The beginning

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It was just a normal,spring day most others would say,but for you it was going to be a nightmare,you and your mom are moving moving in with your Step-dad,"Ohh come on Y/N it won't be that bad",your mom encourages you to eat something before yous go,so she Push's a bowl of cereal in front of you,but you snap your fingers and it disappears,"Y/N bring my bowl back",your mom says with an annoyed face,your eyes Glisson in the light,you snap your fingers again and the bowl appears on the table again,"Hmm fine then but don't blame me if you get hungry while were on our way,cause I'm not stopping for a break",you mom says with a huge smirk plastered on her face,"yeah yeah",you quickly jump up out of your chair and rush to the counter where all the snacks are,"Come to mommy now",you leaned over to grab the snacks when all of a sudden,mom teleports you to the back yard,you could stop yourself so you ended up falling into the pool,the cold water shocked your body,you were mad so you quickly hopped out of the pool before you turned into an ice block and then you stormed off back inside,"What was that for?",you yell quietly,your eyes were red with flames growing inside of them,"don't touch my snacks",your mom says,"now please go and change so we can hit the road",you rolled your eyes and stormed off to your room.*a few hours later*,"Ugh I'm so hungry",you say as your stomach growls,"I told you to eat something before we left but there's snacks at the back Y/N",your mom says with her eyes fixed on the road,you jitter around excitingly and reach for the snacks at the back,"Y/N were just about there,just a few more kilometers up the road",you were about to turn around when you felt another present,lingering around outside,you scan the area through the windows then you see it,a monster,it had horns sticking out of its head you stared at it,you could feel the fire flaming through the monsters eyes,so you quickly turn back to your mom,"Mom there's a monster following us!",you yell,"Its OK Y/N",your mom says as she Reach's down in her purse to grab something,"HOW CAN SHE BE SO CALM ABOUT THIS,THERE'S A LEGIT MONSTER FOLLOWING US!",You say in your head you turn around to try and spot the monster,but you wish you didn't do it,it was picking up speed and started running towards your window,you were scared as heck,"Y/N blow this",your mom hands you a whistle made of wood,it had writing carved into it,but you couldn't understand what it said,"BLOW IT NOW Y/N!",you got such a jump scare you pulled the whistle to your mouth and blew it,the sound the whistle made was unbearable,your ears screamed in pain,your mom pulled the whistle out of your mouth and put it back in her purse,"Sorry Y/N",your head was pounding so hard,you couldn't respond,but you took a few deep breathes and was finally able to ask,"Mom w-what was that?",you stutter,"I have so much to tell you but with such little time",you mom says,"what what do you mean?,please mom",you look at her with pleading eyes,"hm fine",you sit up properly in your seat,"there called cacodemon's,otherwise known as the night creepers,those are the guards of hell they make sure no soul tries to escape to the outlands,the outskirts of hell,when they catch a soul trying to escape,they wish the soul pain and misery for the rest of there life in hell,they are then thrown into the abyss,a night creepers main skill is to wish evil,or pain upon anything they wish"your mom says"wait what are they doing here?,on earth?", you mom was about to open her mouth but then she shut it again, "One question Y/N", you turn back to face the window, and stare into the nothingness.

"were here Y/N"

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