It's been about 7 mothes since Kairi died and I'm really sad but I have to stay strong for hector. Hector davis cosentino is my soon. He's 5 and he's the cutest. He has crystal blue eyes and blonde hair but it's like kairis. He has freckles all over his face and a lisp that the cutest. I have to take him to school. It's about 6am and hector gets up at 7:30am. So I make breakfast and get dressed because I like to slay all those Karen's at school.

I change into a simple outfit (^) then I take my blonde curly hair and put it into a simple bun. I make a quick breakfast of bacon and eggs and wake up hector and get him dressed. I just change him into black jeans and a Gucci belt and a balenciaga shirt and black balenciaga shoes. I brush his fluffy blonde hair and it looked cute, I started to notice he's getting little curles in it. Just like me. We get in my car, It's a matte black. We get in and we drive to dunkin dounts. Everyday hector brings his best friend avery a donut and she brings him apple juice and they eat before school starts. I also get me and her mother a ice coffee. Me and her mother are quite good friends. Her names Avani and she's married to her husband Anthony. I get to the school and I see all em Karen's and Amy's looking at me. I flip them off and walk into the school. The kids eat for a little and me and Avani talk until the school bell rang I gave hector and avery a kiss on there forehead and I said they can come over tomorrow after school. They walked info school and I drive home and just watch netflix, clean, ect. I was sitting there scrolling one instagram then I decided to go shopping, I was shopping and I hear a group of young teens talking about how they got a message on there wrist. There a idea comes to mind. I'm going to write to kairi. I run in to a local dollorama (I don't know how to spell it💀) I run to get a sharpie, I was gonna pay but the line was long to I just walked out. I sat on a bench and turned over my arm. But something was there.