Chapter 1

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The sun beamed on the concrete side walks and kissed the skin of New York citizens. The wind moved as swiftly as a arrow and felt as soft as the North Pole's snow. The sweet ole big apple seemed perfect at the moment, like everything was perfectly alined and nothing could go wrong. Yet a certain couple would disagree at that very moment because while everyone was strolling the park on the beautiful day. Miriam and Willy Johnson, the high school sweet hearts and every other lonely persons' relationship goals. They were pregnant with twins, exactly like they had planned. Except they were on a dinner date when the unexpected took place on their anniversary. Miriam just received her desert before a huge gush of fluid started rushing onto the floor. It was like a 5-gallon bucket of water falling onto the floor all at one, like a water hose.
"WILLY! I HAVING YOUR KIDS," Miriam screamed at Willy who was only 4 feet away from her.
The 10 minute car ride to the hospital was the longest ride of their lives. It was definitely something they'd never forget, because that was the day they were blessed with two beautiful newborn girls; Naiomi and Nandi.
Miriam had dreamt of the day she had kids all her life. From the time she was 7 and was given a mansion doll house with one customized barbie to the day her mom left her with her father just to live in Las Vegas in a bachelor condo with her guitar playing, Elvis singing, caramel biker boyfriend.
The last thing she said to 6 year old Miriam was " You guys aren't glamorous enough for me," then she flipped her blonde hair, hopped on the back of Bruno Mars motorcycle, and threw up the deuces sign.
Ever since then she planned that no matter what she was going to have perfection because perfection can't be rejected. She dreamt of a perfect family. Having a handsome husband with a great paying job and having two perfect beautiful girls. Sadly dreams don't always come true. One of her 4 pound and 6 ounce new born baby girl who was born at 1:35, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the lucky age of six. It was like Miriam's whole life was turning upside down. She keep her head in her leg to keep it from spinning. Her heart was moving the speed of a hungry cheetah, as she waited for the nurse to walk through the door.
More than anything in the world Naiomi wanted to be accepted by everyone. She wanted to be normal like her sister (who looked just like her). Ever since she's been born she was neglected by her own mother. She'd think "If my own mother can't love me, than how will someone else?" She spent most of her time caged up in a basement with thick rectangle bricks centered with steel and covered by paintings of the sun, the grass, the trees, and the birds. Which are things she'd never see in real life. But she'll stay occupied because she has a book shelf with 1,000 books about science, history, girl problems, etc. She even was given a diary which she writes on December 17th, 2014 at 11:45 pm, " I should be grateful for the person that took their precious time to build and have this precious hell hole made just me to be alone... forever. They had nothing but good intentions right? They were just trying to save me from myself right? Because no one could ever love a monster like me, no one can ever be able to. I get overly happy than extremely sad. I go from talking fast, jumping from one subject to another to feeling slowed down and tired, how could some one ever love me with bipolar disorder? But my mother, she's supposed to love me unconditionally when no one else does. She's supposed to hold me, teach me, and comfort me when I cry. At Least that is what the books tell me, or are they all lies put here to tease me. A licensed lunatic they want to make crazier. It's driving me insane! I just wanna be normal and able to live a happy life, only if I could switch bodies with my sister! Until a miracle occurs I'll sit here infront of this pink sparkly studded steel door that keeps me from the world and I'll wait." She'd wait from daybreak to sundown till she'd heard the clacking of 5 inch Christian Louboutin heels stomping down the ever ending stair well. Then she'll brush her hair and twinkle her eyes in the mirror before she runs the door to stare at the flask that opens so she can receive her cold dinner from the perfectly manicured pale hands of her cold hearted mother.

Miriam opened to the door to reveal her 5'5 figure, dressed in an all white blazer with black lace across the shoulders, a tight fitted mini skirt with a spilt around her butt area, a red tank top, and christian louboutin red bottoms. Her neck was iced with diamond necklaces and her ears were piecered with rubies. How tacky is that? But you have to give her credit, She was a well dressed devil.

"Did you brush you hair, Naiomi? Beauty is a habit, adjust to it," she said as she walked to the mirror to look at herself. "And why isn't you bed made? What do you do sleep all day ?"
" Yes mother. I brushed it one hundred times just like you told me to, I don't know how to make it look like you want it to," Naiomi Said as she stuffed her face with potatoes.
" Don't talk while you eat. It's disgusting. If you did everything I asked, then maybe you'll never have perfect hair. I wish you had hair like your sister," Miriam huffed.
" My hair has been drastically falling out, ever since I was 15 mother. I read a book about hair health care and it says that sun rays provide ultraviolet B energy. I need it for healthy hair and skin," Naiomi said desperately in hope of persuading her stubborn mother.
" Look you have a sun right there," Miriam says as she point towards the painting of a sun on her daughter brick wall.
" If you need ultraviolet B emery I'll buy you some vitamins, just to boost your confidence," Miriam said as she laughed.
" Mother it's not the same. Having me locked up in the volt under your house is keeping me from perfection. I can be your dream daughter, if you didn't withhold me from things that are so essential to life. I could be normal if you just let me, someone could actually love me," Naiomi said quickly, now with a fast beating heart, a squint face, and a balled up fist.

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