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#thegluecontest2 It's my first story! Hope y'all readers will enjoy! Leave some feedbacks! x

I felt sweat trickling down my temples. I walked in a quicker pace on the pedestrian lane on my way back home from work at the cafe. I thought to myself, never ever going to walk back to the apartment myself when it's late at night. Never again. I jumped when I heard footsteps behind me and the sound of a motorcycle in the distance. I thought it wasn't a big deal at first, thinking that at least I've got company. But all of a sudden I felt an extremely hard whack in the head. I feel to the ground and within those few moments of being conscious, I heard a motorcycle stopped by and saw a guy got off and started running towards what seemed like a man figure running away. And then I passed out.


My head was throbbing terribly. I felt weak and hungry. I opened my eyes slowly and found myself on my bed, in my work attire. I moved a little but every move I made seems to hurt terribly. I tilt my head. Looked left, looked right. No, wait. This isnt my bed. This isnt even my room. I slowly push myself into a sitting postion and my whole body ached. I looked around. Where am I? I was just about to get out of the bed, sitting at the edge, when suddenly one of the doors in the room opened. A guy came in. He had blond mixed with light brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He was tall and skinny but extremely good looking. "Oh, I'm so sorry I just came in without knocking the door, I thought you were still unconscious from what happened last night. " He said with his English accent. I was speechless. Partly because I was in a house or an apartment of a guy but also what he mentioned. What happened last night, I can't remember a single thing. Did I get drunk with this guy? Impossible. I don't even drink. "Hellooo? You there, miss?" He said, half laughing. He was already infront of me, waving his hand infront of my face. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just couldn't remember what happened last night." I look up to take a good look on his face and giving him a 'what happened?' expression. He looked down at his feet and look back up to me and said "You were hit pretty hard at the back of your head... " He stopped mid-sentence and looked at me. And I remembered. I touched the back of my head and pain spread through my skull and my neck. He continued "And a guy kinda snatched your purse. " I look at him. He didn't seem worried or anything. My eyes widen and I felt furious and disappointed. I was about to say something when he cut me out, "But hey, I managed to get him and got it back for you," he said, waving my purse in the air. I was so relieved! I quickly grabbed it and check to see if everything was there. "Thank you so much, umm sir! " He laughed and I laughed too. "Thomas. Thomas Sangster." He said pulling his hand out to shake mine. "(Y/N). Nice meeting you, Thomas. "Thank you so much for helping me! " I said with a smile spread across my face. "(Y/N). Pretty name, I like it. Pleasure meeting you too! And no problem! I'm sorry I had to bring you to my apartment, I didn't know where you stayed. You must've felt really freaked out being in a stranger's apartment. " He was scratching the back of his head. "Hey Thomas, it's alright. I really appreciate with the thought of you taking care of me while I was unconscious. " He smiled at me and helped me to get to my feet. When I finally got my balance, I walk up to the window and saw the same scenery as I always see from my apartment. "I think I stay at the same building as you do" I said, feeling curious again. "What's your apartment number? " I asked. "A5" No way. He stays just 5 door aways from mine. "A10" I said, turning to him. Smiling. He too was smiling. We stay there staring for a moment and he quickly said, "Come on, we're going out for breakfast together. You better have that stomach of yours filled. That'll make you feel much better." I felt warmth in my heart and walked towards him, out of the bedroom. I told him I'll get myself cleaned up first and meet him again in 10 minutes.


"So, you work here?" He said, looking around the cafe. "Yeah, I love it here." He chuckled. I look back to him and caught him staring at me.  I blushed. "You know, I really should be the one treating you. I mean, you literally saved my life! Plus, like I told you, I work here!" I felt so guilty that he is paying for the coffee and cake we ordered. I pull out my money and stood up to go to the counter to pay but he grabbed my arm before I even moved a step. "(Y/N), please, I insist. I said I will pay the bill, just relax" He said, smiling. "Thomas, why are you being so nice to me? First of all, we just met and secondly, I probably got you into a mess with that snatch theft," I felt that guilt in me again. "You'll know soon, love," He winked at me. Wow this guy is someone you don't come across any ordinary day. "Well then, you should start your work now, sadly. I guess I'll see you some time again, love," He offered me his hand and gestured me to stand up. I stood up, he kissed my hand and went off. "Get over here, lovebird!" My insane best friend called out. I turned to her and she was snickering. "He's not my boyfriend, alright," I said, rolling my eyes. My best friend is just totally insane. "But you are totally in love with him and he's totally in love with you. I know it!" She said, snickering again. "Well, he is cute, isn't he?" We both laughed and started our work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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