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"Momma", I call out, heading towards the front door.

"Ads?" She calls back, walking out of the kitchen. I turn to face her and begin to walk towards her. "I'm going to Jake's house to drop off our anniversary present, I'll be back okay?", she nods and pulls me in for a hug, "Be careful love."

I turn around, back towards the door, and grab my keys before opening and closing the door behind me.

My car unlocks at the click of the button and I climb in, buckling up. I back out and start down the road to Jake' s house.

Five minutes later I pull up outside of my boyfriend's house and park. Opening my door, I grab the gift from the passenger seat and make my way to the front door. I knock on the door when I arrive but no one answers, so I figure his parents are gone.

  I reach under the mat beneath my feet and pull out the spare key they leave there. Twisting the key in the lock, I let myself in and quietly close the door, deciding to surprise Jake.

  Trying as best I can, I quietly head up the stairs and towards the room that I know the location I so well.

  Standing in front of the door I hear little noises and get confused. I wait for a second and the noises stop. I open the door and am not prepared for what I see.

  What I see is the head cheerleader on top of my boyfriend, both half naked. "What the Hell Jake!", I yell. The cheerleader jumps off of him and wraps herself in the comforter, leaving my boyfriend laying in his underwear on his bed.

  She grabs her clothes and runs out past me. I grab her arm and say to her, "Wait five minutes and you can continue where you left off." I let go and she flies past me and down the stairs.

  I walk further into his room and stand in front of his bed. "Seriously! On our 9 month anniversary, you suck Jake Harper."

  My anger takes over and before I know it, I'm over at his dresser and grabbing the frames with our pictures on them. I throw them on the ground and they shatter. Some glass flies up and leaves scratches on my legs and I flinch.

  Jake sits up and tries to help me, "Don't you dare touch me Jake" I whisper, trying to keep my voice level. He sits back down on his bed with his hands up in surrender.

  I hold up the bag in my hand and throw it at him, "Happy 9 months jerk." He pulls out the scrapbook and I storm out, tears violently streaming down my face.

  When I make it to the landing at the bottom of the steps I see the cheerleader still there. I point a finger at her and say through gritted teeth, "You are sick, but at least he has someone to help clean up the mess", and I leave his house.

  Somewhere between going off on the cheerleader and getting into my car I spaced out. I managed to make it home safely and into my bed but I don't remember how. My eyes open slowly and I stir for a second before I see my bestfriend sitting in my window seat.

  "Kam?" I questioned, by voice barely raising over a whisper. His eyes turned toward me, filled with worry. He walks over to my bed and sits down next to me. His hand raises and wipes a tear,that I wasn't aware of, off my cheek. Now his face is full of fondness. "You look awful" he says with a cheeky grin on his face.

  I weakly punch his arm and laugh quietly. I pat the spot next to me and he lays down with me. Having a childhood bestfriend is the best. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in so my head is resting on his chest.

  "Kam, did my mom call you?" He's silent for a moment before he answers, "Yea, she was worried. She called panicked and was saying how you came in sobbing and you started throwing your pictures on the ground, shattering them." I try to hide against his chest, hoping he won't ask the follow up question. "Addy, what happened?" Instead of thinking about why I did those things, I think of why he calls me Addy.

  When we first met in preschool, my mom introduced me to the class and Kamdon wasn't able to say my name so he calls me Addy and Kamdon was a mouthful at 4, so I called him Kam.

  "Addy, hello?" He asks, waving his hand in front of my face. "He cheated on me with the head cheerleader" I mumble. Kam tenses you underneath me and I continue, "I was taking a gift over for our anniversary and I walked in and they were all over each other." He brings his hand to my head and rubs it, "Oh Addy, I'm so sorry"

  I've started crying again so I curl further into Kamdon's side. I must have fallen to sleep at some point because I wake up a few hours later I am still holding onto Kam tightly and he is resting his head on mine.

  I tilt my head up a bit so that I can get his attention, "Kam," I whisper, "Kammy". His eyes flutter open and he hums in response, "Can we get food?", I inquire and he nods. I sit up and look around. My room is spotless,
"Kamdon James, did you pick up the glass of my floor," he doesn't answer, instead he walks towards the door and stops at the doorframe.

  "Yes," he replies, holding out the s. I narrow my eyes at him and start to walk toward him. He quickly turns around and runs down the stairs, "Kamdon James get back here, you could've gotten hurt."

  I get down the stairs and he is hiding behind my parents that have been startled by my loud and sudden awakening. "Adley, what you need to do is thank Kam", my father says. "No offense pops but no."

  My mom gives her best mothering face but knows that it isn't working so drops it. Instead she opens her arms and I run into them, needing a hug. While standing there I reach behind and whack Kam in the head.

  I pull back from the hug and my mom looks at me with pity filling her eyes, I look to my dad hoping not to see the same thing but I do.

  "Stop it," I whine, "I'm fine, Kam stitched me up, just like he always does."

  My parents still looked doubtful but removed the looks from their face nonetheless. "Will you go talk to your brothers because they are ready to kill someone, and we really can't have that at 15, maybe 16." My dad points toward my brothers room and pushes me along.

  I walk down the hall to their room and slowly open their door. "Hi boys," I greet them. Both jump up and run to hug me. "Are you okay?",Gabe asks, them directly after that, Adrien asks, "who do we have to beat up?"

I chuckle and ruffle their hair, even though they both tower over me. "No one, you missed your chance, Kam stitched me up and I'm no longer angry, a little sad but not angry." The both look at each other like they've failed, "but I appreciate the thoughts, okay, I love you guys."

I pull them down and kiss their heads one at a time, "thing one," I say as I kiss Gabe, then pull Adrien in and say "thing two". They hug me again, then I go back to my parents in the living room.

"Now that that's settled, what's for dinner," my mom asks. "Well, Kam and I are having Lena's Diner", I respond and Kam looks at me, offended that I didn't ask if that's what he wanted. "Is Kam okay with that?" She asks, "Yes, we've discussed it, anytime I'm sad or recovering, we get Lena's. Do you want me to pick up something for the boys, and you guys go out?"

My parents share a loving look, "That would be amazing Ads," my father replies. I hug them together. "I love you guys" I say, before grabbing my shoes and jacket, following Kam to his Jeep.

It's the beginning of summer so Kam has his doors and everything off. We blast our playlist the whole way there and once we arrive our hair is wind blown and crazy.

We walk inside and immediately I see Jake. I tug on Kamdon's arms, trying to leave before it gets ugly. "No, no, I'm gonna mess him up." I run in front of him and grab his arms, "Kam don't do this, I told my brothers they can't which means you definitely cannot." Something flashes in his eyes and they soften for a second, before turning back to his angry, stone cold eyes.

This time Kam grabs my arms and moves me out of the way, handing me keys to the jeep. "Go," is all he says, "No" I protest. Kam looks at me in the eyes, "Adley go out to my Jeep and wait", he orders and I widen my eyes , "please?" He pleads.

I snatch the keys out of his hands and say, "Fine". I walk out the door and to the Jeep. A few minutes later. Kam comes out with a busted fist and Jake follows not too far behind with the cheerleader and a black eyes. I feel tears well up at the sight and quickly fan them away as Kam climbs into the passenger seat.

  "Better?" I ask sarcastically.
   "Much better", he replies cockily.

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