Erkenci Kus episode 30 recap

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The episode starts off where the last episode ended..Sanem came to the hut looking for Can. She wanted to explain herself after he found out about her giving Fabri her perfume...and Sanem sees Pollen at the hut comforting Can. In the last moment of episode 29, Can almost looks guilty like he was caught with Pollen hurt to see....the week in between 29 and 30 was hard I am not going to lie...

I saw the ending of episode 29 knowing the last scene was already pleasespy posts would change what we would soon experience...And i knew Asli...I knew how Asli writes Sanem...In my gut, I knew Sanem would stay and wait for an explanation...even though what i wanted her to do was take her pride and leave...walk away..because, yes, she hid this big thing and yes hurt him along the way...but confiding this with your ex in the place you made into a Canem just felt so unforgivable....but like I said I knew Asli would make Sanem stay, not mention how hurtful it is to see Polen there and Can would yell at Sanem for overreacting in being jealous....and so I made a video for myself how i wanted the opening scene to enjoy this video because it is so much healthier than what we are about to watch (thing to note is that this video was made before episode 30 although they didnt use this idea in this episode they use similar imagery for the beginning of episode 31...)

So now lets start with episode 30.......ufff ya i'm not ready but we made it this far let's get through it together....

Sanem walks to the hut worried and wanting to see and explain to Can...she sees him lost in thought sitting in the hut and as she gets closer she sees...Polen ...Sitting across from Canem's space...Polen reaches over and puts her hand on Can's leg to comfort him...He looks up for a moment not really ok from the touch but goes back into his thoughts...Sanem is watching this and it looks like her heart stops...Can looks up and sees her and so does Polen...and... this is going to suck...Polen is all smirky which makes me sad as she is this new Polen that does not really care about Can's feelings...she just wants him...if she was the old Polen she would be upset at Sanem and want to stay and be with Can because she loved him and thinks she is the best person for him...instead, Polen is smirky at the same level that reminds me of Huma...both people who supposedly love Can but are happy that Sanem devastated him

Can looks up surprised by Sanem's arrival and he says surprised: Sanem? ....and honestly this is the moment i knew was about to happen and I was watching this still not ready for it .... I was screaming- GO Sanem just leave dont say a word just go

Can: what are you doing here?.....ufff that hurts he is already so cold to her

Sanem leave just leave....but instead she answers...Sanem: I came to talk to you

Polen: come in, Sanem, i'm leaving anyway....ummm when did you get to decide who can come in or so done with you

When Polen says she is leaving he almost looks annoyed by it...i think mainly because he doesn't want to talk to Sanem

They give each other cheek kisses goodbye

Polen: Cancim think carefully because i wont accept no as an answer....uffff ya uff ya...and Can just says ok and he is getting angrier and angrier as he is looking at Sanem

Polen still with a fake smile plastered on her face...ugh i wish she had compassion for him and be real with him rather than pretend she is all smiley...i dont believe this is how Ayse saw their relationship

Polen gives this evil looking smile and says to Sanem: see you sweetie....ufff ufff ya...and polen stays hidden and listens to the whole Canem melt down

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