Chapter 1

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WARNING: For my old readers, this book is a bit more intense and sexual then the other one. And for new readers, there is adult content. Okay now on with the story.

Ariana's POV

I never thought that my life would be this way. I didn't think that I'd be able to recover from my parents' death. I didn't think that I'd be the Supreme Witch. I didn't think that I'd have amazing best friends. And I definitely didn't think I'd fall in love with a guy.

So many things happened to me last year, I almost died and I met the love of my life. It's crazy to think that two years ago, I was just a simple girl with a dream of over coming her stage fright. And now, I can perform whenever and wherever.

But, now I'm a senior in high school. That means applying for colleges and "ruling" the school. Last year was an amazing year and I hope this one can live up to it.

"Babe, I've been waiting for hours. You look beautiful, can we just go to school now?" Jax groans.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Jax Novoa wanted to go to school." I chuckle."And you've only been waiting 15 minutes."

"Well, if you don't hurry up, then we're going to be late. You don't want to be late on your first day as a senior." He smirks.

"You're so whiny." I laugh. He rolls his eyes and I go to grab my bag. A small box falls out of it and onto the ground. I pick it up and open it.

'Happy 9 months, Ari

Being with you makes me the happiest guy alive and I hope that we have many more anniversaries to come.

Love you,

Jax xoxo'

I take out an infinity necklace and run over to hug Jax. He hugs me back and kisses my cheek.

"You are the best. I can't believe you remembered! Here, help me put the necklace on." I kiss him quickly before turning around. I lift my dark brown hair out of the way and he puts the necklace on me. I admire my new piece of jewelry.

"It's beautiful." I smile.

"You're beautiful." He smiles back. I blush and shove him playfully.

"As much as I want to make out with you and skip school, I have to graduate this year." Jax chuckles.

"Fine." I groan and walk out to Jax's motorcycle. He hands me a helmet and I put it on.

"You still look so cute with your helmet on." He chuckles and taps the top of it.

"Haha, very funny." I say sarcastically. He starts the motorcycle and the engine roars. I wrap my arms around his torso as the motorcycle pulls out of the driveway.


Jax parks his motorcycle in the parking lot of Iridium High. I take my helmet off just as the engine turns off. We both climb off his bike and interlock our hands. This is going to be a great school year, I hope.

We walk inside the school and look at our schedules. I have 4 classes with Jax out of 9. Well, at least we have some classes together.

"Hey, it's okay. We can still go to lunch together." Jax smiles. I nod and go to find my new locker.

Jax's POV

I follow Ari to her new locker. It stinks that we don't have as many classes together as last year. But, at least I get to see her a little bit.

"Jax Novoa to the guidance office." The loud speaker booms.

"Maybe you're getting your schedule changed?" Ari smiles. I laugh and peck her on the lips.

"Hopefully." I smile and then make my way to the guidance office. I find the room and open the door.

"Hi, Jax. You're going to show one of our new students around." Miss Oliver smiles.

"Um, okay." I shrug. I was really hoping to get my schedule changed.

"This is Natalie Kerr. Natalie, this is Jax." Miss Oliver introduces me to the new girl. She has long light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She's a little bit shorter then Ari and she's wearing a black leather jacket and jeans with holes in them.

"It's nice to meet you." I smile.

"It's nice to meet you, too." Natalie smiles.

"Okay, Jax will be showing you where everything is. Enjoy your year at Iridium High." Miss Oliver says as we leave the office.

"Okay, where should we start off?" I ask myself out loud. I decide on the cafeteria and walk Natalie there.

"So, you're a senior?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah, I am. Are you?"

"Yeah, I just transferred from Ridgeway. My parents moved here for their new jobs." She smiles.

"That's cool." I say and show her the cafeteria. We continue on our tour, stopping at different classrooms while I explain what they are.

"I saw you come to school on your bike. It's sweet." Natalie says.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Yeah, I have one, too. Motorcycles are awesome."

"I agree. Well, here's your locker. Maybe I'll see you around, Natalie." I stop at her locker.

"Thanks and please, call me Nat." She smiles.

"Okay, Nat." I smile.

"Bye, Jax. And we will definitely be seeing each other around." She winks and then closes her locker. I watch her walk away with a confused expression on my face. That girl was totally flirting with me. I can't tell Ari.

Maybe she was just being friendly?


Hello readers! This is the first chapter of the sequel to The New Girl at Iridium High. If you haven't read that, you should read it before this!



What do you guys think of Nat?

~ Trinity xoxo

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