Chapter 12-The Scepter

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"Hailey, What are you doing here ?" Calum had asked.

I looked around me confused as hell, did I really sleep walk all the way to Echo Lake ? The many times I sleep walked, I never strayed outside the house. Why was I doing this all of a sudden ?

"Hailey, talk to me." Calum said, turning me so I was facing him.

I suddenly snapped out of my brain fog and just stared at him confused. What was I doing here ?

"What am I doing here ?" I asked, rubbing my arms where goosebumps started to form due to the chilly air.

"I don't know, I just saw you walking down here." He said. "Were you sleep walking ?"

I jumped at the sound of a loud howl in the distance. I looked up at the full moon and shivered, I was out in the open and somehow I hadn't encountered a wolf. Well, except for Calum.

"Come on, let's get you back home." He said, nudging off his jacket and slipping it over my shoulders.

The jacket smelled of leather and radiated heat immediately warming me up. We walked in silence as we made our way back towards my place. I found myself wondering why Calum wasn't still in his wolf form.

Even though I was the daughter of two werewolf hunters, there was still many things I still did not know about them.

"Calum ?" I said, he glanced at me. "Can I ask you something ?"

"Sure." He said.

"Can you control when you change form ?" I asked. "I noticed you weren't in wolf form when you found me out here and was just wondering if it's a free will thing ?"

From what my parents told me, Werewolves were vermin and couldn't control themselves when in their wolf form. But I was starting to question that..

"I was in wolf form for a while, but yes I can control when I change form." Calum said. "It wasn't always like that though."

I looked up at him and could see there was something in his past that bothered him to this day. It's like I was getting in his head ?

"You lost control at one point, didn't you ?" I asked, not really sure where it came from.

Way to get personal, Hailey. But it didn't seem to bother him that i asked. He seemed relieved ?

"I did when I first started to change." He said with regret in his voice. "I....hurt someone really bad a long time ago."

I suddenly got this vision in my head of a younger a Calum. He was hunting and he saw this family taking a hike through the woods. His teeth started to show as he changed form, and that's when he lost control and surged towards them. His teeth latched onto the Father's arm, nearly tearing it off.

His family screamed and tried to help him but Calum refused to let go. When out of nowhere, he let go. The man fell back, his arm hung awkwardly off his shoulder. Blood soaked his sleeve but he was still alive.

The vision ended and I felt the sadness and regret he must've felt after nearly killing a man due to his ignorance of the power he held.

"I vowed to get my temper under control so it would never happen again. It took a while but I managed to do it." He continued.

"Hey, you didn't mean to. Plus you're a different person now." I encourage. "You saved my life remember ?"

Calum smiled, a smile that could warm the hearts of many if he showed it more. I suddenly felt a presence approaching us, it felt ominous and definitely not someone I wanted to encounter..

I stopped walking, Calum stopped looking confused. I looked around and could feel whoever it was getting closer.

"Hailey ?" Calum asked. "What's wrong ?"

I looked at the bushes, sensing that's where it will show itself...

"Something is coming.." I stated and just as those words came out of my mouth.

A wolf jumped out of the bush, coming straight at me but Calum fended him off. His eyes started to glow and his teeth started to get sharper.

I stood in fear as Calum changed into his wolf form and wrestled with the other wolf, teeth baring and snarls traded back and forth. I backed away until my back hit the trunk of a tree.

I could feel this power build up inside me, it honestly felt like my body was tingling. Calum was tossed aside and landed in a bush. The wolf changed into it's human form.

He was a burly man, red hair and a scruffy shadow on his face. Calum also changed back into his human form and stood in front of me.

"What do you want Lachlan ?" Calum demanded.

The man chuckled as he shook himself free of any mud and leaves. Wow he even acted like a dog in human form.

"I want that Witch." Lachlan stated, did he just call me a Witch ?

Calum pulled me by the arm, so that I was directly behind him. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as I look wide eyed at the man.

"She's not a Witch asshole. Just leave and we can forget this ever happened." Calum spat, the hairs on his neck raising.

My fingertips started to feel heat. What the ?

"Are you kidding, Hood ?" Lachlan chuckled. "I have orders to get her and I'm not leaving until she comes with me."

I clenched my fists, getting angry that he was talking about me like I was just a piece of meat and not a person. The tree behind Lachlan started to shake but no one seem to notice.

"Says who ?" Calum asked. "Don ? Or have you decided to take it into your own hands ?"

Lachlan stepped closer and I could feel the energy inside me getting stronger.

"Don doesn't boss me around. But since he's too stupid to order us, I'm going to retrieve the Princess myself." Lachlan said. "Don't make me hurt you Calum."

And that's when I snapped and I pushed my hand forward and it was like a force came out of the palm of my hand, sending Lachlan flying against the tree. He made a grunting noise as he made impact, falling into the nearest bush.

I put my hand down, looking down in shock at the palm of my hand. There was a symbol slowly fading on my palm. Calum looked at my hand in shock at what I just did.

"Wow, she's more powerful than I thought." Lachlan said. "I'll be back, you haven't seen the last of me."

Lachlan changed into his wolf form and raced off into the brush, until his foot steps were so distant you couldn't hear them anymore.

Calum sighed in relief, what did I just do ?

"Come on, we have to get you out of here." Calum said, grabbing my hand as we raced back towards my house.

My mind went back to the crystal that magically appeared in my room...

A/N: Hi 🙋‍♀️ so I thank anyone who takes their time to read this. 👍, Comment or share it if ya like it !

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