1. I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling

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Chicago, 1929... 
Jim waited impatiently walking around a lamppost, his shiny shoes tapping the pavement. It was half past 9 and it was already getting dark. Jim looked around and he saw a silhouette approaching him. His heart began to race inside his chest and he couldn't help but grinning. He could recognize that wa1. I've Got A Feeling I'm Fallinglk anywhere. 
"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" 
"No, it's ok. I've only been here half an hour..." Jim said and smiled shyly to his friend
"You could've smoked while waiting to pass the time more pleasantly." he said cigarette in his mouth.
"Oh, Sebastian," Jim giggled, "you know I don't smoke. And you shouldn't either!"
"A man has to smoke!" Sebastian said and then laughed at his own words "We're not too late, are we?"
"No, no. I think we're alright." Jim said letting his friend put his arm around his shoulder and lead him to the nearby mortuary. 

Sebastian put out his cigarette and knocked on the back door. Jim just stood there watching him. A little window-like opening showed two eyes with cross eyebrows above them piercing the two boys. 
"Yes?" a voice asked from behind the door. 
"We're here for the old lady's funeral!" Sebastian said loudly
"And the little one?"
"I-- I'm here for the old lady's funeral as well..." Jim said mournfully.
"Aha" the man from behind the door said and opened the door. "There, in the end of the corridor, then to the left."
As the two walked slowly Jim couldn't help but feeling a bit uneasy. 
"Why are we here again?" he whispered 
"Because we'll get money out of it!" Sebastian said
"There must be another way." 
"Don't start whining again. If there was another way, we wouldn't be here in the first place, would we?" Sebastian said and tapped him on the shoulder "Do you trust me?"
"Of course!" 
"Then let's walk and do what we're here for." 

Behind that door inside the mortuary was a whole night club. Smoke from cigarettes, jazz and drunk people all around them. Loud music and loud people getting drunk, Jim didn’t like it. He instinctively grabbed Sebastian’s hand.
Sebastian smiled at his reaction. That little 19 year old boy that looked so innocent was a real gem.
“It’d be alright, Kitten” he winked at him
Jim suddenly pulled his hand away from Sebastian’s hand. Why did he have to call him “Kitten”? It was strange. Jim never heard other friends calling each other with pet names like that! And when Sebastian called him “Kitten” Jim always felt so confused. They did not really know each other that long to have pet names already, anyway!
Jim first met Sebastian 6 months ago on the boat to the USA and the two sort of clicked at once and became inseparable ever since. Jim could see it all right now. Sebastian chuckling and looking for a light for his cigarette, offering him one too. Jim refusing because he did not approve of smoking. Sebastian’s gentle smile at his determination not to smoke… It’s been 6 months till they arrived in Chicago and they went through more than Sebastian ever went through in Ireland for 19 years! Jim knew that well because Sebastian told him so.
“I didn’t like it at home” Sebastian said once “Small town, everyone looking at me kinda weird, boring… I’m a young energetic man, Jimmie! I need some excitement!” he inhaled the cigarette smoke deeply and then let it out again “What about you? Why did you leave Ireland?”
“I—same reasons.” Jim said simply and coughed from the smoke.
Yes, they were good friends. And Jim felt much attached to Sebastian already. In fact, he never had a friend like him at all.
A bulky guy approached them.
“You the new boys?” he asked shaking Sebastian’s hand.
“Yeah” Seb replied “You Bob?”
“That’s me.” The man said “Come with me”
The boys followed him to a separate room next to the club and he then explained their duties.
“Basically, you gotta take the coffins and drive them from one place to the other, take them out, open them and take all the bottles of liquor out of the coffins and put them in the club or wherever. That clear?” Bob asked
“Yes, yes, all clear” Seb nodded and looked at Jim. Jim nodded as well, although a little less enthusiastically.
“And I think I don’t need to tell you, boys, that if you breathe a word about what exactly it is you do here to anyone… you won’t be able to breathe anything anymore… Right? THAT clear?”
“Of course. We’re not stupid!” Sebastian laughed “Liquor’s against the law, right!”
“Right. And don't ever mention the name Cappola! Our Boss doesn't care for unwanted attention!" he added "Ok, that’s all for now. You go do your job.” Bob said and took them out of the room.
“We’re in business, Kitten!” Sebastian said and ruffled Jim’s hair with the palm of his hand.
They went outside waiting by the hearse for someone to call them. Sebastian lit up another cigarette and Jim coughed from the smoke once again. He was still not quite used to the smell of the cigarettes although he kind of liked it when it got mixed with Sebastian’s scent.

“I don’t think it’s safe! It’s illegal!” Jim whispered
“I can see you’re a good boy.” Sebastian chuckled and ruffled his friend’s hair again
“Let’s not get into that now.” Jim frowned and pulled his head away from Seb’s large hands
“Alright then! I can talk to someone to put you in the orchestra or something. You could play in the club’s band. I hear they have an opening for a bass.”
“I play the cello!” Jim protested
“Same thing, isn’t it?”
“It’s not!”
“They’re both fiddles to me. I’m sure you can do it, Jimmie.” Seb smiled and lit up another cigarette.
Jim was standing there beside him and observing his every move. Sebastian looked really magnificent. He was much taller than Jim, his blonde hair always looked a little raffled but in a pleasant way that made Jim’s heart beat faster; his eyes were sparkling like there was always some sort of mischief in them and when he smiles… Jim suddenly realized that he was paying too much attention to his friend so he averted his eyes quickly in the opposite direction.
“When will we be able to go home?” Jim asked
“When we finish with all the delivering and when the club closes, I guess.” Sebastian answered
“That would take a whole night!” Jim exclaimed
“But that means we’re now working during the night.”
“Yes, we are. You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?” Sebastian said “Look, I found us something, didn’t I?! We have rent to pay! We're 2 months behind already! I agree it's not perfect but it’s better than nothing and better than many other things, for that matter!”
“I know…”
“Then why are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad” Jim could feel Sebastian’s beautiful blue eyes piercing the back of his head
“You’re not even looking at me!” Sebastian continued “You know I want nothing but what’s best for us, right?”
“I know.”Jim said quietly
“Look at me then.” Seb insisted but Jim did not even move “LOOK AT ME!”
“I don’t have time for games.” Jim said feeling that his cheeks were all red “I have to practice. It’s not easy to go from cello to bass…”
And with a quick pace he rushed inside leaving Sebastian in the cold smoking his cigarettes.
“What--?! Where are you even going now?!” Sebastian asked after him but he gave no reply.

Sebastian stood there for a while waiting for Jim to return. His friend was acting strange these last weeks and Sebastian was not quite sure why. Ever since Seb met Jim on that boat he knew one thing - Jim was like a cute, helpless kitten! There was this innocent shyness in Jim's eyes that made Sebastian feel like he needed to protect him no matter what. Like an older brother. Yes, that's it. Like an older brother. Although they were both the same age. Sebastian chuckled while remembering the first time he met Jim. For the last 6 months he really grew to like that little guy! 

"You there, boy!" Bob called "Come get the stuff!" 
Seb quickly put away the cigarette and rushed to do his job. 
"Where's the other one?" Bob asked
"He went to powder his nose" Seb smiled and started unloading the bottles and putting them inside an empty casket "He's around. Don't worry about that!" 

Meanwhile Jim was hiding in the restroom. He did not want to be here, he did not want to talk to these people. All he wanted was to get as far away from home as possible and start life anew. And now this... When things happen they really happen!

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