Chapter 1: Happiness Money Can Buy

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This teenager's name was Johnny Wilks. He had all the money in the world. Since he had money, he looked good, and since he looked good, he had all the teenage girls beside him. He just loved having beautiful teenage girls beside him at all times. Girls made him happy and made him feel special. He lived a pretty good life. He lived the perfect life; a life that was filled with happiness and a fortune. Johnny lived the life that any teenager his age would give everything they had to live a little of his life. He lived like a boss. Johnny had power, good looks, and money especially. Johnny had it all. There was nothing he could complain about. Everything he needed or wanted would eventually be his. He could do anything with the money that he had. He rarely used his money to do wrong to the people around him. He didn't mess with anyone. All Johnny did, was spend his money with friends. He didn't have any family, because they were all jealous of him. They abominated him with all of their hearts. His family isolated him like if he was the ugly duckling. It was really hard for him to comprehend, because his parents were killed in a horrible car accident and his family wasn't there to make him feel better. Eventually, he forgot about all of his family members. He only remembered his parents, because they were the only ones who really cared about him. Johnny was devastated when he heard that his parents were both killed in a car accident. He felt depressed and decided to try drugs. Johnny acknowledged that the drugs weren't helping him to feel any better about the things that were happening to him. He quit using drugs and thought about changing his ways. He started to go out more and made some friends. He was starting to get that happiness that he always had when his parents were still around. He sensed that he was feeling better about himself. Spending hundreds of dollars on clothes also helped him to feel better about himself. His new happiness now depended on all the money he was left with. Johnny only thought about money. Money meant the world to him. Money meant that he would always have friends and he would always be happy.

'I don't need family when I am the richest person in the world. I can make a new family with all of this money. One day my family will need me and I will purposely be nowhere to be found. They don't want to have anything with me, so I will not want to have anything with them either. I can live a good life with this money. I will not have any problems finding friends and will definitely not have any problems being happy. I am already beginning to feel happy about what I'm going to do. I will live my life to the fullest. My parents would be proud. My mom and my dad will be the only ones in my family who I will always keep in my heart. I promise to them that I will live an amazing life. A life like the ones you see in the little kids' movies. A life where you get what you want whenever you want. This life that I will live will seem like a fairy tale. I am ready to become a happy person like I was when I still had my parents by my side," Johnny Wilks admitted.

Having a lot of money caused a lot of problems. It was not just fun and games. Johnny was threatened multiple times and most of them were death threats. Johnny never did pay attention to the threats, because he thought he was too powerful. All Johnny cared about was having fun. He never really did have anything to worry about. He lived like a free man. A man who was living for free in this world. A man with no responsibility and nothing to worry about. He lived in a mansion, had sport cars, and had everything he ever wanted. If he didn't have something that he liked, he would get it that same day. There was nothing in the world that could have possibly troubled him. The only problem he could have possibly had was losing all of his money. That is the one thing he had nightmares over. He knew that if he didn't have any money, all his friends and happiness would go away. Johnny couldn't live with that. He knew that if he didn't have any money he would be a nobody. Johnny didn't want any of that. He wanted to always feel happy and never have to worry about anything.

"This life is amazing isn't it?" Johnny bragged looking at everything expensive he has.

'It sure is. You are so lucky dude. I am very jealous of you." David admitted.

'No, you can't be jealous of me, because only my family is.' Johnny replied.

'Sorry to hear that Johnny. I am glad I still have my family around, because I don't know where I'd be without them. They are the only ones that actually care about me. I don't know how you do it; I wonder if you ever feel lonely. I know I would feel really bad if I had lost all of the love of my family. I would feel unwanted and I would eventually feel depressed. I think I would have committed suicide if I were you. I'm just saying. You are a very strong person and I respect you for that. I hope you really are feeling good about everything that you do in your life," David added. David was feeling bad for Johnny even though he knew that Johnny could get through any struggles he faced in his life.

'To tell you the truth I did feel bad about everything that was going on in my life. All the problems in my life seemed like they had happened at the same time. I started using drugs, because I thought it would take away my depression. It turned out that the drugs made me feel worse about myself. I decided to forget about using drugs and about my family, because if I thought about them, they would get me depressed again. I told myself that I would be happy and my happiness would be my money. My money was the only part of my parents that I was left with. I had to make the best out of this situation that I was put in. I couldn't do anything, but to try to live a life that my parents would be proud of me living. I know that money is the only thing that is keeping me alive, because it gives me everything I need and it keeps me happy at all times. Money is my parent. A parent that is always there when you need it and a parent that you can always count on,' Johnny explained to David with the bottom of his heart.

'I understand everything now. You have answered all of my questions and you have removed all the doubts I once had about you. Thank you for clarifying everything to me bro,' David replied back with a sign of relieve. He was smiling at Johnny, because he knew why Johnny behaved the way that he did.

'No problem David. I felt good talking to a real friend about my life. I had never felt this way before. Thanks for coming to talk to me. I feel a lot better about myself," Johnny admitted.

'You are very welcome 'friend',' David laughed.

Johnny Wilks was a blessed eighteen year old teenager who had it all. He went one day to the mall and was having a great time with his friends. He was spending money like crazy. He enjoyed every second when he spent hundreds of dollars at the mall. That was the life for him. Having friends who he can spend his money with. He didn't notice that somebody was watching him. That one person was observing everything he did. It could have been a criminal, but Johnny didn't notice the person. Johnny could have got killed or kidnapped. The person observing Johnny wanted something from him. He was just waiting for the right moment to let him know what was in his mind. The person did not look friendly at all; he only stared and watched everything Johnny was doing. Johnny didn't notice a thing, because he was Scarface; he was minding his own business and not worrying about anyone else. That unknown person could have been a rapist. His target was Johnny and not anyone else. If Johnny knew he would have ran for his life. Unfortunately he didn't know what was going on. Not one of Johnny's friends saw the guy and were not even aware of who was spying on him. They just cared about spending Johnny's money. Nothing else worried them. That person was ready to do something very cruel to Johnny and no one knew it was going to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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