Day 1

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My alarm had rudely awakened me from my goodnight's sleep; It's the first day of my senior year. And you can guess: by now I'm literally done. Getting up at 6:00 every weekday is definitely something that I have to adapt to each year, and this is the last. As I was sitting in bed, I removed my black sweatshirt and pajama pants. And when I got up I remembered how much I dreaded this routine. I then pulled a Korn sweatshirt on over my head, and slipped on a pair of black skinnies. My school starts at 7:00 so I do have time to kill; I coated on my eyeliner extra thick, ate corn pops and watched 'Full House' since it's on every moment of the day. As you can tell I tried to forget everything that was going to happen.

At 6:45 I got myself off from the couch and slipped on a pair of solid black, ankle high vans. My hair is never a problem to me, luckily. Back in junior high/middle school, and my freshman year I would straighten it every single day; now I just let my purple and blue lions' mane dangle upon my lower back. Right before I stepped out of the door I slung my lazy ass, acid wash back pack over my left shoulder and put my literal five-pound key chain in my mouth. Sometimes I wish my mom were here to capture these moments, like my first day of my last year. She was here to get the first day of my first year on camera, why not my this one? But no, she's not, she's off with her boyfriend Daryl as always, it's whatever.

My car is an industrial black impala. My friend Chloe and I always call it the, "impala- balla," because it has so many problems it's not even funny, but we make it funny by being sarcastic.

"Oh shit.."

I forgot I had to pick up Chloe.... shit. Well this means I have to haul ass, doesn't it? As I pulled out of the driveway in a rather fast motion, I shoved my Blink 182 CD into the player and one of their songs immediately starts blasting. Ugh, I love driving but for some reason I hate when I'm driving in the morning to pick up Chloe, it's something that gets boring after a while, and it's been a while- about 3 years. My stomach feels queasy though, like something good might happen today; something different or new.

I've always had this gut feeling, my old friend Ellie and I would always call it my, 'pshyco-wave.' It would always end up being right, it's kind of freaky, but I love it. Later in my fifteenth year, Ellie had committed suicide, and I couldn't of prevented it from happening. It kills me when I think of it.

I honked on my horn twice while I pulled into Chloe's driveway, my horn has a little screech at the end- like I told you before, my 'impala balla' ain't ballin' no more. As she stumbled out of the doorway with a donut in her mouth, and her backpack in hand, her green shoulder-length birds nest spreaded across her face. She can't help it sometimes, her hair is absolutely crazy, no doubt. She was laughing maniacally at my screeching horn while I was laughing at her possessed hair, she didn't know.

Here are the things you should note about Chloe: shes popular in a weird way, snorts like a pig when she laughs, and is original. Her originality is what makes her popular, it goes the same with me but Chloe has always seemed to be better.

"Fuck this, man. WE'RE FUCKIN' SENIORRS, WE BREAK SHIT. YOU KNOW IT. WHOO WHOO!" Chloe yelled as she got into the car. I giggled because I didn't want her mom, or anyone for that matter to hear her, but they did, it's whatever. "Dude, calm down, or you're mom is going to come out.." I was trying to suppress my laugh but with her it's impossible. Chloe just continued to chuckle and turned up the radio.

When we rolled into the parking lot I saw a new car, an orange truck. I parked next to it in the handicap spot to make me seem kick ass, it never works. Chloe then said, "Oh yeah that's the new kids car, he's not new but he wasn't here all last semester apparently." She always knows these things, it's so weird. All the freshman were still outside talking; trying to look cool. The doors were open to the 12th grade hall, so Chloe and I just walked in and went to first period. This was literally the worst part of the day- I figured out my first period is science with Ms. Scarborough.

Ugh, I hate science, science is literally my worst subject, and to have it in the morning sucks balls, honestly. Big giant elephant balls.

I sat down in the back, the best and most convenient place for people who like music more than education. I ignored all of the chatter, the introductories, and then suddenly, through my music I heard a faded version of my name. I removed my head phones and listened, "Juliet Celeste?" Mrs. Scarborough announced, looking around the room. She must be calling role, "president." I said, multiple people chuckled nervously. I got that from my real dad, he told me once in third grade, instead of saying "present," to say "president," it always adds a bit of humor.

Right when I was about to put my headphones back in I heard the teacher say, "We missed you." So I looked up and saw him. All the sound blurred out and all I could see was him. I've never seen him before, he had long black hair and coated on eyeliner. I could already tell that he was my type, and there hadn't been a lot of people like that. His outfit is what got me, Blink 182 tank, and black skinny jeans with black combat boots.

At that moment I zoned back in and heard "Radke," his name must be Radke, that's different. He began to walk back towards me and was smiling. I just looked at him awkwardly and got my stuff off of the seat next to me so he could sit there. "You can sit here," I said. He then added, "I know, she told me to sit here." He giggled and I looked down with a confused look on my face, that's what I get for being mesmerized.

"So, Juliet, am I just paranoid or is she high?" He motioned towards the teacher, but all I could think of is the way he said my name; it was cute in a weird way that I don't know how to explain. I laughed and explained, "Yeah, you get used to it. I don't know if she thinks that we don't notice, but oh we do." He covered his face with his hands and did this laughing thing, "How do you know my name?" I questioned.

He looked at me the same way he looked at me when he was walking over here, and laughed uncontrollably, "Are *YOU* high?" He managed to utter out. I laughed nervously because I didn't know what was going on, and said, "No, why?" He then told me that the teacher introduced me and told him to go sit with me. "Oh." I continued to lightly laugh. "Yeah, oh."

It turns out Radke and I have four periods together, that made me all giddy inside. ITS LIKE ITS MEANT TO BE. In third period I got his attention by saying, "RADKE!" He came over to me and whispered "Why are you calling me by my last name?" I then started laughing because of my stupidity and explained the story of why I knew nothing about him, not even the basics. He laughed and explained, "My name is actually Ronnie, is there anything else basic, that you need to know?" I looked down and blushed.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Ronnie?"

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