Chapter 1-Introduction

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A/N-HIIIII! I'm so happy I finally made this account! So I have a KOTLC account, SOPHIE_SENCEN_5, but this account will be for my originals. Anyways, don't wanna keep ranting soo, ONTO THE CHAPTER! (P.S. This is in P.O.V's so I'll start in third person.)

Third Person P.O.V.

The teacher, Mrs.Smith, looked around the Math classroom, her gaze landing on a average brunette girl, with Emerald green eyes. Casey Connor. She often sat in the back and although she was smart, chose not to participate. Mrs.Smith continued to look around the class, her eyes falling on the  strawberry-blonde hair and brown eyed Mattew Miller. Mrs.Smith often gave him extra assignments. He got bullied a lot, and was known as the typically "Nerd". Sitting across the room was Jessie Mitchell, the popular girl. Long wave, blonde hair, dyed blue at the tips, a long with her cold, ice-blue eyes. She was tall and thin, but nobody knew the real reason. Lastly, Mrs.Smith looked to the corner where all the jocks sat, her gaze lingering on one in particular. Kyle Rogers, captain of the Football team. He had a light shade of chestnut brown hair that waved onto one side of his head perfectly. His eyes shimmered a perfect Turquoise colour. Finally, the bell rang and she released the students to go home.

Casey's P.O.V.

I rush down the hallway, straight to my locker, hoping to make it there before I run into someone. Especially Jessie Mitchell. Her and I were best friends in third grade, but then she made friends with this girl Jenny, who isn't even her friend anymore. I grabbed my things and rush out of the building. I almost make it to the sidewalk when I crash into someone. 

"Sorry!" I say. I look up and realize that this might be as bad as running into Jessie. 

"Watch where you're going loser!" It was one of the jock boys that are on the Football team, Steve. He's one of the team captain's best friends, so I wasn't surprised when Kyle got up from where the other jocks were at and came over to us. What I didn't expect was what he said next.

"Hey. What's going on here? Who's this? I don't think we've met. I'm Kyle." He flashed a smile and put out his hand for me to shake.

"Kyle, bro, she's just some loser that ran into me." Steve told him.

"She doesn't look like a loser to me." He shot back, earning a couple of ooooh's from their other friends. His hand was still outstretched for me to shake. I reluctantly took it. He gave another smile. He began to walk away, but turned around last minute.

"I didn't quite catch your name." He said.

"I'm Casey Connor." I told him.

"Two C's. I'll call you CC. Well see you later!" He called jogging back to his friends. I walked to the bus stop just as the bus go there. I got inside fast and found a seat beside my neighbour, Mathew Millers. 

"Hey Matt." I greeted. He looked up from the book he was reading and smiled. He reminded me of one of the characters of this book I used to read when I was in middle school.

|Who else caught that KOTLC reference? Ok I promise no more KOTLC talk.|

"Hey Casey. How's it going?" He asked, folding the corner of his book and shoving it in his backpack. 

"It's going. How about you?" I knew that Matt wasn't really popular and that he got bullied a lot, like me, so we are kind of friends. We don't have any of the same classes or lunches, other than Math.

"I've been better." He looked behind him as he said the words. I turned around to find some of the other Football players, snickering at some stupid joke. I turned back to Matt.

"How's your brother?" His older brother, John, had liver cancer and was finally going into remission after his surgery a year ago. 

"He's doing really well actually. He's been getting back to normal. Well, as normal as can be." Matt answered cheerily. I was happy that his brother survived it. A few years ago, when I was in grade 7, my older sister, Maria, died of heart cancer. She was just finishing her college years, and was about to become a lawyer. My parents were so proud of her. I started to close off to everyone. I only talked to Matt and my parents really, and apparently Kyle too now. Matt asked a question, pulling me from my thoughts.

"So, how are your parents?" He questioned.

"They're doing fine. My Mom got a new job at the restaurant that opened down the street. She was really excited." I informed him, smiling at the memory of the day.

"That's great!" He exclaimed. We continued talking until we reached our street. We picked up our bags and walked down the street. I waved goodbye as I put my key in the lock and opened the door. No one was home yet, so I grabbed a bag of chips from the cupboard and sat down on the couch. I picked the remote up off the table and turned on the T.V. The show playing was Friends and I turned the T.V off right away, feeling a tear roll down my cheek and land and my shirt. I ran upstairs to my room and locked myself inside. I knew that if my parents got home and saw me like this they would think something was wrong. Even though everything was wrong. I couldn't tell them though. Ever since Maria passed, they've been extremely hard on me. They get angry often and they don't talk to me much. I walked to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I start to full on break down. All of a sudden, I hear my phone ringing. I go back to my room to see who's calling.

"Unknown number." I mumble to myself. I don't answer.  A few seconds later I get a text fro the same number.

|Texts are in Italics|

Unknown number: Hey. It's Kyle. I forgot to ask for ur number, so I got it from Jessie.

I changed his contact name to Kyle and put the Football emoji beside it.

Me: Oh hey Kyle. Wait, ur friends with Jessie?

Kyle: Yeah. I know u guys don't have the best history, but I wanted to text u, so I just asked her.

Good to know she wasn't going around telling everyone what happened. 

Me: Oh. Why did u wanna text me?

Kyle: I wanted to know if ur free on Saturday.

Me: Ig. Why?

Kyle: Well I'm also free. Wanna hang?

Me: Sure?

Kyle: Cya then CC! ;)

Me: Cya.

I got off messages. I realized I was smiling and couldn't help but wonder what just happened. Was it a date? Nah, he just wants to hang as friends. I drifted of to sleep wondering, 

What if....

A/N- So that happened. I have to admit, it's not my best, and I'm TERRIBLE at originals, but the names are awesome so BONUS POINTS FOR MOI! Also I'm really cringy so prepare. Just letting you know, I'm signing off the authors notes with -Allybear cuz that's my thing on my KOTLC account so yeah. Anyways, ENJOY! -Allybear

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