Meeting them part 1

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As I swirl the water with my foot someone knocks at the dorm door. "KAYLA CAN YOU GET THE DOOR!" No response, damnit. I open the shower door grabing a towel and wraping it around my body. I run to the living room and open the door without thinking.

There stands one of the most beautiful boys ive ever seen. He says "I'm sorry to bother you, but I smelt a very vibrant aroma of lilac." Hmmm is his nose broken or something. I smile "No lilac here, and as you can see I was in the shower so I'm gonna go continue, I have school in an hour, have a good day!" I shut the door making sure to lock it then run back to the bathroom and get back in the shower.

When I'm done I dry my long red hair and tie it in a ponytail. I pick out a red cropped spaghetti strapped top that says 'Babe' in bold black letters, ripped light blue jeans, and my light brown combat boots. Then I grab my bag after sliping my phone in my back pocket.

When I'm done I run to my class downstairs in the next building. My dark brown headed roomate Kayla is standing at the door waiting for the teacher. So this is where she was. "Um why are you staring at me weirdo?" I snap out of my trance when she says that. "Sorry didnt mean to." She scoffs "Whatever."

The person I was least expecting to see comes up behind her. "Oh its lilac boy!" He looks up at me, seems kinda shy. "Um yeah sorry about that...." I smile "Nia Leven." He says "Nice to meet you Nia, I'm Max." The classroom door opens and we all walk in. I say "Do you want to sit with me?" He gives me a surprised look. "You want me to sit with you?" I tilt my head "If you dont want to its fine...." He cuts of my rant "Sure I'll sit with you."

I say "Then come lets find some decent seats." I grab his hand and feel tingles run down my spine they run through my body and I shiver. "Nia, are you alright?" I shake my head and smile "Yeah I'm good, let's go." We find some seats in the middle of the room near the bottom.

When class is over Max says "When are you free?" I pull my phone out checking my schedule. "I'm free at 2:00." He says "Would you like to have lunch with me?" I say "Yeah sure let's exchange numbers just incase one of us has to cancel." He pulls out his phone and we trade numbers. "Text me where you want to meet, gotta go, I'll see you at 2:00!" I turn and run to my next class.... History.

At lunch I'm about to walk to where we were gonna meet when Kayla calls me "We need to go grocery shopping, like now." I say "I have plans." She says "Sorry but your gonna have to cancel, you know I cant go into big crowds, well outside of school."

I sigh "Send me a list I'll be there in a minute to pick up my car." She claps her hands in excitement "See you then!" I hang up and text Max telling him I can't meet. I walk to my dorm building and go to my car. Then I drive to the store. I get a message. It's Kayla sending me the list which is a fucking paragraph.

I groan as I walk into the store putting my keys in my bag. Then I get to work. When I'm finnally done getting Kayla's stuff I start getting things for myself. As I walk out of the store I see a brown and black wolf with hazel eyes. I drop my bags as it starts to fast walk towards me.

I bend down and open my arms. When it gets to me it sits in front of me as I start to run my fingers through its fur. "Oh my goodness your so beautiful, and your fur is so soft!" Someone clears there throat behind me.

I turn and see a brunette boy, hazel eyes, seem to be about 5'7 compared to my 5'4. He holds something up to me.... MY KEYS! Did he take them, did I drop them, how did he fucking get them? He says "Are these yours?" I say "Um yeah, they are, can I have them back now?" He throws them to me. "You may want to start hooking them to your belt loop, keep people from stealing them." I catch them and say "Good idea, thanks." He smiles and I notice his front left tooth is a bit crooked.

I run my tounge over my chipped left front tooth. He walks over to the wolf "Lets go Aven." I say "He's yours?" He nods. I say "Well I should get going." I stand up and walk to my bags picking them up and walk to my car setting the bags in the back.

The boy walks to my and hands me a card our hands brushing together. I can't help but notice the tingles I felt when I grabbed Max's hand run through my body. "Call me if you lose anything that needs to be found." I smile and take it. "Thanks." Aven growls looking at the boy.

I get in my car and drive to the dorms. I take the bags into the dorm and set them on the counter. "Foods here!" Ugh and now I have to get ready. I go to my room and open my clothes folder on my phone. I take pictures of my clothes so I can plan my outfits easier.

I scroll through until I find my black tube top with 'Obey Me' on the front in big white letters, my light blue ripped Jean shorts, and my black high top vans. I brush my hair and do my makeup. Joe calls me as I'm doing my lipstick. "Sup bitch!" I say "Sup whore." She laughs "You ready to get fucked up!" I groan "Hell yes bitch!" She says "I'm on the way to your dorm." I say "Alright, hurry the gremlin is coming out of her room to get food." She giggles "I'm here you just gotta come out baby." I say "I'll be out in a minute." Then I hang up and put my phone in my pocket and grab my emergency bag for clubbing and run outside to Joe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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