Chapter 1

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Yuto's P.O.V

Heartland City, my home a wonderful place where everyone was happy even if I wasn't really able to see since I always had my eyes covered with a blindfold since I wasn't a human and I hated my eyes since my parents hated them but this isn't about me this about Heartland city and Heartland City was where all my friends were happy and everything was perfectly normal but looking at Heartland City now I just see the once beautiful happy city in ruins thanks to Academia who came and started to destroy everything killing people who they found we tried to get them away ending up killing them but that's not all they ended up kidnapping Ruri as they ran away Shun, of course, wasn't taking it well that academia kidnapped his sister then again no one would be happy that their sister was kidnapped by someplace that was the reason why you home was destroyed and killed a lot of people so Shun, Kite, Allen, Saya and I were coming up with a plan yo get Ruri back when Shun said: "I say we go there and get Ruri back." Kite said: "Are you crazy Shun!? What if those students catch you!" Shun got up saying: "I don't care I'm getting my sister back even if I have to risk my life for her!" Then I said: "Then let us come with you." Shun said: "No, it's too dangerous I rather go alone." Kite and Shun started arguing Kite saying that it's dangerous for him to go as well but Shun said it's better to go alone since people are less likely to catch one person then he left as Kite said: "That asshat will get himself killed might as well let him!" He walked away as I got up and sneaking past Saya and Allen then walked out to where Shun was I saw him opening a portal and going through it I quickly ran to the portal as it was getting smaller and jumping into the portal I hit the floor before getting up then taking off my blindfold. Looking around seeing that I was in some kind of island that had a school I quickly hide behind the trees so no one would catch me and I went to find Shun to see him walking in the school I put my blindfold on then blindly walked in the school I was walking until I bumped into a door I took off my blindfold seeing the door was open I quickly and quietly walked in I saw Shun walking up the stairs.

Shun's P.O.V

I was walking up the stairs when I heard footsteps I looked but I didn't see anyone so I kept going until I got to the top I opened the door to what appeared to be some type of dungeon I looked at the dungeons to see if Ruri was in any of them I got to the last one when I saw Ruri I quickly broke the dungeon door down saying: "Ruri let's go." She ran to me hugging me and saying: "I'm glad you and Yuto are here and safe." My eyes widened when she said Yuto and I said: "Ruri I'm by myself. I went alone to save you." She then pointed to something I looked and there I saw Yuto standing there giving an awkward smile still wearing his blindfold as I said: "Yuto what the hell are you doing here you could have gotten caught!" Yuto said: "Well, I wasn't going to let you go alone." I sighed as Ruri suddenly gasped I looked at saying: "What's wrong Ruri?" She then points to something behind Yuto which I looked and saw a male who was the same height as Yuto even looked like him but his hair was pink and purple Yuto backed away as I held Ruri behind me and I said: "Who are you and what do you want!?" The male chuckled saying: "Well you have academia's prisoner so kindly give her back and no one gets hurt." I said: "The only one who's gonna get hurt is you We aren't leaving without my sister!" I noticed that the male was looking at Yuto then he said: "Then how about a deal." Ruri asked: "What Deal?" The male got closer answering: "I'll let you go but someone else has to take your place." The male then got close to Yuto saying: "Maybe this one will like to take her place." I grabbed Yuto pulling him behind me saying: "Your not getting neither of them your rat!" Yuto than grabbed my shoulder saying: "No.... Its okay." Yuto went to the male as I called his name but he ignored me and said to the male: "How do I know you'll let them go if I agree to be your new prisoner." The male smirked the snapping his fingers as a portal appeared behind Ruri asking: "Is that enough proof for you?" Yuto looked at us then at the male saying: "Fine.... I'll be your new prisoner." The male smirked as Ruri said: "Yuto, you can't do this to yourself!" I was about to grab Yuto but the male grabbed him first pulling yuto close to him as gaurds appeared blocking me from getting to Yuto and I said: "Give us Yuto back you snake!" But the male ignored me taking off Yuto's blindfold.

Yuto's P.O.V

The male pulled me close to him as guard blocked Shun from grabbing me as the male took off my blindfold I tried to look away but he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at into his eyes which his eyes started to glow pink my eyes widened as my eyes turned pink as I lost control of my body then he said: "Repeat after me okay." I nodded as he said: "You belong to me." I said: "I belong to you." He then said: "You will be my Black Rose." I said: "I will be your Black Rose." Then he said: "You'll will never escape." I said: "I'll never escape." The male smirk as my body went limp and everything went black.

Shun's P.O.V

I saw Yuto fall into the male's arms unconscious I said: "What did you do to him!?" The male smirked saying: "Don't worry about it your sister is free now so why care." The male snapped his fingers as the gaurds pushed Ruri and I into the portal I grabbed Ruri landing on the ground on my feet as Saya and Allen saw us running to us as Saya said: "Shun we got bad news!" Allen said: "Yuto is missing!" I said: "He followed me and now fusion dimension has Yuto in trade for Ruri's freedom." Their eye widened asking what had happened as Ruri said: "A male said that he wanted Yuto as academia's new prisoner and Yuto agreed to the deal." Kite said: "See what happens when you do things blindly Shun we lost Yuto because of your blindness!" I rolled my eyes and started to argue with Kite.

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