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Jim was a twelve - year old Primary school pupil

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Jim was a twelve - year old Primary school pupil . He always fail in class and repeated the same class twice. He had become a laughing stock to his school mates. He hardly passed by a student without hearing the word,"failure, good -for- nothing lad."

He always hear these voices within him saying ," You see, you are a failure, you are good-for-nothing. Your birth is a waste of time."Jim realised there was another voice who always give him hope, "Jim, you are born unique, you have more power than you think. Just concentrate and believe in yourselve. Tell yourself,
"I CAN do it."

Sadly , Jim always listen to the first voice. One day, he accidentally entered a yard guarded by three wild dogs.The dogs rushed on him.Again, one voice said ," You see, you can't run faster than these big dogs, they will bite you. "Then the second voice said , "Run, Jim. Run, you can run more than you think."

Jim decided to listen to the second voice and ran with all his energy. He was surprised he escaped from the dogs successfully.From that point onwards, he began to change his mindset. Whenever he was discouraged, or laughed at, he would tell himself,"I CAN DO IT."

During the school's Athletics competition, he opted to run in the competition. His friends , upon seeing him, begun to laugh till tears dropped from their eyes, they said, "look at this lazy boy, he want to run." They laughed," Hahahaha, hihihiiiiiooo"

The first voice within him said, "Jim, are you an idiot ? How can you compete with Jack, the school fastest runner? You must be joking,hahahha"

Jim's spirit was lowered. Then the second voice encouraged him, "Jim, rise up and run, you are powerful. Just run!!!"

Jim rose up. He told himself, "I CAN DO IT " and came to the starting line. "Runners on your mark, the sportsmaster ordered, very surprised to see Jim on the line, "Get ready, set. 3....2......1......Bang.....the sport gun was fired.!
When Jim heard the sport gun, he lost his courage and fell down on the ground. The whole crowd erupted into laugher saying, we knew it, he is a failure.!He is a failure!! He's failure! !! His inner voice also said to him , " you see, stop deceiving yourself, you are born a failure. I don't need to keep reminding you of that.Hahahahah" Then the second voice said, "Jim, you are born a winner, run!, run!! Run!!!."

As if re-energized by the second voice, Jim stood up and broke into a run. He began running sluggishly.
One minute to the finish line..Jim was still at the back.About 45 seconds to the finish line ...Jim was still at the back.About 30 seconds to the finish line, Jim's inner voice said, "Jim, this is not your full running pace, run harder.!!!".
About 15 seconds to the finish line, Jim opened the "burners" and ran like a speed train. Ten seconds to the finish line, Jim passed two runners. It was left with four runners in front. Five seconds to the finish line Jim was still at the 5th position and two seconds to finish line , Jim got closer to the fourth runner. One second to finish line, Jim stepped up his pace and strength and passed the fourth person.He had won the third position!!!
The crowd was stunned."Jim won third position?"they marvelled. This is unbelievable! Their ill perception about him was shattered.

The crowd went dead for a few seconds and then there was a loud round of clapping from the shocked crowd. His name was cheered , Jim!, Jim!!, Jim!!! ,Jim!!!!, Jim!!!!!

He qualified for training to run for his school, Braintox,in the Inter- School Athletic Competition. Jim woke up early every morning and trained hard, apart from the training given to them by the sport's teacher.

The D-Day came quite quickly. The crowd was huge. The athletes representing the various schools were called to the starting line. John and Jake represented Primax basic, Peter and Andrew represented Rixers basic school, Ken and Philip represented Forx basic school and Jack and Jim represented Braintox basic School.
"Runners on your marks",the athletics official instructed,"Get Ready.Set 3..2..1 .Bang..!!!"The race begun on a high Tempo.Each school cheered her competitors. John took the lead, followed peter, and then Jack, the last was Phillip. About two minutes to the finished line , John led the race. About 30 seconds to the finished line, Andrew led the race.About 10 seconds to finish, Jack led the race followed by Jake. Ten seconds to the finish line, Ken led .About 7 seconds to the finish line, Jack passed Ken and Peter. Running Behind Peter closely was Andrew.
When Jack was 5 seconds away from the finish line, his feet hit something and he fell !!! Jim who was now at fourth position, with Ken now at the first position, followed by peter, and Andrew, sped with all the energies left inside him as the crowd cheered him on,"Jim!, Jim!!, Jim,!!! jim!!!!!. He passed Andrew.
About one second to the finish line, he miraculously passed the two runners in front and touched the finished line just a micro second ahead of Ken from Forx Basic School. !!! Jack came second to last, passing only Phillip.

JIM WAS THE WINNER OF THE RACE. He made Braintox Basic School proud.He won a gold medal and was picked to represent the zone.

The crowd roared and cheered his name all the way back to the school , carrying him shoulder high.

A year later,He went to the Zonal and won with an impressive speed record.The following year, he was sent to the National level and loo and behold, nobody was able to match his supersonic speed.
He became a national Hero, televised all year round.He also improved in his academic work and became a school prefect, a highly respected one.From that point onwards, the negative voice within him disappeared.
We all have geniuses inside us. If you listen to your positive inner voices, they will make you great. Remember, people's opinion about you doesn't determine who you are. You determine who you are by changing your mindset and working hard towards that self-conviction. With that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve in life.

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