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When he first met Ryoga (lead singer of BORN) he thought he was scary and older than him and didn’t want to talk to him Ryoga of BORN says Tsu has a unique shout Has been friends with Ryoga for 4 or 5 years, Tsu called Ryoga “Ryoga-Rin” When he is with Ryoga they talk passionately about music, visual kei, older visual kei, and goof off As a kid listened to CHEMISTRY, EXILE, and DA PUMP.  He also listened to Gospellers and Ken Hirai. As a first or second year student in middle school he wanted to be on the TV show “Hamonepu” Sang lots of karaoke as a kid and teen and it made him feel “spoiled.” He thought he would be the next CHEMISTRY. Became interested in visual kei in his second year of highschool. His childhood friend and he would bring cassette players to class. On lunch break, they’d blast visual kei, and since he was listening to CHEMISTRY his friend played Baroque’s “Butterfly.” He thought they were really stylish. He asked who they were, so he opened up a copy of SHOXX and he pointed them out. I Tsuzuku thought they were super visual kei, and on his way home he bought all of Baroque’s stuff and from then on he was obsesse. As a child wanted to be a chef but as a teen decided to be a beautician. He wanted to be a beautician.  But as his graduation grew closer, he started wanting to be in a band. He was interning at a salon.  But once he started thinking “I’m gonna be in a band” that’s all that he really wanted to do.  He knelt on his knees before the salon owner and said “I’m sorry, please let me quit today.” Then he went home and told his parents and they had a huge fight about it. And he found a new part-time job on his own and saved up money and left home He left his internship before he learned to cut hair. He has liked anime songs since back when I was a little kid, and has been buying anime CDs since he was in elementary school. At home, he says he can’t listen to metal and doesn’t want to. Occasionally, he’ll get the urge to listen to it, but while he listens to it, the whole time he thinks about how can’t understand what they’re saying. Got his first tattoo at age 19 Says getting tattoos are like a “disease” you keep wanting to have more Has said recent visual kei has gotten kind of tepid. It has a different feel to it. His hobbies are reading and writing. And listening to music, and he said that’s about it. Doesn’t really like to go outside, so he does not go out often. If there’s something that he wants to buy he will go directly to the destination and then directly home.  He says he does not like being aimless. He likes places like zoos and aquariums. Hangs out with his manager a lot. But does not really hang out with people all that much. Just to go drinking, lots of people like to go drinking after a meeting he has said. He has said the type of women he likes are family-oriented people. People who take a step back and wait. When asked what type of woman he likes he said, “Becky was my first love. Also, Anna Tsuchiya when she had black hair and Danmitsu. I guess I like black hair.” Loves steamed vegetables Would like a woman who can make “Eastern-Style” meals Since he is carefree he wants a woman who is more strict He has said if he had a life where he was unfulfilled he would probably go home and break stuff Comes up with the titles to most of the their songs On writing lyrics he has said,” I listen to the tune, then write. But I’ve never written a song to match a tune, so I listen, but MiA’s tunes have a melody and line, so I mostly just listen to how a sentence would sound.  Writing with a sense of finality is… Since it’s me writing them, no matter how I write, they become continuations.  Yeah. I don’t write thinking this is the emotion that I want to convey. I’ve written wanting the people who read it to think this has kind of helped me, but either way, it’s just my thoughts, but there’s a really strong feeling of it being what I want to tell other people.”

- Born and raised in Takaoyama

- Always had a lot of friends over and they would wrestle, they put holes in the wall, he says some of the holes are still there in his parents home!

- Always had long hair since elementary school

- His mom helped him dye his hair

- Had senpai named Koori-chan who was foreign in his school, who played the bass and drums.

- Had a bad accident on a bike when he was a teenager. Was in intensive care and after he got out decided to take up music.

- He picked the bass because Koori-chan played it and his father always said if he was in a band he would play bass

- Wants to make his father proud!

- First bass was a G&L 2000, he thought he looked cool with it

- Was introduced to Tsuzuku by a friend

- Frequently uses the word “Avant-garde”

- People tell him “you’re weird” even as a child

- Favorite class was home economics cause he got to use the sewing machine

- Now plays with a Ricken Backer.

- Attended college for a few months then dropped out, it was a year before he took up the bass.

- Wanted to be in visual kei because he wanted to be noticed.

- His parents were always telling him to do what he wanted and never pressured him.

- When he first got the bass he copied the COOL’s music style cause he didn’t know what else to do.

- His father plays guitar, and showed him how to play when he first got his bass.

- loves pink

- wears lots of Vivienne Westwood

- Has two cats!

- Blood is type A

- Born on January 17th, the year is not known (though it is rumored he is anywhere from 19 to 23 years old)

-Plays the Drums for Mejibray

-Is a fan of the anime K-ON! 

- Fan of the Conan manga and Attack on Titan

- Has 11 piercings, two tattoos

-Is friends with Rem, the drummer of the jrock band Vanish

-Is friends with Sora, the drummer from the jrock band Dezert

- Appears to love sweet things, as he is shown eating them in many pictures

- Meto is a smoker, Hi-Life menthols

- All of his jewelry comes from a Japanese shop called DealDesign

- Much of his clothing is from an online store called ankoROCK

- It appears that he also plays bass and piano

- He also appears to be the shortest and youngest member of the band. About 5’3

- Was previously in the band SoliD

- He has said the first thing he does in the morning is smoke

- One of his favorite foods is omelet rice

- Loves parks and frequently goes to hang out at them

- His previous band SoliD broke up some time in 2010, at the time he went by the name Yuta
- Used to collect band flyers (still does?)

- collects dolls and figurines of his favorite manga and anime

- frequently draws pictures for fans at his in-stores

- Feels he is coolest when smoking

- Song with the most tension for him is “Karma”

- When asked who he wants to perform with most he said “I nominate the chairman (Kawaguchi)” (or he wrote it since he does not talk)

- He says he does not get nervous, when asked what the most nerve-wracking thing to date was for him
- Likes to smoke in the morning when he wakes up

Part : Guitar
Birthday : 17th September
Zodiac: Virgo
Bloodtype : O

-used to be in Toon Factory (went by Yuno)

-he doesn't smoke

Sorry Guys, I Couldn't Really Find Anything On MiA. If You Know Anything About Him,
Please Comment Down Below So I Can Add It On.

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