Ch 1 Your Familia

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It was a day like any other. You were hanging out with the rest of Passione at your hideout and were up before everyone else making breakfast. It was the least you could do to help out. I mean, they were always cleaning up the town and going on dangerous missions. Bruno walked up to you giving you a tender kiss on your temple.

"What's for breakfast today, Passerotta?" He asks, wearing his signature smile. Despite his protests against it, he has always treated you differently. You were special to him, as if you were the little sister he never had. Whenever a mission called for a stealth stand, everyone agreed you were best for the job, however, Bruno always argued against it. Due to his worries, Bruno more often than not, would accompany you. "For protection", of course.

Your stand, Practical Magic, was mostly a support stand. You're quite well known to have a few tricks up your sleeve, so it's not as though you're completely helpless. Its main ability, Rose Garden, creates an illusion within a 2 meter radius of any target of your choice. The illusion itself could be anything, from a singular object, to an entire space. The only condition of the illusion is that you must have seen it before. You've most commonly used it to eavesdrop on Bruno as he briefs the team about their next mission. You've even used it to tag along and help them out a few times. That was your little secret, though.

You turn to Bruno with a smile "Baked Eggs and Sausage. The coffee is brewing now, so it should be ready for everyone when they wake up." A soft chuckle escapes him.

"You really are too good to us." His words leave you mildly bewildered, as your gaze shifts over to him. How could he say that? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't even be alive. He rescued you from an awful master who nearly killed you! Sure, it may had been a coincidence that he was even there in the first place, but you owe him your gratitude, none the less. He offered to let you live with him until you got on your feet. Fast forward a year or so, and here we are. You just never left, and ended up becoming his younger sister, someone who was very dear to his heart. That was his idea.

"Fratello, it's the least I can do. Everyone here treats me so well. Not to mention I owe you my life. If you hadn't saved me that day, I'd certainly be dead. I'm so grateful for that, and try my best to show it." He gives a somber smile, seeming somewhat guilty. He knew it was sheer luck that he found you. He was sent on a mission to kill a drug lord taking over his side of the drug trade. He just so happened to have found you, outside of your master's office. You were lying in a pool of your own blood, with a nasty stab wound to your side. You'd have surely died of blood loss if left untreated. He couldn't bring himself to let that happen. Both of you were quickly snapped out of the memory as you heard several high pitched whines of hunger. Six of them, to be exact.

Mista wanders in, resting his arm on your shoulder. "Aye, Principessa, any idea when breakfast will be ready? If Sex Pistols keep whining, they might just wake up the entire house." He pauses and you can see a visible shiver. "And I'd rather not risk waking up Fugo or Abbacchio this early." A chuckle escapes you. It was true, the two of them weren't particularly pleasant upon waking....Not that Abbacchio was pleasant even when fully awake, but he was a different beast entirely without his 3 cups of morning coffee.

"Soon." You gave Mista your word. With that, he gave a smile, accompanied by a pleased nod, before heading over to the table to calm his childish stand.

As you went to the set the table, everyone else seemed to immediately congregate into the kitchen. Saying their "Good mornings" as they give you your morning cheek kisses, as a thank you for all that you do for them, before sitting themselves in their usual morning spots. Everyone except Abbacchio. Placing your hands on your hips, you deduce that he must have been drinking the night before, as no mission was given for today. "Typical" you say with an annoyed expression.

Narancia smirks as he looks to Fugo, who was sipping on his coffee. "She's gonna kick his ass...again!" You and Fugo both shoot a glare right at him,  the audible thud coming from under the table confirms your assumptions that Fugo was digging his heel into Narancia's foot, based on the cry the black haired boy let out. "You're being too loud this early in the morning." Fugo stated calmly, but clearly annoyed.

You walked up to Abbacchio's door, located directly next to yours. The smell of cologne and alcohol becomes more present as you get closer. Puffing out your cheeks and knocking on the door, you hear a groan and an irritated "Go away..."

Standing your ground, you knock again. "Abbacchio, I made breakfast. I swear to god I'll break this door down if you don't get your hungover ass out of bed!" You hear yet another groan, this time even louder. After a few seconds, the door cracks opens and you see a pair of  purple and gold eyes angrily peering. "I said...go away." He grumbled once more, the smell of alcohol clear as day on his breath. He looked absolutely awful. What time had he gone to bed? Had he even gone to bed? Was he still drunk? His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, makeup smudged, presumably from laying on it, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with purple pajama pants, which were completely disheveled.

"Are..are you still drunk?" You ask in slight shock due to his attitude and appearance. He had only ever treated you so coldly when he had been drinking. You never took it personally though. He was just a complete dickhead when he was drunk, somehow managing to be even worse than his usual self.

"Are you still drunk?" He mocked in as high of a pitched slurred whisper his deep voice would allow. That was it, The final straw had snapped. You managed to use all your weight to push the door open, revealing the destroyed mess that was his room. It was a train wreck. Clothes and wine bottles scattered everywhere. It smelled even worse than Narancia's room on a bad day, and that was saying something.

"Leone, go get a shower and sober up. Coffee is waiting for you downstairs. I'll clean this mess up later. Tomorrow's laundry day anyway." He looked at you, ready to give lip again, but turned to see Bruno standing in the doorway, clearly displeased with both his attitude and physical state. An annoyed "Tch." can be heard from Abbacchio, but he went and did as he was told without any other arguments, thanks to Bruno's unwavering gaze on the Lavender haired man.

Once everyone was sitting at the table for breakfast, shenanigans seemed to continue on as normal. Mista would hit on you, Fugo would go over Narancia's homework with him, which was more than likely completely wrong, resulting in a fight between the two. Giorno and Bruno were as polite as ever, offering to clean up the breakfast you so lovingly made for them. Abbacchio sat in the corner of the booth, relaxed, drinking his fourth possibly fifth cup of coffee, wearing his signature headphones, music blaring which would have been easy to hear had   Narancia and Fugo not been in the middle of an ever so violent screaming match. This was your morning every day, and you wouldn't trade it for the world. You loved them all dearly.

Bruno's phone began to ring, which he promptly answered as he headed back to his office. After sometime passed, he returned with a serious tone. "We have a new mission starting tomorrow, men. Passerotta, you will remain here to look after HQ." He said, quickly shutting down any hopes of you tagging along with them, but, in typical Bruno Fashion, he wanted you off the field, far away from danger. "Once breakfast is all cleaned up, we'll all meet in my office for the briefing. " You knew by "all", he meant everyone except you. You quickly stood up, disappointed once again, and went to go clean up Abbacchio's room.

You could hear Bruno and the others speaking downstairs. Perhaps since you had excused yourself, he had decided just to brief the gang at the table instead. You could hear something about your previous masters' gang causing trouble. You summon your stand creating an illusion focused on the bottom step, so you could easily eavesdrop at the top and listen in, completely unnoticed. One of your more frequently used talents.

Bruno explains that your previous masters' crew acquired a new leader who had began causing trouble once again, and it couldn't simply be ignored. Something about this news made you uneasy. Either the new leader was a complete idiot, or he had something else planned. It made absolutely no sense for them to gain the attention of The Boss like this. Bruno easily killed the previous leader, so what was really going on? You hear someone move towards the steps, so you quickly, but quietly, move back to Abbacchio's room and release the illusion cast on the stairs. The rest of the day goes by without any trouble, but the uneasy feeling in your stomach refuses to depart. Something seems off, and this feels very wrong, but if you say anything to Bruno about your suspicions, he will be furious, and become overly alert at every briefing from here on out. You feel so lost, and most of all, concerned for your family.

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