Chapter 1

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“Oh my god, your so slow.” “She’s the first in her family to be born without a tail.” “Your pretty as a picture, we’d love to hang you,” these are the kind of things that get said to me, during school, at home, and anywhere else I go. I get told to go go away, your were never welcome here. At home my mom works all the time and my dad has to do some things for the pack. So, I’m always home alone to deal with me thoughts. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, so the family business will be passed down to me when my Dad retires. But I haven’t shifted yet. So, I have nothing to do but School and read. 

But why bore you with my stupid life details when I can just tell you what happeneds during them. Ok, here it goes…..

I woke up to screaming. I shot out of my bed, of course banging my ankle on my bed. 

“Owwww, when did that get there?” I asked my self. I heard something shatter downstairs. Mom and Dad are fighting again. They are always fighting. 

I walked across the hallway into the bathroom. I took a nice long shower, washing away all of yesterday. 

I got out and got dressed. I went downstairs quietly. I don’t want my parents to know I’m up. They always bring me into their fighting and then I get mad and get grounded for no reason. 

I grabbed a s’mored Pop-Tart. Man, I would eat these things all the time. I walked to the front door and, quietly, shut the door. 

I have always walked to school. It’s about 1 mile, which isn’t that far. I put my earbuds in and walked. 

I finally got to school. I walked through the fronts doors and heard, “Ugh, she’s here.” I turned and glared at the voice. It was Jessica. The Popular girl. The “It” girl. The girl I would love to kill and chuck her dead body in a wood chipper and feed her remains to the bears. 

“Well, I need a good education, so I won’t end up on the streets like you will.” I said, while glaring. 

“Uhh.” She did that stupid hair whip and walked off with her minions. I walked to my locker and got all my nessicary books and binders for my next 2 classes. I had Social Studies first, so I walked to class and, as always, I’m the first one there. I took out my favorite book, Maze Runner, and started to read. 

I was so into my book, that I didn’t notice that everyone was already sitting in their seats and Mrs. Jeny was do attendance. 

“Taylor?” She asked. 

“Here.” I said. 

We were talking about World War 1 and how it started. It was very boring. But the only fun thing about this class is Mr. Rotter. Funny name, I know. But he’s a funny guy, so it’s ok. 

All my life I have dealt with people teasing me, laughing at me, making fun of me, and my very dysfunctional family. I just with I could find my mate. My mate would be the one to get my out of this hell hole of a life and make me happy. 

A mate is one person you can never live without. They would be your best friend, you lover, your soul mate. And I hope I get to find him, or her, soon. Yes, there are gay mates, but I don’t judge. 

Little did I know I was going to find him by mistake….

After school I always go to the library. It may just to read a book or go on the web, but this is my ‘happy hour’ as I like to call it. But today I had to go grocery shopping. Living with me parents is like having a roommate. They have their part of the house and I have mine. I buy all the groceries, they do all the laundry and keep the house clean. It works, but I wish I had a mother and father not two roommates the don’t really talk to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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