Chapter 1

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"Hey mum," I say after my mother answers the phone. "Did you get home alright?" She asks. I look in my purse for my keys to my apartment. "Yeah I'm home and safe," I let her know.
"It's a shame that Mark couldn't make it," she sighs. "I know, he said he had a meeting," I tell her. I open the door and walk to my room. I drop my keys and bag when I see it, the feeling of utter betrayal starts to surface, I can hardly believe it when I see Mark with another women in bed, "mum I have to go." I can still hear her when I hang up the phone.

"Mary, it's not what it looks like!" Mark walks over to me with his hands up.
"Than what is it? Were you checking to see if her insides were ok with your dick?!" I yell. He stays silent, I look over and it's my friend kaylee, "you know what! I want you out of my apartment by the time I'm back." I glare at kaylee.
I pull the engagement ring off my finger and throw it at Marks head.
I walk out in tears.
I've never felt like this before. I thought he was the one, I thought this was forever and that he loved me. But I thought wrong.

*2 days later*

I pick up my bags as the taxi comes. My phone starts ringing "hi mum," I answer. "Hi sweetie, just wanted to let you know that your stuff arrived," she tells me. "Ok, are you able to unpack it for me?" I ask. "I can't honey, I have to be at work," she's sighs. "I'll see you in a few hours," the line goes dead.

I press my forehead to the window and watch the planes as we head off to mums. Goodbye Miami and hello LA again.
I open my eyes "here we are. That will be $100," the cab driver tells me. I hand him the money and get out. I look at all my stuff in the truck, how am I going to get this out by myself?

"Need a hand?" Someone asks from behind me. I've never met mums neighbours before. I spin around and it's Josh Hutcherson, my mouth drops and he smiles.
I shake my mind clear "uh... Yeah... Sure." "Great," he grabs a box, "so what's your name?" "Mary," he glances at me, wanting my last name "Archer, Mary Archer."
After the last of my things have been placed inside Josh says "oh, I have to go, do you want to come over to mine tonight for dinner?"
"Yeah, sure. I'd love that," I tell him.
After unpacking all of my cloths and putting them into my dresser, I pick out an outfit.
A maroon knitted sweater with a white scarf, a floral skirt and white converse. I leave my hair down.
I walk downstairs, I reach for the door handle when, "where are you going?" Asks mum emerging from the lounge room. "Next door, they invited me over for dinner," I tell her. "Little dressed up, don't you think?" She questions. She still wears her work uniform, she's a police officer. "No, it's fine. Plus need to make a first good impression," I kiss her on the cheek and leave.
I knock on Josh's front door and a boy about 2 years younger than me appears with a strange look, "do I know you?" "Oh sorry, Josh invited me over for dinner," I tell him. "Of course he did," he mutters, "well I'm Connor, his younger brother." We awkwardly shake hands. "Don't freak her out Connor," josh appears behind him. After a bit Josh disappears and it's just me and Connor standing in a awkward silence, "I'll show you round," he says after a few minutes. He shows me the living room, lounge room, game room, kitchen, his bedroom, Josh's bedroom, bathroom and lastly the dinning room. We sit down at the table and they immediately start asking questions.
"So, how old are you?" Connor asks. "I'm 19," I tell them. "2 years younger than Josh," Connor nudges his arm. "What do you do for a living?" Josh politely asks me. "I'm a model, though I want to get into acting." "I could help you out there sometime if you like," Josh offers. I smile and nod my head in agreement. "Are you in a relationship?" Connor asks shoving a mouthful of mash potato in his mouth. This question hits me like a rock.

"Dude. You shouldn't have asked that!" Josh slaps his arm. "It's ok," I tell them, "I was engaged..."
"Engaged at only 19?" Josh cuts in. "High school sweethearts. Anyway I came home one day to find him cheating on me with my best friend whom I will never speak to again. And who knows how long it could have gone for," I go on for a bit more and they tell me how Mark is a jerk and everything.
"You want to come watch me play basketball tomorrow?" Josh asks me. "You have a life," I jokingly say. "You have one too, considering you're a model. Oh wait you're probably not a big one," he says with a smirk. "Want a bet?" I raise my eyebrow "do you have a laptop?" He nods and leaves the table to get it, he passes it to me and I and search up all the websites I've been on and search my name in google images. "There!" I point to the screen. I've been on more modelling websites than Josh has been in movies and that is a lot. Josh and Connor both flick through the photos and look up at me with wide eyes, "you're good at modeling," Josh says, Connor nods his head. "I know," I shine my nails on my shirt, "I try."
I look at the time and decide it's time to go home. I bid my farewells and leave. I go straight to sleep as soon as I close my eyes.


New story! Hope you guys like it!
I'm sorry if the beginning sucks I'm so bad at them.
Btw this is an old story that I wrote and was posted to Instagram a while ago but I've decided to post it here as it was my only good story. So if it seems a little quick to the point, I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to fix that.

(Instagram: panemsouls)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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