Just Another Ghost.

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I was walking through the hallways, scanning the crowds looking for my best and only friend. "Ah, there you are," I shout. Winter comes running with her golden curls bouncing all over the place. "I've been looking for you. I got your text. What happened this time?" I looked at her in a serious way. "Mr. Hampton yelled at me today for being quiet in class. As if he wants me to be a troublemaker," I say in dismay. Winter turned as red as a cherry red apple freshly picked from the tree and replied "He has some nerve! I oughta pull his last piece of hair on his head and set it on fire!" I laughed and gave Winter a hug. "That's why I'm in love with you," I whispered. "What'd you say? I couldn't quite hear you." I blushed in a shy way and said "I said I'm so glad you're my friend." We both smiled like a bunch of jokers and went off to our next class.

I sat in my seat as the bell rang. I then got out my books and a pencil. I looked on the board to see what assignments we had. "Only homework," I said to myself. Then this guy taps me on the shoulder. He asked, "Um, excuse me. I'm new. Can you tell me what we're suppose to be doing at the moment?" I turned around and just stared. Then I snapped back into reality and moved my hair from my face. I replied, "Oh, um we don't have anything to do today really. Just homework. When you come in, you look on the board for the assignments." He thanked me, I nodded and turned around. "Um, haha, uh my name is Wes Benjamin." "Hi Wes, I'm Bambi." He smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you Bambi." I smiled and questioned in curiosity, "Are you a...foreigner?" He chuckled "Why yes. I am. I'm from Ireland!" She looked at him in surprise. "I'm part Irish!" I added. Then I looked at him, and I mean I really looked at him. I looked at every feature on his face. His bright tourquise eyes, his orange curly hair, his freckles, his braces on his perfect white teeth. He was a model from heaven. We both sat silently until the bell rang. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Babmbi?" I turned and smiled "Why of course Wes."

After 9th period, me and Winter met outside by the library where we always meet. As soon as I seen Winter walk around the corner, I screamed at her in excitement "I met a boy!!" Winter looked at her in surprise. "Woah, calm down horsey. Now say it more calmly. Tell me the deats." I told her all about him. I finished off with "He's just something I've never seen before. Winter replied "Hahaha, I'm sure he is. But you better watch it. Boys can be hard to keep up with." "You've had a guy friend before? " She looked at me as if I said something wrong. "More like boyfriend. I had one before I met you. His name was George. Things didn't go so well." "Wow. I never knew. I mean I never asked so yeah. But I don't like him. He's just a crush." "Well I'm just warning you. Be careful." "Yes ma'am," I replied in a rather mannerly way.

We were walking home and I soon heard footsteps. I stop Winter. "Do you hear that? " She turns around and looks everywhere in confusion. "What are you talking about??" Winter asked concerned. I just shook my head and kept walking. *Tap* *tap* *tap* I turned around again and looked everywhere crazily. "Its nothing," I whispered to myself. BAM! "What the heck was that!?" I almost jumped out of my pants. Winter looks at her "Are you okay Bambi?" I started to breath and reply "Yeah, I think I'm alright."

Afterwards Winter went home and I was still walking. Then I seen a shadowy figure. A girl figure. And when I say shadowy, I mean she is all gray and black. "Hey, are you alright? Is anyone there?" Not a single sound or movement. I got a bit closer. "Hello?" Then the shadowy figure turns around and screams. Then it just disappears. "Oh god that was scary." I kept walking; it was getting a bit dark. Then I see another shadow. It's like the one I saw earlier except I could actually see this one. She had glowing blond hair that was perfectly straight. She had ocean blue eyes and she was a ratther tall shadow. She had a young persons skin tone that just glowed. She had wings though which was rather odd to me. As if the shadow was an...angel. "Follow me, Bambi. Follow me Bambi." It kept saying that over and over again. I tried to avoid it but it just wouldn't go away. So finally, I followed it.

We entered this graveyard; but only to pass through it. There was a secret pathway to a secret hideout. Once I got there, it was a whole yard full of shadows. But the one I was following was nothing like them. She started speaking "These are the forgotten shadows. That's why you can't see what they really are. As well as for me, I wasn't forgotten. For what I've done in life wasn't forgetful. You see Bambi, I was just like you. I was the same age when I kept seeing all these shadowiy figures." "Yeah, what's up with all of that? I don't understand why I'm the only one who could see them," I said in concern. "Well Bambi, you're not crazy, that's for sure. It's a gift that's been passed on from generation to generation. I, Rosie Angeline, am your great grandmother." Bambi looks at her in shock. "But...But...But you're dead. How can you...what?" I was confused. "Bambi, it's alright. I know, I am dead. I'm an angel. And so are these shadowy figures. They're just the forgotten ones. You see Bambi, you're job is to help these shadows have their identity back. You have to make them memorable." I stand and just stare. "Why me?" I asked. "You're the chosen one."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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