Those Eyes

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He is no longer ice cold. I feel his warmth. His arms are wrapped around me. My head on his chest. It just felt so right. But we both knew that it couldn't last. Not if we were to live. Demitri brushed back a loose strand of hair from my head. I sighed. This was so perfect, if only it could be. I sat up. Demitri frowned at me.


"What's wrong?"

"We can't- I just-" I sighed. "This can't happen."

"What do you mean?"

"It just can't happen. We can not be together. Not whilst we're both here. I want to be with you, be we just- can't."

"Don't say that, there is a way." He grasped my hands.

"No. There isn't."

"Elizabeth. Listen to me, we can be together. I already have everything sorted."

I gasped "How?"

"I know people. I've got you a ride out of here, a plane ticket, and a ride back to forks."

"But- wait a minute. You said a plane ticket. Not two."

"We can't both go. I'll find a way out later."

I pulled my hands away, and shook my head. "I'm not leaving you."

"You've got to." He pushed, looking down.

"Why? We have only just got our chance to be together, and you want me to leave?" I questioned.

"For you're safety!"

I stood up, and walked over to the window. People were everywhere. I spotted an old couple, linking arms. A woman, with three beautiful children. Something I will never have.

Lucky. That's what they are. They'll never have to deal with any of this.

"Elizabeth, if you don't go, we'll both be killed."

"So you're saying that they're going to kill you?"

"No! But they might."

I didn't answer.

"You need to go. If not for me, then for the Cullens. They're your family. They love you, I love you."

"You sure don't act like it." I muttered. Maybe I should go, I needed to see Bella.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How do I know you really love me? How do I know that you don't just want me gone, so I won't distract you?"

"I do. Why don't you believe me?"

I turned to face him."Because it's all too good to be true. So you know what? I will go. Anything to get away from you." I growled, feeling the venom in my mouth.

Demitri looked like I had just punched him. Shock, pain and anger showed in his facial emotions.

"How could you say that?" He whispered.

I took a deep breath. I could not believe that I was going to do this. I looked him in the eye.

"You will leave me be. Hand me your phone."

Demitri reached into his pocket, and pulled out the phone he barely used. I took it from him. Scrolling through his recent calls, I found one name that stood out. Jimmy. It must be him. I dialled Jimmy.

"Ah, Demitri. So what'd she say. Do ya want the car?"

"She says send it now." I answered.

"Wait a minute, you're not Demitri."

"No, I'm Elizabeth. Is the car ready?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll send it over. The plane leaves in one hour."

"Great. Many thanks." I said, and hung up.

I handed Demitri the phone.

"Give me the ticket." I commanded. He pulled it out. I gently took it. "You are no longer under my power." I said, and he gained full control of his actions. He looked bewildered.

"Elizabeth? You used your power on me!"

"I had to." I said with no emotion.

He sighed. And saw the ticket in my hand.

"Guess this is goodbye?"

"Guess so. I'm so sorry."

He wrapped me in an embrace.

"No, I'm sorry. It's my fault you're a vampire. All of this is my fault. Please forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive." I whispered into his shoulder. If only I could cry.



"I love you."

He pushed me away at an arms length, still holding on.

"I love you too. Remember that. And can I ask one favour?"


"Stay safe." He whispered, and kissed my forehead.


We could hear the car. I looked into his eyes.

"I'll distract Aro and the others. Go." He said, looking away.

"I'll always love you. Thank you."

He did not reply, and so I ran out of the room. The speed was no longer a thrill. I reached one of the many entrances/exits, and looked at the familiar halls.

"Goodbye." I whispered. And disapeared into the night.


I sat in the car now, on the way to Charlie's house. I kept my eyes closed, and tried to block out everything. That's what had happened since I left. I heard a faint noise. My eyes opened.

"Miss? We've arrived." The driver informed me, he looked terrified.

"Thank you." I said.

The door was opened for me, and I stepped outside. The dull scenery of Forks surrounded me. Trees, green, and bad weather. I took in the air. This is home. I didn't take long to get to the door. I gently knocked, like a human would. The door swung open, and behind it stood Charlie. Shock covered his face. He turned back.

"Jesus, those eyes. Bells, you're gonna want to see this." He called.

I had forgot about my eyes. Bella ran towards Charlie.

"Wha-" She saw me. She gasped. "Liz." She pulled me into a great bear hug. And pushed me away.

"Is it really you?" She asked, and Charlie went back into the living room.

"Of course."

"I didn't think they would, but they did change you."

"It's OK. I'll explain everything later."

"Yes. But first you need to come in." She guestured me inside.

I walked in slowly. So far everyone was acting very normal, to what I thought they would. I gasped. In the lounge sat on the sofa, Charlie's hand in her's, was a woman with cropped brown hair, no longer red-rimmed eyes. And she was fully sober.

"Elizabeth!" She stood.

"Mum." My mother had overcome my father, whilst she thought I was dead.

Dawn (A Twilight Fanfiction) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now