Chapter 1: The secret

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It was Monday August 11, 2014 the first day of highschool. Jim Bo was excited for a new experience but, scared from past experiet tances. Jim Bo lives in an old grey small house on top of a hill. It's so small that you would think it's a shack he lives there alone his parents passed when he was 10 and the adoption center he stayed in closed over the summer of eight grade. He got a job and saved up enough money to afford the house but, it was a struggle to pay the rent every month and fed himself. This led to him making one of the most drastic decisions of his life.

He had to kill someone for money. Him and his two bestfriend knew a guy that was known for having money and high priced belongings , They devised a plan to catch him and ally they were gonna hit him with a " Julius Ceasar " . One of his best friends was the brains of the group his name was Jackson Gully he was always a mysterious boy but Jim Bo liked him. Jim Bo was the sly finese like one he could sweet talk anyone into anything. And then there was his bestest friend in the world Johnny Boy he has known Johnny Boy since like the fifth grade. From the moment they meet they were bestfiends inseparable. Johnny Boy was the funny good looking one he was also the dumbest but all the girls liked him the most because well you know his good looks.

Jackson came up with plan. Jim bo would finese him into coming with them to a party and Johnny Boy would just be there for the cool factor to persuade him more but, the whole plan was based around Jim Bo's talking skills.

" Jim Bo heres what you're gonna do, I need you to walk up to him and ask if he wants to come to a party that somone is hosting down the street from your house" Jackson said in a serious tone

" Okay I got you man chillll we got this this is light work" Jim Bo sain in a nonchalant way.

" Man I don't know if this is going to work guys" grumbled Johnny.

" Shut up Johnny you don't know how to think just sit there and look good" said Jim Bo and Jackson in unison.

" Okay but I don't know if I can keep this in my head I can't lie to the cops. What if we get caught guys have you even thought of that huh" Johnny yelled.


" I am sick and tired of you guys doing me like this" said Johnny

" Go ahead and leave then just know we will kill you too because you already know too much to it's either you go with it and live or walk away from us and die" Jim Bo said deviously

" So this is really how you guys are gonna do me after all these years you are gonna kill your bestfriend.'

" *Sighhhh* if it comes down to it yes we would."

" Okay i see how it is i'll go through with it then but just know i don't agree with this"

" You don't have to agree just do it"

It was the day of the "party" and they had got the boy to come along with them. They walked to a ally in Jim Bo's neighboorhood that no one went near because everyone knew it was trouble around there. They walked to the alley and the guy started questioning what was going on the plan started to fall apart.

" Uhh hey guys why are we walking over here this place doesn't look good. "

" Calm down man you are safe with us this is just a short cut "

" Uhh I don't know man this gives me bad vibes "

" Quit being a chicken man are you scared cause if you are we can take you home because the little baby scared " Jim Bo said mockingly.

When they got to the alley Johnny walked behind him to block the way. Jackson pulled out a gun and Jim bo said.


" W-w-w what ? "


" NO i refuse to give you my stuff this is my stuff and my money"

" Ha no now it's our money now hand it over"

The boy tried to run but Johnny stopped him.

" Where you going ? " Johnny asked.

" Home man get out my way ! " 

" Uhh no you're not "

Jim Bo walked up to him and told him agian to empty his pockets. Jim Bo put the gun up to his head and went on to repeat.

" Give me your money " 

The boy refused to give him his money and said.

" You're gonna have to kill me for my money because i'm not giving it to you"

" Okay "

Jim Bo put his finger firmly on the trigger and in a second he pressed down and BANG ! The boy feel eyes wide open looking directly at Jim Bo as he falls to his death. Jim Bo couldn't believe what he had done. Money the ruler of all evil possesd his to take a life. He felt like a monster.

The killing had been weighing on his heart for a while and Johnny is no longer friends with them. His life as he knew it was falling apart all for money. He felt that if he could take it all back he would. But he knew he could'nt so he lives with it . Him and Jackson were still friends tho. Jackson liked that experience he wanted to rob and kill more people . Jim Bo didn't want to live that life he said it was only a one time thing and he's never doing it again but will he?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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