Beginning of the End

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And here is where the beginning of my end starts.... in class. Not just any class, Ms. Bunn's, my least favorite teacher by far. I went to an all girls academy, well the only all girls academy in Row'nMajesty; the best money could buy. Being about 5'5 I was average in height but different in features. I had hazely grey eyes, curly jet black hair, brownskined, and a beauty mark on my right cheek. This difference made me special, like a one of a kind or limited addition item. What made me normal again was that I hated this class so much. Not just because of her ridiculously long lectures about nothing but, because the feeling was mutual.
"Miss Reign!" Ms. Bunn crooked while slamming a ruler hard against my desk; jolting me from my deep thoughts.

"Yes, Ms. Bunn......Ma'am" I say taking deep breathes to calm my heartrate.

"Have you been paying attention?" She said with a mocking, questioning tone.

"Oh, Yes Ms. Bunn. Very much" I choke imitating her.
I can hear muffled laughs echoe throughout the class.

"I don't know why this seems to be so funny to everyone. Allison can you go on the board and write one of the topics I just discussed. " she said while smiling deviously.

"Sure" I replied sarcastically as I got up, confused to why she was smiling and stairing so hard.

On my way up there I nervously peeked around the room for something that could give me a clue to what she was talking about that day. Jesus please help me.

"And Allison if you put Jesus is the answer, just go ahead and walk out my class and be expecting a call to your father later on." Ms. Bunn said sitting in my desk.

"Yes, Ma'am" I say almost before she could finish her sentence, quickly rethinking my answer.
Ughhh, I thought in my head, rolling my eyes. I wrote the first thing that popped in my head, the only three words that actually mattered in this school: Perfection,  purpose,  prosperity. And moved away from the board.
And with that Ms. Bunn stood up with a hand clap. This lady was always so dramatic. Like get off your high horse.

"See girls this is exactly why we go to an all girls academy, to learn the basis of Row'nMajesty society. "

"So, I got the question.... right." I exclaimed with a deep, long grinful sigh she said

"No""But, hopefully you do know what these words you wrote down mean?"

I walked back to my seat. I don't have time for this today, Who didn't know what they meant. Always trying to get smart with somebody. I'm not even gone do it today.

"Class please remind Allison what these words represent.

"Why do we need Perfection?" She yelled.

"Perfection is the key to everything in life" We replied.

"What is our Purpose?" She yelled.

"To keep making money" We replied.

"Who gives us Prosperity?" She yelled.

"The Five Pisces and money" We replied.

"Good" She stated in a loud, assertive voice.
As she turned and sat down in her noisy chair behind her desk, she took her ruler and pointed it at me.

"What are your future plans? She spoke. The room fell quiet.

I said in a low quite voice "I don't know."
Then the bell rang.

"Allison, remember to see Pisces Caine before you leave the building. "

I thought to myself  time to kill his mood because I already knew why my uncle wanted to see me.
He thinks I have my dad's payment. Wait until I  tell him I don't. He's going to lose it. They have a clothes business together and own part of the water company. However, Caine is one of the Pisces; he basically the government itself, atleast one of the parts. So I dont really know why my dad's payment is anything at all to worry about or how is it important.
I twisted open the knob on the heavy door and pushed as hard as I could to his "mini" office. The room was huge, bigger than our classroom and full of what I would call junk.
"Caine" "Uncle" I yelled repeatedly at different volumes. Until I got tired and just sat in his sofa chair until he came back. The room was dark and dim, somehow relaxing. TVs decorated the walls accompanied by plaques, pictures, mirrors. I personal liked the pool table in the corner and snack room but, that lazyboy recliner sectional he used as a chair was heaven.
"There's my favorite niece" he said elated. Walking in the door.
"There's my only uncle " I said with the same tone. Looking up to see him. " You just want to cut to the chase and get it over with."
"You learn fast" he said with his regular tone pushing me from his seat on the floor. "Ouch" I say getting up from the floor. And sitting back down on a coffee table. "We do this every month" "And I don't have the payment."
These words made his mood turn from content to angry.
"What do you mean you don't have it. That's the fourth late payment in a row!" He roared, scaring me.
"I know but he, my dad's trying, you just... everytime he pays one off you triple the others he still has to pay."
"And  that's my problem" he yells standing up.
"No. I'm sorry" I whispered.
"No, it's not your fault... it's his" He sighed heavily and motioned for me to leave. I got up and rushed toward the door. Caine never got that mad before. Why is he so serious about this money. What did he mean by it's his fault. What did my dad do to him.
"Wait" I heard him yell from down the hallway. "Here"
He dropped on the ground a white, fluffy, little furball that By the looks of it was hurtling towards me. A puppy finally stopped at my feet. A pink and gold diamond studded collar rapped around It's neck. These are real diamonds.
"What's this" I exclaimed confused. He was just mad, now he's happy. It's official he's bipolar.
"Just call it a gift"
"The collar or the dog" I yelled. He smiled and went back into his office, slamming the door. Hi friend, Hi baby I say to the dog as I pick her up and gently stuff her in my bag.
When I arrived home and opened the door with my key everything was dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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