The date

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Lying in bed I still could not believe the events that had played out only hours ago. I could still smell the salty atmosphere blended with Harry’s cologne and those eyes that looked at me with such intensity and depth searching in to mine for some sort of comfort.

I was intrigued by him, by his lack of words and enigmatic actions. He gave so little away;he wanted to go on a date yet he barely looked or talked to me. Was this a good idea? I knew that it was all I could think about, he was all I could think about but something inside of me was warning me about him. I just knew there was more to what he let me see and he definitely did not let me see much.

I woke up early as I couldn’t sleep, thoughts swirling my mind. I had to check on Cathrine, too, as I had informed her about Leo’s reaction to her crush. She seemed to handle it OK but I knew she was hurt. Once the boys dropped us off at the garage she interrogated me about everything that Leo and I talked and of course I had to replay whole chunks of our conversation over and over again as she wanted to analyse everything, but in the end she understood that it was pointless. Leo was Leo and he was her brother’s friend and he stated that they could only be friends and she had to accept that, so I had to be there for her and support her.

‘Hey! Good morning beautiful!’ I said when she answered her phone on the second ring.

‘Sleep well?’ I asked not sure what to expect as an answer.

‘Yeah, I’m fine, you don’t need to check on me’ she replied in a childish manner.

‘Can’t a girl call her friend and wish them good morning for no reason other than to wish them that?’ I playfully asked with a smile on my face.

‘I’m coming over at noon. We need to make you irresistible for your date with Mr. Hot-stuff-I-don’t- talk-to-anyone- for- more-than-half-a-second’ she chuckled and I followed.

‘You do that but don’t get carried away sweetie, it’s not a big deal’ I told her making sure she didn’t come over with a suitcase of things.

‘Have you not seen the guy, he is like seriously hot. I‘ll be there at noon’ she said hanging up.

I was in trouble. She was a girl with a mission and I couldn’t say no to her. Plus I had to study for finals ,all this was way too much. I started studying trying to focus as much as possible with those jade green eyes haunting me but I managed to cover quite enough by the time my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen: Harry.

I answered it with my stomach in knots:


‘Valerie this is Harry. What time should I pick you up?’ he said in a flat way.

‘I know, I have your number Harry. Leo put it on my phone last night. Six OK?’ I replied oddly.

‘I’ll meet you at the garage’, he said and hang up.

This takes the prize for the oddest conversation ever. What was that? It was so weird how unaffected and cold he sounded when me on the other hand was almost not breathing while talking to him. How could he get to me like that?

Time passed quickly with studying and Cathrine was at my doorstep at noon like she promised. As I had predicted she brought along numerous outfits and accessories and after a huge struggle I settled with a pair of skinny jeans and a black top, a pair of black high-heeled boots and a black jacket. She did my hair and make-up and I have to admit that I looked really good.

Don’t get me wrong,at school I had always been popular having older brothers and all. My friends at school were the funniest people and we always had a good time. I had my fair share of boyfriends but when I started university I simply didn’t have time for these things and uni boys were either taken, arrogant or simply not interesting. Quite a few of them tried to get my attention but I was not attracted to any of them. Nobody caught my eye. I had a few friends who were boys at uni and I hang out with my roommates at the campus a lot but that was it.

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