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TW: Swearing.


It had been 5 years since Tord, or officially known as The Red Leader, managed to take over the whole world. To be honest no one was expecting it. One minute your just living your life, and the next theres a broadcast from your countries leader, on their knees with a 38 revolver pointed directly at their head. They explain how they caved, and their new leader will be known as The Red Leader, they say to treat him with respect and to never disobay him. They are literally sobbing and begging no over and over to some people off screen.  And if that wasnt enough theres a sudden gunshot, and you look back to the screen to see your beloved leader with a gushing hole in their head, and a man in red laughing. Like this was all a game to him. He dosent care how many people he has to kill, as long as he wins. And that sure as hell happened.

But admist all the chaos that was going on, a group managed to form, calling themselves the Rebelion. It started with just 3, a cat loving man named Edd, a vein ginger called Matt and an alcoholic named Tom. In the past the 3 of them had all been roomates. Tord was too, but he eventually left to join the Red Army. The others couldnt help but feel guilty upon knowing they could have stopped the worlds greatest mastermind from such a young age, but there was nothing they could really do about it now. But that was all the more reason to start an apposing team. They didnt stop this mess before, they could do it now. And hopefully not die in doing so.

Obviously, 3 people vs the biggest army in the world would definatly end with them getting their asses kicked, so they needed to find more people. Luckly, their neighbours, Edwardo and Mark, were eager to join. The team were cautious at first since their had been plenty of disagreements between the neighbours in the past, but Edd eventually allowed them in. Together the 5 managed to group together a lot of people, and soon formed a rather small army in a couple of months. Matt and Mark worked together to create uniforms for everyone in 3 distintive colours: green, blue and purple. Everyone choose a certain colour which would distinguish who was their 'Leader'. Blue being Tom's, green being Edd's and purple being Matt's. This way it would be easier to determine roles.

Skip a few years and their army had grown massivly, and they'd even managed to get a base and weapons. All under the Red Armys radar, surprisingly. They had been pretty stealthy, however not stealthy enough as one of Tord's most trusted soldiers, Patryk, managed to find them located in England, near London. Once figuring out more details he rushed over to his bosses office with the news, tripping over his feat. He swung open the door and stood there, out of breath from just running across the whole base.

Tord was quite a tall man with broad shoulders. When stood up he measured around 6 ft 11, which gave him the ability to tower over people. His outfit was a dark red army coat with golden-coloured epaulets. The combat boots he wore matched the colour of his deep black gloves, and remained un scuffed. Pinned to the left his his jacked was a badge that displayed the army's symbol. And finally his face, which resembled his personality quite well. He had a sharp jawline that could grate cheese, and thin piercing eyes which were a light grey colour. Some people in the army swore they saw his left eye flash red whenever he was angry, but there is nothing to prove that.

When Tord heard his door slam he jumped and looked up, and when he realised who was here he grinned.
"Ah, Pat! What pleasures do I owe to see you on such a fine morning?" He spoke out, his loud thick accent ripping at his words. Pat straightened up and walked over to the mans desk.

"Red Leader, Sir. I've discovered a Rebellion army, and I believe they may try take us down"
 The soldier looked up to see his leaders face shift from a grin to a smirk, and a forced on at that. 

"Oh, is that so? Well, you must have figured out who these idiots are, since your such a loyal soldier~" Tord spoke, the smirk staying plastered on his face. In most cases Tord would use flattery when speaking with his soldiers to make sure he got his own way or just to make then talk, which may have been why he became so successful.

"Yes Sir, I found out who they were" Pat answered quickly. He knew who they were, but the thing was so did Tord. Surely hearing that his childhood friends were working against him would trigger something, so he had no idea how to put this. 

"Great!" Tord showed a sickly-sweet smile and lent an elbow on his desk. "So who are they?"
Pat allowed his gaze to fall to the floor, knowing this was a mistake. When he looked up again the innocent smile had turned into a snarl, and silver eyes were glaring at him.

"Patryk. Tell me who they are. That's an order" Pat swallowed as Tord stood up, his eyes staying focused on Pat. The Leader had no intention to loosing his temper to him as he was one of his most trusted soldiers, but still wanted answers out of him. The soldier was hesitant for whatever reason, and Tord needed to know. 

"Um..I-Its your former roommates, sir"


Upon hearing the news of his old roommates turning against him, the powerful leader was quick on his heals to call an emergency meeting. He gathered all his soldiers into the vast main hall and stood on the podium, awaiting for everyone to show up. Once given the signal that everyone was in, he silenced his men and started to speak.

"Good evening fellow comrades! I know I don't usually hold meetings, but I have recently been given some information about a group of people who have decided to turn against us. Isn't that strange? Who in their right mind would go against the greatest army this damned world has ever seen?!" There was an uproar of cheering from the sea of soldiers, which brought a smirk to the leaders lips. He quickly silenced them yet again before continuing

"They haven't attacked yet, however they must be planning to, so I want us to get to them before they get us. And I know a way to get to their heads" He turned around and pictures of Edd, Matt and Tom showed up on a screen behind him.

"These people are supposedly the groups leaders. Some of you may recognise these people as my old roommates. The green one, Edd, is the leader of the whole thing, the head of the base. And from information my dear soldier Patryk has given me, he has a strong connection with Thomas, the one in blue" The caramel-haired male turned back around, a smirk displayed on his face. His silver scanned over the crowd before he continued.

"We take what he loves the most and the great leader will crumble"

-1218 wordssssss

I spent almost a month reading this through and re-writing it, so if you see any mistakes please tell me and I'll make sure to shoot myself have a nice day.

-Lmao Hang Me

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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