anonymous//zalfie au

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Zoe’s POV

brokengirl: I hate my life, i wanna end it , i wanna die.

I type my new post on tumblr, they think i just want attention but it’s true that i want to end my life on earth. It sucks you know when no one really cares about you, my mom’s dead, my dad never comes home and my brother, well he makes videos on youtube, he’s popular and pretends i don’t exist. Then there’s a new notification an anonymous asked me a question.

anonymous: Don’t do it, i know you’re a beautiful girl deep down.

brokengirl: Why would you care? and how do you know me?

Ugh, i hate people like that, they pretend they care even if they don’t know that person. I just wanna die here, why don’t they just leave me alone.

Alfie’s POV

brokengirl: Why would you care? and how do you know me?

My phone beeped from her reply. I knew brokengirl was Zoe Sugg, the girl i loved since i was little, she was my childhood friend and she was happy then but now i don’t know what happened. I knew her story, no one else did.

When she was 6, she had the perfect family, two loving parents and a younger brother, Joe. They were spoiled with gifts and they get all the love they can get.

When she was 8, i met her, we became best friends and our parents too, they adored us together.

When she was 12, we were drifting apart, she had her own friends and i had mine, her parents start to fight often.

When she was 14, she forgot about me, she never comes out of her house and her parents got a divorce.

When she was 16, she started to cut and she started brokengirl.

I replied to her, i spammed her.

Anonymous: I just care and i know you know who i am you just forgot about me and i love you please don’t do it.

Anonymous: I know your story, please i’ll keep you safe and loved and please don’t do it.

Anonymous: I promise you, you can be happy with me.

Anonymous: Zoe please don’t do this, remember me? I’m Alfie Deyes, please I love you.

Zoe’s POV 

brokengirl: i’m tired of this, i’m giving up, this is the end.

The blade was ready in my hand and the pills in my other hand, the tub was filled with water. Then I saw my phone beep. 

The anon asked again, wait no scratch that, he pleaded me to not do it. I scan his replies and there was one that caught my eye.

Anonymous: Zoe please don’t do this, remember me? I’m Alfie Deyes, please I love you.

Alfie Deyes, the boy who lives across me, the boy i was supposedly best friends with, the boy that made me happy, the boy who saved me. I dropped my blade and pills and i run. 

I squinted my eyes from the sun but i continued running to his house then i knocked on his door and he opened it.

“Thank you for saving me, for watching over me but mostly because you cared for me, anon” i said as i jumped into his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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