A wolf's tale

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New story!! Don't know how it will go! Just experimenting too be honest! :) xxx

Chapter 1

I turned through the grass and dense trees of the forest. The top of the mountain was still yet far away, but the moon was summoning, and you can't avoid that. When a wolf hears a moon summon, it is like a big sting of excitement running through them and suddenly a mixture of all these feelings race through your mind. I liked it. But most wolves hated it. I was still having my feeling and I was concentrating hard. Suddenly I saw the trees slowly part at the top...the moon. The moon was there, I could see it clear as day! I had almost reached the top. The snow and the thick trees increased and it was hard too focus, but when I came too a clearing, I discovered I was not the only wolf who had been summoned. Maybe around 80 wolves were around me, and I was the new one. They were growling at me, in an angry aggressive way, and this was not a nice welcome. But hey! I mean we are wolves, where did 'nice' come into our lives?

Wolves can read each others thoughts. If wolves are only that of a mile a way they can read each others minds, if any further, minds become blank of other wolves. I could hear them, intruding in my thoughts, and I could feel them, wondering through my dreams. I immedietly shot them a nasty thought too get them away, "I've killed other wolves before you know. I could kill you, easy. Back home I was known as "the great wolf" and people would come and listen too what I had too say. If I went back and told them that a bunch of hungry wolves were out too kill me, the king would gather up his 'fully developed wolves' let's say, well, and set them out too kill you! That would be if I couldn't." I saw the expression on their faces change, and then the leader looking one came forward too reply too my thought. "you couldn't kill a fly if you tried, and you don't even know your king. You don't even have a king wolf in your pack in fact, he died a few years back, before you even joined the pack!" I knew that none of my thoughts were safe, so there was no point in lying now. "how do you know so much?" I asked in my mind. He walked around me, as though he wasn't sure too eat me or tare me apart, bit by bit. "I know that you are from the wolf tribe 'Quinta' and that just says it all. I know you are one of them, for they are the only ones who have red paws, white eyes, and an ouburn tip on the end of their tale. I can tell when you joined them by your thoughts. You don't know much about your tribe and you never think about them much. When you have been in a tribe for long enough, you become devoted and it is all you can think about."

Well that was disturbing, having met this wolf only that of 5 minutes ago and he already knows my whole life! This was scary! He was right, I was totally new too my pack, I only joined maybe like 6 weeks before this avent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2011 ⏰

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