CH 1. The letter

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In a normal house in a small village, just outside London lived the family Y/L. You grow up in this small town together with your best friend. You have been friends with her since the day you were born. You told each other everything. Everything, except one thing, you are a witch. You and your parents lived among the muggles and you even went to a muggle school. (until you turn 11 and go to Hogwarts of course) Your father, who works for the ministry of magic, thought it would be good for you to learn about muggles. Their history, their cultures, their way of living and their knowledge. Some of the things you learn will come in handy when you go to Hogwarts. For example math will be good when you have potion making and biology help you out with herboligy. You didn't mind going to a muggle school. You loved learning and that was something you had in common with your best friend Hermione Granger. You both were very smart, loved reading and having discussions. It did hurt you to have such a big secret for Hermione. You wanted to tell her so badly but you were also very afraid. Not necessarily because it was against the wizard law to tell a muggle about the wizard world. No you were afraid of losing her, scarred she might hate you or think you're crazy. That's why you didn't look forward to turning eleven. Because that would mean you would go to Hogwarts next year and never see Hermione again. How would you explain that to her, she was too smart and she would figure out something was wrong. You had talked to our parents about it. They told you to tell Hermione you're going to a boarding school. You didn't like to lie to Hermione, every night you would lay in bed and stay up late, thinking of ways to explain things to Hermione. Telling her the truth and still being friends. You prayed to all the gods you knew and asked them for help, hoping everything would turn out right. Then the day came where you got you letter in the mail. 'We're are delighted to tell you, you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.' Your parents were so happy although there was no doubt about you not going. You came from a long line of pure blood Ravenclaw wizards and witches. You were a known and respected wealthy family. Not that you nor your parents cared about that. This letter meant you had only 2 months before you would go to Hogwarts and leaving Hermione. That day you went to school very upset. You had to tell Hermione you were accepted to this far away boarding school and never see her again. When you saw Hermione in class you noticed that something was different. Hermione was quiet all day, she didn't answer any questions, she barely ate lunch. It was as if Hermione already knew what you were going to tell her. You decided not to tell her yet and first find out what was wrong. That weekend you two were chilling in Hermione's room, watching a movie, laying on her bed next to each other. You looked at Hermione who was focused on watching the documentary. Her face was blank, just like how it's been all week. "mione" you said. Hermione averted her gaze from the screen to you and hummed. "what's wrong?" you asked. Hermione pinched her brows together thinking. "nothing" she says. You shake your head and grabbed Hermione's hand. Always when you made contact with the girl, it gave you a warm feeling, a fire that starts burning. You always wondered if Hermione feels that too. You looked into her eyes and said "Hermione Jean Granger, we have been friends for over a decade now. I know when something is bothering you, please just tell me." Hermione looked down and sighted. She started playing with your hands, a sign you knew like no other. She was nervous. "Have you ever had a secret you couldn't tell anyone" she said. You felt your heart drop and you started to sweat. Did she knew about you? "Actually I know how that feels" you replied. Hermione looked up and into your eyes. She was frowning meaning she was thinking or rather debating, debating on to tell you or not. She sighted again and stood up from the bed. Letting your hands go and walking to her closet. She opened her closet and start looking for something. Once she found it she hid it behind her back and walked back to the bed. This sparked your curiosity and start looking if you could see what she was hiding but you failed. Hermione took a deep breath and start talking "well, I got this special letter from a special school." This kinda made you confused. Where was this going? "It says that I have been accepted" Hermione continued. You didn't knew how to respond to this news, what did this mean? Is she going to leave you instead of you leaving her? "and..?" you said encouraging her to continue. "Well this school.." Hermione said, she was unsure how to continue. "What school?" "Well it's called Hogwarts school of wizardry and witchcraft" Hermione said. She looked at you, checking if you were okay. Your eyes went wide and your mind was blown away. You were in no state to talk at all. You were still processing this information. Hermione started to feel uncomfortable by your stare. "I know how it sounds, it sounds like I'm crazy but it's true. I have the letter to show you." Hermione said and gave you the letter, the same letter you got earlier this week. You shake your head to gain some sense back. "What?! You have also been accepted to Hogwarts?" You finally asked. Hermione looked at you and then down to her hands. She frowned "wait, ALSO? What do you mean? Hermione asked confused. "I'm a witch too" you explained. You couldn't believe this. Had your prayer been heard? Maybe there is a god? This was perfect now you could stay together. Hermione looked at you in amazement. She had never ever thought you were a witch. "You are?" She asked. "Yes I am, and I'm so sorry I never told you but... but I just couldn't." You said, realizing that Hermione maybe was hurt by the fact you never told her. But Hermione wasn't mad, she was excited and happy. The whole week she had been confused. She was sad thinking you would never see each other again. But now, now she had someone, she wasn't alone in this. Hermione was being quiet and it made you uncomfortable. You thought she was mad because you never told her and that's when it hits you. "How long have you know that you're a witch?" you asked. "I never knew, I just found out, did you knew it before you got the letter? Hermione asked. She was not used to not knowing anything, which made her excited because there was so much more new stuff to learn. The best thing was that you could tell her all about it, so she wouldn't be a dummy when she would go to Hogwarts. Which is what she feared the most. "I have known my whole life, my parents are wizards too" you said realizing Hermione is a muggle born wizard. Hermione looked at you and you looked at her. You were unsure how Hermione would react to that. She start smiling and jumped into your arms hugging you tight, which gave you that feeling inside. You felt something wet on you shoulder and you pulled away from the hug. You saw Hermione and she was crying which made you almost cry too. "Why are you crying" you asked. Hermione gave you a small smile "I'm so happy I'm not alone in this, and now I don't have to worry about saying goodbye to you" Hermione said. Now you were smiling too and it made Hermione feel those butterflies in her stomach she always gets when you smile like that. A sudden relieve came over you when you started thinking about going together to Hogwarts. You pulled Hermione close and laid down on her bed. You both started crying from happiness. When the crying went down, the hug turned into cuddle. You laid in bed for hours, finding comfort in each other's arms, talking about Hogwarts and everything that is to know about the wizard world.

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