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No One POV

Atsuko finally arrived at Kudo's residence and she made her way through.

(A: Atsuko is this author-san, ttebayo!)

She slammed the door openes with a bang and shouted "CONAN-KUN!!!!"

The said boy that was having a snack and tea with his sister; having a cough fit before calming down.

"Tsu-nee-chan.... You scared me..." Conan gave a squinted eyes at the woman.

"There's no time for this!!! This is an emergency!!!" Atsuko walked to the living room and dragged Conan to his (Shinichi's) room.

"What is it?! Another case? Tte! Why're you changing my clothes!!" Conan's protest could be heard from outside the room.

"Ano... Tsu-chan. Let me change his clothes and try to calm down, nee..." Shiori watched with worry attached on her face.

Atsuko pointed at her watch "You have 3 minutes!!"

The door closed and Atsuko stood on the hallways.

"Everytime you came, it was like a typhoon huh, Atsuko-san." Subaru walked in front of her and smiled.

Atsuko narrowed her eyes and pinched the guy on the waist.

Subaru just hissed and laugh lightly.

"We're done, here." Shiori opened the door and displayed Conan wearing his official suit look: dark blue jacket, a pair of shorts and a red bowtie.

"De, what's the emergency?" Conan went to serious mode.

"Before that... Subaru, go get the car!"



And now the four of them arrived at a studio.

"Now, hurry, hurry!" Atsuko entered the studio and ushered them in.

At the same time, two familiar figure saw them.

"Eh? Isn't that brat with Nee-sama and Subaru-san?" Sonoko pointed at the figure that entering the building.

"Ah, you're right! What are they doing, I wonder?" Ran tilted her head.

"Suspicious... Ran! We're following them!" Sonoko pulled her best friend.

"Chotto! Eh?!"

After entering an elavator and entering a dark room with several spotlight, Conan questioned Atsuko again.

"Oi, what're we doing here?"

Atsuko came in front of Conan and hold his head with both hands and connected their foreheads.

"Something that I love to!"

Atsuko gripped Conan's head and magically sending some kind of information to his head.

"Guh!" Conan felt a bit sluggish but he managed to stand on the middle of the room.

Shiori grabbed Atsuko "Atsuko... You better not hurting my little brother or else..." Her blue tinted with purple seem scary right now.

"Maa, maa! Don't worry, Shiori. Rather, you should take your phone out. This is gonna be awesome!!! Music play!!!"

"Haa haaa... Are? What have I been doing...." Conan snapped out of whatever happens and feeling confused.



And now we have a victim on the floor and the culprit was identified.

"Eh?! Atsuko-nee-chan!! What is this... Nee-chan-!!"

Shiori was doing her best holding he phone without shaking though her tears came running like a waterfall.

"That was so beautiful... Conan. Hikkk huuu"

Subaru's glasses was reflecting the light so his expression was unknown but he was also holding his camera.

"Subaru-san too..."

The door was bursted opened by a familiar duo.

"Brat! I didn't know you had it in you! I'm amazed!!" Sonoko lookes really shocked at the little figure.

Ran nodded heavily "Sugoi yo ne.. Conan-kun."

Conan felt panic from their reactions "Ran-nee-chan... I.. What did I do.."

Ran showed him her phone with a video.

After 2 minutes watching it, a loud shout was heard from a studio.

"wh- guhh! WHAT IS THIS!!!!"

I Reincarnated In Detective Conan [NOT EDITED YET] Where stories live. Discover now