Day Two: March 19, 2020

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Dear Diary,

After not getting any sleep working on our assignments. We held a meeting concerning what to  do in the event of an  outbreak within that facility and agreed that the best thing to do was quarantine any person or persons that are sick within the facility. Then extract the virus, using the DNA separation kits we have, from an infected persons to study the virus, so we can maybe figure out how it works then try different medicine and other humane treatments. I just personally hope that we can cure this. We have funding from all over the world.  My only fear is that we don't cure that person before they become completely crazy. In which case we are to put them down and remove the body immediately after. This is the one thing that I've always feared more than death itself was the world completely shutting down and becoming an apocalypse. There was a bio-nuclear bomb that dropped on us. The result of a bio-nuclear war between the US and China with the rest of the world  helping either side. Eventually resulting in what is pretty much the end of humanity. Unless we can stop this virus, this plauge, that is wreaking havock on all living creatures.

~Sincerely yours Lily

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