Dopple G.

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Tori Howes <>Wed, Sep 18, 2019, 12:23 PM
My head is stuffy like the morning sky with its smoky air lingering. My existence is tangible in this moment but, i question it as of late. What an odd thing to question, it is not an absurd thought considering my personality but looking from the outside in, might come off as peculiar.
i feel high. i can assure you with up most certainty that i am not, not right now at least. The world has yet to cease with its dramatic activities but, somehow everything comes off as duller... detached. i feel far away yet so close that it hurts. Almost as though im peering past a thin film, an onlooker in my own story. And its stuffy up here, in the sky.
I can hear things, not crazy things though. i can hear the music i selected on YouTube and the chit-chat of employees as they pass my work space, I can see them too. im sitting here but, im in the sky as well. Not really in the sky, but im not really here either. My senses are not sharp, they never have been. People would describe me as oblivious but, this, this is different. this is the odd sensation of fading away. Similar to the little girl Chihero, in Spirited Away but alas, there is no miracle food to cure my translucent soul.

Am I coming off as crazy? I feel like i am.
Is the music too loud? ''I got a lump in my throat cuz' your gonna sing the words wrong.''Does something completely irrelevant ever get stuck in your mind? i must note because, I feel I need to, I had to go upstairs. Three flights to be exact. I was not breathing  heavy like i normally do; maybe my obliviousness didnt account for it. Heading back down the distinct ''EXIT'' sign above the door is still hovering in my foggy mind. I must be thinking too much into this, i must be coming down with something. i do not want to come off as crazy so i cant say anything.
---------------------------------------------------- The sky is hazy today, with the sun glowing orange. The sign on the highway reading, ''Extreme fire Danger.'' Its fire season here, not at all what I am used to.

She likes her coffee with two sugars and a lot of cream. I can tell by her dull complexion that shes dehydrated; she doesn't fancy drinking water. Her lips are parched, her nail polish chipping in an unattractive manner with her hair falling partially from her bun. Sitting at her desk concentrating hard, the poor girl is far from professional looking and the music! her taste in music is awful. She's my polar opposite in all actuality.
Shes trying too hard, struggling under the pressure.
We went upstairs, she wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't pointed it out; The exit sign at the top of the door. The poor oblivious girl is not the sharpest tool in the shed, if only she could take a hint. EXIT .
Its stuffy in here and i can see her staring at my reflection with a face i know too well. Everyone knows what happens when you see your doppelganger from a parallel universe but, if i know then she doesn't. couldn't. Ill keep pushing the point until she EXITS. its my body now, shes merely passing through.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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