Video tape ( Scout's pov). Damn this place give's me creeps Is so dark  Wait its that Crashed helicopter ?? *Walks slowly* Uughh I dont feel so good * hears Weird Noises from red man* ugghh Helpp plsss !! *Red man appears* No pls nooo Plss why meeee !!! ( End of pov) Red man killed the scout The tape was laying on crashed helicopter Next day In the news there was an Report Of one of Scout's dead  Then one detective Had to go in there ( 3 hours later) Detective arrived  ( Detective's pov) Uughh This place looks terrifying And dark      But i should find that tape  Wait an crashed helicopter ?? Wait there is tap.. wait what that's sound's ??? *See's red man* Oh damn *pick up's video tape. And runs so fast* Ugghh I need to get On the TRUCK NOOOOW!!! *Drives Away* Pfftt im alive Gladly Im never entering that forrest again That was so near ( End of pov)     
Detective arrive's home And Play's video tape  ( in a few minutes) the tape was short it showed how Mason ( red man) Mutated That was terrifying  But detective saw something strange in the corner He saw and guy with blue skin Long arms And legs And with no mouth Detective Know's that there is ....BLUE MAN ( The end )

Red man 3 The ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now