Chapter 1, How it began..

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Song above-
-Mentions of throwing up,
-Implied former sexual interaction

The deed was done..

The skin on skin contact was all they felt that night, the soft touch of one another when they curled up in each other's arms were all they could remember after the night of partying, each of the three pressed against one another, heads of hair softly sprawled over the cotton pillows and limbs entwined..


The night slowly dragged by before the shifting of the pinkette broke their comforting cuddle, Mina gently pushing herself up as she groaned lightly, running a hand through her messy hair as she glanced down at the two half naked boys before sighing as she gently slid out of the bed, wincing as her legs nearly gave way beneath her, quivering as she caught herself just before she fell, not wanting to wake the other two.
She eventually gained the strength to stand up, glancing around the room, eyes landing on the alarm clock as she sighed, seeing it was only 4am, barely getting any sleep.

She gulped, pushing herself over to the bathroom, before jolting as she held onto the doorway, gipping at seemingly nothing as she rushed into the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind her as she collapsed to the floor, desperately clinging onto the toilet bowl before emptying her stomach, eyes watering as she did so.
The burning at the back of her throat increased the more she dry heaved, only managing to throw up the little food she ate before slowly opening her eyes again, as she hesitated before washing her face and slowly brushing her teeth to get rid of the putrid taste in her mouth.

Mina honestly felt like she had the most terrible hangover all the time, She was nauseous and liable to vomit at the slightest provocation. And it lasted all damn day.. How could anything so natural feel so bad? It was worse than gastric flu, at least with the flu you knew it would be over in a few days.
This however didn't feel anything like a flu she had, had before, she had a normal and healthy temperature, not too hot and not too cold.
A healthy middle.
So..she honestly didn't know what was wrong, until the realisation sunk in, memories flashing back into her mind from the night before as she cursed, scrambling to her feet as she flushed the toilet.

"This better not be fucking true.."

Tears whelled up in her eyes just at the thought of what her mind had conjured up as a possibility happening, she couldn't help but think of all the possibilities, she wasn't that drunk last night, though..
Sero was definitely high, or on the road to it anyway, Denki being slightly intoxicated but none of the boys were so wasted they couldn't control themselves, they were in perfect control..


She shook her head lightly as if it would erase her thoughts like an etchy-sketch before exhaling deeply and shuffling back into the bedroom, pulling on one of Sero's hoodies knowing it would probably be more oversized than one of Denki's, she tried taking deep breathes to calm herself down as she grabbed some underwear making sure she was at least decently covered before grabbing her phone, unlocking it as she flicked through her messages, seeing one contact online.
Her thumb hovered over the girl's number as she hesitated before clicking on the messages, shakily typing a message to her;

Tsu, I think I fucked up..
Sent at 4:31am

Typing . . .

What happened, Are you okay? Did someone hurt you-?!
Sent at 4:31am

Nobody hurt me.. but I think I need some help, I.. I fucked up Tsu, can I come over?
Sent at 4:32am

Typing . . .

Door's open, tell me everything, you know I'm here for you, and so is everyone else. 🐸
Sent at 4:33am

Mina nodded to herself, pocketing her phone before writing a small note and placing it on the bedside table on a sticky note as she knew the bright pink paper would get the boy's attention once they woke up.
She shuddered, quietly slipping her slippers on before quietly making her way out of the dorm room, gently closing the door behind herself as she sniffled, wiping her eyes with her thumbs as she slowly made her way to the other's room.

Tsuyu didn't hesitate to open the door to her as Mina walked inside, the green haired girl bringing her into a soft hug as Mina couldn't held but let a few tears run down her cheeks before Tsuyu closed the door and led her over to the bed, letting her sit down as she sat infront of her.
"What happened..?"
"Tsu..  I-"
She cut herself off, wretching as she rushed to the bathroom, the other following after her, helping the pinkette hold her hair out of her face as she puked once again, gently rubbing her back.
It didn't take long before she eventually sat back, shakily taking a deep breath."I..  I think I'm pregnant.."

The other's eyes widened softly as she looked over at her, seeing the guilt and panic in her eyes as she quickly gave her a reassuring smile, gently holding her hands, softly rubbing her thumbs over Mina's knuckles.
"I.. we'll have to tell Yaoyorozu.."
"I know.. that's the better option then trying to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test.."
Tsuyu nodded lightly, sighing as she gently wiped away Mina's tears.
"You'll be okay.. you've got this, you're amazing Mina- look at me, Kero."

Their eyes met as Mina cracked a small smile as she giggled at the attempted mood raiser Tsuyu gave her as the other smiled, helping her up as the pinkette washed her face and washed her mouth out.
"You've got this.. if you are pregnant you'll work this out, you've got Sero and Kaminari and you've got your friends.."
She smiled softly as Mina nodded lightly, drying her face gently with the blanket.
"How about we relax with a movie or something until Momo wakes up? Just to let you relax for a bit, kero?"

Mina took a deep breath before nodding and allowing the greenette to gently bring her back to the bedroom, letting her get comfy on the abundance of pillows as Tsuyu smiled.
"Let me guess, Disney?"
"Is that even a question-?!"
Tsuyu giggled, shaking her head softly as she turned to her many DVD's, placing the disk of Mina's personal favourite Disney movie into her tv, Mulan.
The girls got comfy on the bed as the movie was set up, soon loading up as Mina smiled, resting her head on Tsuyu's shoulder, sighing softly as she let the distraction stop her from overthinking as she focused on the screen.

She needed to know the truth..

But what would she tell the others..?

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