New to Hell

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Key :

(Y/n) = Your name

(F/c) = Favorite Color 

(S/f/c) second favorite color

The last thing that (Y/n) remembered was dying  now she was in Hell and she was terrified to say the least .

(Y/n) walked past a store front where she saw her new form , (Y/n's) skin  was now pale (F/c), she had long curved (S/f/c) horns , fangs , and a dark pointed (F/c) tail ,  She was also wearing the outfit she died in.

Which was sweatshirt  with a plain shirt underneath , a pleaded skirt ,  stripped knee high socks,  a pair of converse and her prized locket that belonged to her great Grandmother .

(Y/n) walked around Hell aimlessly as the red sky was getting darker and she really didn't want to be out in the city at night ,  Suddenly she saw a bright sign that said Hazbin Hotel so, she knocked on the door .

The door was opened by a blonde demon who smiled and pulled (Y/n) into the hotel

"Hello I'm Charlie and Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel" Charlie said In a excited tone

"Uh  hi I'm (Y/n) I'm kinda new here , and I'd like a room please " (Y/n) said in a nervous tone.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/n) let me introduce you to everyone , this is my girlfriend Vaggie"

"Hey" Vaggie greeted

"My business partner Alastor"

"Pleased to meet you miss" Alastor said with a smile


"Sup" Husk said before he took a drink


"Hello" Niffty said

"And Angel Dust"

"Hi ya Dollface" Angel Dust said before he started to sniff around then he started to smell (Y/n) .

"So, that's what smells so good" Angel Dust said before he took a big whiff of (Y/n's) scent

"Uhhhhhhhhh" (Y/n) said with a dark blush on her face

"You're a virgin aren't ya Dollface you smell so good , you're making my mouth water" Angel Dust said in a lusty tone .

"Leave her alone you perv" Vaggie said before she gave (Y/n) her room key

Charlie then lead (Y/n) to her room and on the way she Explained the purpose of the hotel .

"It would be amazing if I could go to heaven , I could be with my grandma and mom  again that would be a dream come true to see them again  " (Y/n) said in a melancholy tone .

"And I want to help you achieve your dream (Y/n) , and I'm sorry about Angel  Dust we really don't get many Virgins in hell" .

"Thank you and it's  okay Charlie  I'll just steer clear of him" (Y/n) said with a blush

"Well I'll let you get settled I'll see you tomorrow sweet dreams" Charlie said before she left the room .

(Y/n) then flopped down on her plush new bed and fell asleep instantly

Said the Spider to the Fly (Angel Dust X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now