Cнα⅊тɛʀ 22 (edited)

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Nora's P.O.V

Waking from my slumber I looked around to notice there was an eery silence surrounding the house. A chill was evident in the air and my body shuddered as little gasps of mist left my breath. There were no sounds of shuffling, or even the scent of breakfast being cooked in the kitchen. I was completely alone, having been magically placed on the sofa I was laying against from last night with a small blanket covering my body.

Speaking of last night, everything from yesterday came crashing back full force to my mind, every incident, every conversation, every laugh, and even the game of Uno we had played. That night was perfection wrapped in a box and packaged with a neat little bow for Christmas. Those memories played on loop causing me to stretch and turn on the sofa with a wide grin on my face and a happy aura radiating off me.

‘Where was Elijah?’ I wondered as I got off the bed and folded the blanket to put aside. I didn’t know this house very well or the neighbourhood either, but I hoped he hadn’t abandoned me. ‘He’s probably just gone to a shop to get some food or ingredients’, I tried to convince myself but from what I could see around the room there were no traces of his belongings or his presence which meant he’d been gone for quite some time.

Looking around I found my phone on the table and my bag waiting next to it. The rumble of my stomach had me longing for that pasta Elijah made yesterday but there were no leftovers, so I picked my phone up off the table and turned to the kitchen. If Elijah was still outside, then there may be something left in the fridge that I could grab to eat, and I was willing to wait until then.

I turned my phone on to see two messages popping up as I opened the fridge door and peered inside. The shelves were all empty, not a trace of food anywhere in sight, not even an apple. I wondered how on earth Elijah had managed to make all that food yesterday if there was nothing left the next day. Checking the freezer, I prayed there might be something worthy there but once again I was let down. I read the contents from the texts:

Don’t ever forget that I’m your boss, Miss Jones.
Now, come back to the hotel immediately.
-Mr Cooper.

Stunned silence was all that flushed over me before tidal waves of anger permeated the air. From the looks of things it seemed that what little progress we had managed to make throughout last night was pointless, with us falling all the way back down to square one. ‘He’s sobered, time to go back to hating him’, I decided as I slammed the freezer door and made my way to the hall. I didn’t bother replying to him as he wasn’t worth the attention. Instead, I went in search of a bathroom where I could check my appearance before I stepped out into the world to see humans for another day.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now