Under the bed

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   Peter and mj rushed to mj's apartment on the other side of town.
"FUCK! What the hell was that" mj said after closing the door.
Peter day on the bed and put his hands over his face. "W....what, am I gonna do now."
"Well you can't go outside, you can't do anything until someone clears this up".
Peters eyes spark "oh thank god shield will help!" He said relieved.
He pulled out his phone fast and called nick fury. "Mr. Fury" he said a bit desperate a bit scared. Nick hung up, and sent him a text.
Nick: well clear this up, but it'll take a few months
Nick deleted him a and blocked peter.
"I can't leave your house for who knows  how long" he said.
Mj thought about it "ok well just stay under my bed, there an entrance to a small crawls space under there.
"W..what your telling me that you see no problem with this at all" Peter said confused.
"It is what it is" she said nonchalant.
She gave him some snacks a blanket and pillow, "gimme your phone" Michelle said.
"Ok?" Peter said as he gave her it, she quickly opened the widow and chucked it out.
"Why would you do that" he said.
"You could be tracked loser, plus you only really use it to talk to me and watch YouTube" she chuckled
"What.....nooo" Peter denied.
"Well you do we have a tv in here and me, so all need covered" she smiled.
A million thoughts flashed through peters head, some worried some scared, some angry or sad, some happy to spend time with mj.
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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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