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Ok so this is an au that the marauders don't find out Moony is a werewolf until like 3rd year. This is my first story so wish me luck lol💀

'We have to tell him we know' James states to his friends,
'I know we do you idiot, but you can't just go up to your friend and say 'oh hey there, just wanted to tell you I know that you're a werewolf, anyways toodle pips'' Sirius sarcastically replied while Peter chuckled at his friends' stupidness
'Ok but all jokes aside, how do you think we should tell him' James asked his friends
'I think we should ease it up on him slowly' Peter suggested while Sirius' mind travelled further from the conversation, he had many fantasies that he kept to himself about 'easing it up on him' but he couldn't tell anyone that. Except James. James he can tell, James knows everything about Sirius, of course he was going to tell his best mate...not about the fantasies though. Of course James accepted him but did tease him about Remus every so often but he didn't really mind.
'Oi, Sirius, helloooooo?'
Sirius' train of thoughts was distracted by Peters hand waving up and down right in front of his eyes
'Get off me pete'
'Sorry mr grumpy' Peter apologised jokingly but James looked at Sirius knowingly and winked.

'Let little Sirius have a moment to himself...he has some very important things going on in his head that he needs to sort out'

How James knew everything, Sirius would never know but he loved that about his friend. He could never hide anything from him, not for too long anyways but he was such a sweet person (not in teachers' eyes or Lily Evans as a matter of fact) and the best mate anyone could ask for

'Ok so shall we do it now?' Peter enquired excitedly
'Yeah sure' James and Sirius said at the same time, they really were like brothers

As Remus sat in his favourite chair in the common room reading his book, Peter, James and Sirius walked in together looking awkward...too awkward

'What did you guys do this time?' Remus asked, thinking that his friends had gone and gotten themselves in trouble again

'Nothing, we just wanted to talk with you...'
James said kindly as he sat down on a chair. They were all scaring Remus, what could they possibly want to talk, there was no way that they could know, he shouldn't think things like that

'So Remus, we umm... couldn't find you last night?' Sirius said looking very uncomfortable
'So we checked the marauders map and umm, we saw Madam Pomphrey dropping you off at the whomping willow and then you just um...disappeared' he continued

'Shit' Remus thought, they knew

'Guys-' Remus attempted to speak but was cut off

'Look Remus, we know...we know that you're a werewolf and-'

'You're gonna ditch me. You're going to run away because I'm a monster. You're all probably terrified of me and are just coming to tell me to stay the hell away from you. I'll stay away. I don't wanna hurt you-' Remus started with tears beginning to stream down his face

'Remus what the actual fuck are you going on about, why on Earth would you think that' James laughed

'I'm-im a monster, why-why would you-'

'Oh shut up already will you? You, my friend, are not a monster, I mean you fold your socks and underwear! You actually behave in lessons! How the hell do you want me to believe that you're a 'monster'. You are a wonderful, smart, intelligent person and you're also very hot-'
Sirius clapped a hand to his mouth as James began laughing at him while Remus and Peter looked around in bewilderment
'I meant umm, you're very...ummm you're very not a monster I meant, that's what I was going to say!' Sirius managed to stutter while blushing uncontrollably and hitting James for laughing

'He-he said n-not a m-monster' James managed to get out before falling over of laughter

'James I swear if you don't shut up I will hex you to next week' Sirius threatened going even more red if possible when all of a sudden a pair of hands were on his face and he saw Remus in front of him, kissing him. James' jaw dropped so suddenly you'd think he just got shot while Peter just froze. Sirius got over the shock eventually and kissed his crush of 2 years back and it was the best thing he had ever done.

After what felt like a whole day, James cleared his throat
'Could we keep it PG here please boys? You love each other bla bla bla but just do that in private, I literally just ate'

Sirius and Remus pulled away from each other laughing before looking each other in the eyes

'You're not a monster, you're a beautiful human being that everyone loves and nothing could ever stop you from being that' Sirius said all the while looking into Remus' deep eyes


Peter was still frozen in shock, staring at Remus and Sirius

'W-wha- how? What? I-i um'

James took advantage of his friends shock and tackled him to the ground for no real reason and began play fighting while Remus and Sirius slipped away to the dormitory unnoticed

The End

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